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It's Been Awhile...
It's been awhile since my last Journal post. My last post was made May 22, 2015. This is my first journal post under the new format, I haven't decided if I like it or not. It's alot easier to use that's for sure, It reminds of the dashboard in WordPress. I've been collecting on & off over the last 3 years, Meeting media guests on cons & still getting signatures from my favorite artists & writers. Everyone collects differently & I'm a signature kinda guy ( For the most part ). I've changed my screen name to something that made more sense for me. Going forward I've decided I want to be a more focused collector, Putting books into the collection that I "Really" like or love. I just recently started to put books into the CGC Registry again.
In May of 2015 I finally got to meet Neal Adams for the first time. He is probably one of my favorite artists of all time. The experience was education for the first time I felt he was kinda stand standoffish, But I got used to it since I've now met him on more than one occasion. I had him sign my copy of Green Lantern #87 that I bought at my LCS in the mid 90's.
Thanks for reading & Happy collecting & have a great 2018!!
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My 2018 Wondercon Experience :-)
Hello It's been a little while since I've done a journal. A lot has changed, also a lot has stayed the same First off I would like to say thank you to CGC for their part in providing one of the best convention experience I've ever had! As a comic collector, for me when books are graded it is the final step of the journey of my books. I love the signature series program, and getting yellow labels is the cherry on top. Blue labels are awesome too and I enjoy having them both. This convention was the culmination of many different factors. I have my first set of books on the way back from CGC so I thought now would be the perfect time to share my experience. My 2018 Wondercon experience actually began in 2017...
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Some new thoughts about the run
I've been giving some serious thought lately to possibly selling off the run down to #300. For one, 544 books in one run is a space issue. I need to make the most out of what space I have for comics right now and these things keep piling up! While having a full run of #1 through #544 would be sweet, I think in the long run I'd be fine with 1- 300. At least until our living situation changes and there is more space for comics. I'd like to have the full Copper Age run as those are the books I mostly started on X-Men with. After 300, things just get a little silly for a long time sadly.
I might not do this, and I have no idea how I'd sell off 244 books if I do decide to change the focus of the run. I'm just thinking out loud.
Anyone else here who started off working on a full run of volume 1 and changed the goal like this? Any regrets?
I can't imagine it ever ever being difficult nor expensive to rebuild the run later if I decide to have a complete volume 1. And it'd be something fun to work on.
On the other hand, I already have the books which is a pretty big point in the "just hang on to them" column, even with the storage space issue.
What do you all think?
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New Gods Kirby Run
Alright, Alright, Alright! Managed to score a number 4 of New Gods at 9.0 for a good price, under $50.
I do not have a raw copy of this issue or even a beat up copy. Good thing I have the black and white trade copy from several years ago.
So far I have two slabbed New Gods issues from Jack Kirby's original run. Debating whether to get the "Return of" issues and in no rush.
I do have a couple of raw issues of the Forever People from the same time but no slabs. That will change soon.
Here is a question: why was there never a crossover with OMAC and the New Gods? This would have been an idea to see where it would go.
Update: 01/12/18
I am about half way with my New Gods Kirby run. Have decided to send in my raw books. Not sure about a third raw book but I love the series and will get it slabbed.
There are some readable copies I do have on hand somewhere. Did not realize there were at least three copies of #9 in my possession along with a #7. I will find more as I look back through my collection.
And my OMAC run is slowly closing on the gaps. May find my John Byrne OMACs and get them slabbed as well. That is for a later time.
Update: 04/12/18
I have a New Gods 1 graded at 8.0. I am pleased but hoping for a 9.0. 8.0 is good.I have a number 8 graded at 6.0. The seller I bought it from neglected to tell me about water stain on the back inside page. Live and learn. I a couple of issues of 7 that I will look over to see which on is the best to send. That is later this month.
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N.I.C.E. #38 June 1989
A few months into 1989 and Chuck's NICE newsletters expanded in size, mainly due to more book reviews and the large appetite in investing by comic collectors. All of that while Indie books were starting to cool off
But that didnt stop Chuck from advising us on hot upcoming new indies:
Whats that youre telling me? A new adult line of books, with 2 variants? tiny print run?? lord have mercy, this will HAVE to be the next Cherry/Omaha! Or maybe the next Black Kiss?
And yes, of course, Abyss will naturally the next Aliens! See how this all makes sense?
Lets continue:
How amazing is it to read about all these spec books which ended up being complete duds? I cant imagine anyone even thinking of buying any of these books today even for nostalgic purposes. But if you think Chuck ran out of ways to sell you on books, think again:
But Chuck didnt just stop at speculating on comic books. There were also RPG, boxer shorts and mugs:
And Ill end this entry with a little bit of Chuck past spec history, from the man himself:
I would have looooved to see a spec article from him about Marvel's New Universe when it came out. Why, he'd probably push the heck out of those titles and guarantee you a sure premium on Merc and Spitfire!
EDIT: I did want to mention that this month saw the release of Vampire Lestat #1 which became Innovation's first commercial success and soon after launched a series of other Anne Rice adaptations all resulting in a major boost in secondary market prices. And yes, this was another big book that Chuck missed, much like all of them really.
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A few more items sold
I just wanted to put an update! Nothing crazy in the sales, but got sold some random glassware (haha, with proceeds going towards comic fund) and listed a few small 'lots' on craigslist today. Within 10 minutes got an inquiry for my Wolverine #1-4 (regular series, 1988?). Nice fellow, looked at conditions when we met nearby and paid full price. Very rare to not get a haggler on CL! Hopefully my other sets sell quickly. I plan to put more up soon.
So my goal again is to save up my funds to purchase something that is higher than my normal purchase range. I already have my eye on a comic that I want (possibly within my normal range) on ebay. Resisting urge to purchase!!!
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DC Presents #85
Stumbled upon an issue I have been looking for...oddly no other Swamp Thing comics with it. Unfortunately it has a couple of small flaws to keep it out of the 9.6/9.8 range so won't be able to add it to my Moore Swamp Thing CGC run.
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X-Men.. A complete run journey.
I have roughly 8000 books, mostly bronze and copper age, peppered with silver, and a handful of golden, all completed with some moderns.
First comic I bought was Web of Spiderman 17, at the local Circle K store in denver colorado.
I did some weekend work at the mile hi comics warehouse at one point, and was paid in back issues of web of spiderman.
I immediately fell in love with the X-men, and #207 was my first issue.
Since I purchased that #207, I have completed a run from 94-544, with the annuals, and giant size issues. #94 is CGC 8.5 Universal. Currently working on 1-93, and have only 33 issues remaining, with the main one being #1.I've managed to buy about 4000 bulk comics, which included a run from 144-350 or something like that, so I have duplicates.
I'm primarily a Marvel fan, but do have a fair amount of DC, with my focus being on the Flash. That run will be probably the next complete set I work on. I went through the Image phase, missed the walking dead, but have a nice set of Peter Panzerfaust, with a #1 CGC 9.8 that I enjoy.
I've recently started browsing again after the divorce was final, and have ventured out to the shops, antique stores and CON's as they happen.
I'm in the bay area now, and my comic shop of choice was Flying Colors. BUT, I don't purchase new comics any more. The last new comic I bought was the Death of Wolverine series, and so now my time is spent filling in the holes from 1963 to a few years ago.
So, I thought I'd throw this up here to keep a running documentation of where I'm at, and to share with those that may be curious.
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Amazing Spider-Man 200
Marvel Comics
Amazing Spider-Man 200, great Anniversary issue.
Highest graded copy I have owned, still have my reading copy.
Bought this from a board member.
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Wasted days and wasted time
Upetting to know that u want to be a million times better than u r now..but depressing to know that no one can better than anyone else...it's all the same at the end of the day...
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My First NEW Journal
Well, I can't seem to get the photo to display correctly, even though it shows correct before uploading, but here is my first new journal attempt. I tried to post earlier today, but the post never showed up...weird. Anyway, thank you to dreamtoreal1 for this sharp looking Iron Fist 14. I'm really looking forward to Ronnylama pressing it and then Chris Claremont signing it at ECCC this year. Hoping it comes back at least 9.2 but sometimes you never know. Hope everyone has a great year!
Til next time...
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Rebuilding my Comic Bookshelves
Back in 2014 I began making plans to move abroad. Expecting to have to downsize to smaller accommodations in Europe I sold off a huge chunk of my Comic book library (graphic novels, hardcovers, omnibuses and custom bound editions). Well I'm back in the US now and have started to work to rebuild my library. I thought it would be fun to track my progress here, and provide some reviews along the way.
As it is with books, some books I sold for a pretty penny have gone back into print and are now very affordable. Other titles that I created my own custom binds of have now had published volumes created (Gotham Central, DC 1 Million, etc), while other titles that were previously affordable have become difficult to find and have launched in price (why oh why did I sell them!??!).
If you want to see the original sales thread it is here:
Or just take a look at the Bookshelves I was selling from... Im not looking to perfectly replicate the collection, but it gives me a jumping off point for my hunt (and isn't the hunting the most fun part?)
So pull up a rich corinthian leather chair, put on your smoking jacket and join me in Miraclemet's collected editions library...
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Couple of new additions
Picked up a couple of issue this week as well as a puzzle and clock. Have a few issue I am still waiting on that I bought from a member.
Here is how I keep track of my issues. Still in the past like me or more advanced?
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Birthday Books
So i got my first birthday book as a gift this year. Blade Runner #1 (October 1982).
I think next year, Wolverine would make a great birthday book.
Any other October 1982 books to look out for? Feel free to share your b-day books as well, always nice to see.
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How does this turn into this turn into THIS?
I had purchased a BATMAN ADVENTURES #12 CGC 9.6 of ebay. I then purchased grader notes for the book after inspecting the book and not finding one spine crease and couldn't figure out why it was a 9.6. The notes stated there was a slight bend on back cover. I finally found it and it was not color breaking. I had sent it in to CCS for fast track pressing and fast track grading and CCS received it on 2/24/2017. On 04/12/2017 I had called CCS to find out why it had not been pressed yet because status still showed at CCS. I was told it was finalized on 04/05/2017 and someone would look into it and call me back later that day to give me more info. By 04/014/2007 I had still not received a call and it was still showing at CCS. So I called again and Cynthia said she would look into it and call me back. Nope no call back. Monday I called for the 3rd time and someone said that Cynthia would have to call me back. I then receive an email from her saying she tried to call my number on file(which is the correct number) and it was out of service and would not let her leave a message. Even though I have had the same number for 15 years and had called them from that number. She said it was sent to CGC in a large volume order and would was found. It graded at 9.6 again, now with different grader notes stating spine stress lines? I send an email in asking how this is possible and send in picks of both covers showing that one the dc logo is clearly a 1/4 inch higher on one book and asking for a response no gets back to me I call for a manager and never get in touch with one. Looking at the book I can see its clearly not the book I sent in by the cut of cover and its in no way a 9.6! So instead of sending in for a regrade in original case like I did the last time, I crack the case carefully place in bag and board in side a top loader in a mailer box inside a usps box. Send in to get pressed again and regraded and it comes back a 9.2? Which is about what it looked like the book they originally send me back looked like. This process took close to 8 months only for me to end up with a Batman adventures (.2 that should have been a 9.8 and PS the 9.2 gave no grader notes? Needless to say I am not happy!
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I am a Small Fish when it comes to eBay, so check out my stuff. There's a good chance you'll be able to snag something for cheap!
Here's my plan for eBay auctions. It's actually a lot of work setting these up, but it's also fun, and hopefully it's a good way to move some books I no longer have space for.
- Run auctions twice per month, always ending on Sunday
- Auctions are focused on a particular (e.g. - Conan & 70s/80s Marvels, 90's & modern books etc.)
- List the first batch of items on Thursday, 10 days before. Hopefully this gives some items more visibility.
- The rest of the items are listed on Sunday, a week before
- List items at (roughly) 2-minute intervals, in some logical order
- Whenever someone buys something from me, I include a little ad like this with the invoice. My hope is that previous customers are more likely to purchase from me again. Also, having a physical piece of paper helps give them a reminder...
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"1988 Wolverine Issue 88 CGC 9.8 True Non-Deluxe"
Last Saturday night (9/23/17) I was doing my usual late night surfing of the boards and I came across a WTS post from labratnotincluded selling one of his copies of Wolverine 102.5 CGC 9.8. This is probably the rarest book from the 1988 set so I immediately open the post to check it out. As expected the book was awesome but also as expected it was way more than I can spend on a book. Where this entry get its name was something he wrote in the section talking about possible trades.
“I'd consider a decent offer of a 1988 Wolverine Issue 88 CGC 9.8 True Non-Deluxe with something else enticing…”
One of the first things I did when I came back to collecting was to make excel sheet with the current census numbers for every issue in the 1988 run. This was my way to get a quick glimpse of what is rare right now. 102.5 was at the top of the list… 88 (Non-Deluxe) is very far down that list. I knew that 88 was an issues I was planning on submitting and I figured that he must have had some bad luck finding one. So I reached out saying that at some point that I’ll be sending some copies into CGC and I could possibly send a few extra in if he was interested.
The whole time something didn’t add up in my head. How is it possible that someone has two of the rarest comics in the set but doesn’t have an 88. The Census shows (42) 9.8 of the regular and (16) 9.8’s of the Deluxe, by those numbers the Deluxe should be much harder track down.
Well, after a few PM back and forth with labratnotincluded and some research it looks like the census could be wrong and there is likely far less of non deluxe versions.
From what I understand the theory goes like this: Originally there no distinction by CGC between normal and deluxe versions and they were all labeled as the standard. At some later date CGC added a variant for the deluxe version. But all graded copies prior to that date kept there designation of the standard copy. This would completely nullify the accuracy of census number and mess up people’s registry… but I don’t know if there is a reasonable way that CGC could fix it.
All this might be old news to the seasoned Wolverine collectors out there but it was new news to me. I found some posts that talk about how all the X-Titles between Nov 94 through Feb 95 had a similar standard and deluxe set up and that the 88 non deluxe is on rare side of things but nothing specifically about this book (could just be operator error using the search function). I hoping that this entry will be there to help some of newer wolverine collectors out there understand what’s going on with this issue.
I do have some questions for seasoned Wolverine Collectors out there that would help me wrap my mind around this book.
Exactly how rare is the 88 Non-Deluxe? – Since the census numbers aren’t useful in this case, how can we know? I looked at the top 20 sets in the wolverine 1988 and I could only verify 1 copy with a picture was a true non-deluxe. Some don’t have pictures, some note that the book is indeed a deluxe in the non-deluxe slot, others have a picture confirming that it is indeed a Deluxe in a non-deluxe slot. I searched all the usually online auctions/sales and I did not find any non-deluxe.
Is there a way to get more detailed census data? – I think a good indicator on the true numbers could be had by finding out the date that the deluxe variant was added to the registry and then see how many standard copies were added to the registry after that date. Is this possible? And if so how?
Is there a way to fix the census data? – This does not seem likely because they would likely need a photo of all non-deluxe CGC.
Also please chime in if anything that I wrote is incorrect or if there is a big piece of the puzzle that I’m missing.
Lastly, with all this in my head I went to my stacks and pulled my copies and bagged and boarded them up (out of the order that I mentioned in the previous post).
Wolverine #88 (51 Copies)
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Superman #149 upgrade
So I'm back from vacation with a new post! Actually, I got back from vacation a while ago, but work has been busy and it's been creeping into my off time. It'll probably be that way for the remainder of the year, so no weekday posting with any sort of regularity until the new year.
The busier work schedule did come with one silver lining, as it took me to a side of the state that I don't normally get to, and that means new and exciting comic book stores to check out! And find one I did...
Tardy's Collectors Corner in Grand Rapids, MI
It's the type of store I love, as I was greeted by the sight of dozens of long boxes laid out down the center of the store. It's the rare store these days that carry a wide range of back issues. Tardy's had the pre-requisite dollar boxes, but also a nice supply of copper/modern, bronze, silver, and even a few short boxes of the nicer Silver and Golden Age stuff! If you are ever in the area stop in and say hi, as Gavin was exceptionally nice and welcoming, and he was willing to do a little wheeling and dealing to get a deal made.
So what did I get?
I picked up a mid-grade Superman #155 for my pre-Adventure Comics #300 Legion collection. I'm now just 3 books away from polishing that one off. I also upgraded my beat-to-heck copy of New Gods #4, which means that my DC Kirby collection is now all mid-to-high grade.
Most exciting of all, however, was the chance to upgrade one of my favorite Silver Age Superman stories...Superman #149
The beater copy on the left I got for a five spot at my local LCS. I paid a bit more ($75) for the upgrade, but you have to step up for the quality, eh?
If you've never read this issue, it's a great "full length novel" that tells an imaginary tale of the Death of Superman. It had to be imaginary, as who would ever think of killing Superman for real, right? It's also a great cautionary Lex Luthor story, asking "can a leopard really change his spots?"
SpoilerHe can't.
In this day and age, I imagine this story would be a year-long sub-plot running through all of the Super books, but back in the day it was done in one. Speaking of which, isn't Lex currently reformed and playing the role of hero? Hmmm...
This book is also the last 10¢ issue, before they raised the price up 2¢ with issue #150. Do you think was just random timing back in the day, that the price hike landed on an anniversary issue? Where anniversary issues even a thing yet?
Oh well, a mystery for another day perhaps.
Enjoy your own upgrading!
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New Dimension Comics Exclusive
Back in 2004 or around that time period, I purchased the Witchblade #75 variant New Dimension Comics Exclusive with the David Nestler cover. There were 3 different covers, which included 2 limited edition covers. One was the Wizard World Philly Cheesecake & Cheesesteak Gold Foil Edition limited to 500 copies and the other was the Silver Foil Edition limited to 99 copies. Well I had purchased one of each and just recently sent them in to be graded. I sent all 3 variants in and all came back with a CGC 9.8 grade. The cover art is very cool and something to look at. I love these new cases that CGC is using and maybe it is me, but the clarity through the plastic is extremely clear. Thanks for looking, 109
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Comic Spinner Racks
I have 2 comic spinner racks in my comic room. They're not vintage. I bought them new a few years ago. I think the company went out of business though as I Googled them last year but couldn't find them.
Here's one of the racks. It's not the best picture but you can kinda see I keep my Sin City collection there, as well as Tomine's Optic Nerve (which is the best "slice-of-life" series IMHO).
I hang action figures on the racks, including this Gwen Stacy. I got John Romita to sign it years ago at a MegaCon.
Here's the 2nd spinner. In this rack I have the complete Strangers in Paradise series, along with Astro City, Marvels, Planetary and Miller's DD run.
I have a third comic rack, but it's not a spinner. It's the kind you attach to a wall. I like it because the bins are wider so I can store Silver Age books there. Here are a couple of pictures. Thanks for reading.
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Believe it or don't
My wife recently got on me to do something about something that happened back when I was 13 years old, I am know 55.
I know that nothing can be done about it, But I will pass on the story that only a few friends and family know.
I will start with some of my background, I started collecting Marvel comics back in the early 70's I of corse sold that collection back in the 90's.(Bad mistake)
I restarted collecting in 2000. I went on to work as a layout designer for the HASBRO Toy co. Starting in 1984 worked on Transformers G.I. Joe ...
Instruction layout & line art ... I will get to the story, as most 13 year olds that are big Marvel fans I was a member of "FOOM".
I would send drawings of super heros that I created, the first time I sent one in my brother in-law took it and had a copy made and I sent the copy.
The second time I did not make a copy . It was not like today as you can make a copy at home. You had to take it to work or to a copy store.
About 6 months after sending it in I received FOOM #12 and there on page #28 was my Super hero ... The Name was the same his helmet and chest design
Was the same. They had dropped the cape, shield and changed his boots but it was my hero. I sent a letter asking about my hero but even at 13 I knew
I would never get a response. I recently picked up a copy of FOOM #13 and showed it to my wife, she knew the story.
I know it was Marv Wolfman and John Buscema ... That "created" him and of course both worked on Foom magazine at that time.
But all I can do is tell the story, You can choose to believe it or not. The Super hero is NOVA.
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last look at my collection of slabs
Ya know, I should have entered this set into the registry back in 2013. There's a few pedigrees, some keys... it was a nice set. The Ghost Rider and Spider-man sets were just starting up but the Transformer and X-men sets were filling in nicely. Ah well no point in doing it now as these are gonna hit the forum market and then whatever is left will head off to the auction houses.
At the bottom of the list I added thumbnails, only because I thought it looked kinda cool. I'll be uploading the real scans this weekend as time permits, likely the actual listings will begin next Friday. Prices will be close to GPA, give or take a bit, but time payments are available so that's an extra incentive.
Amazing Spiderman 12 CGC 8.0 Off-White to White
Amazing Spiderman 57 CGC 9.2 Off White
Amazing Spiderman 116 CGC 9.2 Off White to White
Amazing Spiderman 129 CGC 9.6 White Pages 1st Punisher
Amazing Spiderman 162 CGC 9.6 White Pages
Amazing Spiderman 201 CGC 9.6 White Pages
Amazing Spiderman 202 CGC 9.6 White Pages
Amazing Spiderman 239 CGC 9.8 White Pages
Amazing Spiderman 250 CGC 9.8 White Pages
Amazing Spiderman 252 CGC 9.6 White Pages Tied for 1st black costume
Spectacular Spiderman 1 CGC 9.6 White
Spectacular Spiderman 8 CGC 9.6 White
Spiderman vs Wolverine 1 CGC 9.6 White
Web of Spiderman 1 CGC 9.4 Off White to White
Web of Spiderman 2 CGC 9.6 White
Avengers 47 CGC 9.4 White Magneto App.
Avengers Annual 7 CGC 9.6 White Thanos Saga
Fantastic Four 28 CGC 8.5 Off White to White Early X-men App.
Ghost Rider (1950) 1 CGC 9.0 Off White to White Oldest issue in my collection by a long shot!
Ghost Rider (1973) 1 CGC 9.6 White
Ghost Rider (1973) 3 CGC 9.6 White
Ghost Rider (1973) 35 CGC 9.6 White
Ghost Rider (1973) 37 CGC 9.6 White
Ghost Rider (1973) 47 CGC 9.6 White
Ghost Rider (1973) 67 CGC 9.8 White
Incredible Hulk 181 CGC 9.4 White 1st full Wolverine
Incredible Hulk 340 CGC 9.8 White Classic Wolverine McFarlane cover
Iron Fist 14 CGC 9.6 White 1st Sabertooth
Iron Fist 15 CGC 9.4 White X-men App.
Power Man and Iron Fist 66 CGC 9.6 White 2nd SabertoothMarvel Spotlight 5 CGC 9.2 White 1st 1970s Ghost Rider
Marvel Spotlight 7 CGC 9.6 White Sucha News Pedigree
Marvel Spotlight 9 CGC 9.6 White Sucha News Pedigree
Marvel Super Action (1976) 1 CGC 9.4 White Magazine size - Punisher
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars 8 CGC 9.6 White Origin of Symbiote/black costume
Marvel Team-Up Annual 1 (1976) CGC 9.6 White X-men and Spidey
Masters of the Universe (1986) 1 CGC 9.6 White
Next Men, John Byrne's (1992) 21 CGC 9.6 White 1st full color HellboyPunisher Vol. 1 1 CGC 9.6 WhiteTransformers 1 CGC 9.6 White Pages
Transformers 2 CGC 9.6 White Pages
Transformers 3 CGC 9.6 White Pages
Transformers 4 CGC 9.6 White Pages
Transformers 6 CGC 9.4 White Pages
Transformers 16 CGC 9.6 White Pages
Transformers 18 CGC 9.6 White Pages
Transformers 19 CGC 9.4 Off White to White
Transformers 20 CGC 9.6 White Pages
Transformers 22 CGC 9.8 White Pages
Transformers 26 CGC 9.6 Off White to White
Transformers 28 CGC 9.8 White
Transformers 31 CGC 9.6 White Pages
Transformers 36 CGC 9.8 White Pages
Transformers 40 CGC 9.6 White Pages
Transformers 41 CGC 9.4 White Pages
Transformers 42 CGC 9.6 White Pages
Transformers 43 CGC 9.6 White Pages
Transformers 46 CGC 9.4 White Pages
Transformers 48 CGC 9.6 White Pages
Transformers 52 CGC 9.6 White Pages
Transformers 53 CGC 9.6 White Pages
Transformers 54 CGC 9.8 White Pages
Transformers 56 CGC 9.6 White Pages
Transformers 60 CGC 9.4 White Pages
Transformers 61 CGC 9.8 White Pages
Transformers 64 CGC 9.6 White Pages
Transformers 65 CGC 9.4 White Pages
Transformers 67 CGC 9.4 White Pages
Transformers 68 CGC 9.6 White Pages
Transformers 69 CGC 9.6 White Pages
Transformers 70 CGC 9.6 White Pages
Transformers 73 CGC 9.6 White Pages
Transformers 75 CGC 9.6 White Pages
Transformers 76 CGC 9.6 White Pages
Transformers 77 CGC 9.6 Off White to White
Transformers 78 CGC 9.4 White Pages
Transformers Universe 1 CGC 9.2 White Pages
Transformers Universe 2 CGC 9.4 White Pages
Transformers Universe 4 CGC 9.4 White Pages
Transformers The Movie 1 CGC 9.6 White PagesWalking Dead 3 CGC 9.6 White
Walking Dead 19 CGC 9.8 White 1st MichonneWolverine Vol.1 1 CGC 9.8 White
Wolverine Vol.1 2 CGC 9.6 White
Wolverine Vol.1 3 CGC 9.6 White
Wolverine Vol.1 4 CGC 9.6 White
Wolverine Vol.2 1 CGC 9.6 WhiteXmen 1 CGC 8.5 Off White to White 1st X-men ; 1st Magneto
Xmen 5 CGC 8.5 Off White to White
Xmen 6 CGC 8.5 Off White to White
Xmen 7 CGC 8.5 White
Xmen 8 CGC 8.5 White
Xmen 10 CGC 8.5 White
Xmen 12 CGC 9.2 Off White to White 1st Juggernaut
Xmen 14 CGC 9.2 Off White to White 1st Sentinels
Xmen 16 CGC 9.2 Off White to White
Xmen 18 CGC 9.2 Off White to White
Xmen 19 CGC 9.2 Off White to White
Xmen 20 CGC 9.2 Off White to White
Xmen 21 CGC 9.2 White
Xmen 22 CGC 9.2 Off White to White
Xmen 23 CGC 9.2 White
Xmen 24 CGC 9.2 White
Xmen 25 CGC 9.4 White
Xmen 26 CGC 9.2 Off White to White
Xmen 27 CGC 9.4 Off White to White
Xmen 28 CGC 9.2 White
Xmen 29 CGC 9.4 Off White to White
Xmen 30 CGC 9.2 White
Xmen 32 CGC 9.2 Off White to White
Xmen 35 CGC 9.2 White Spider-man app, sorta
Xmen 38 CGC 9.2 White
Xmen 42 CGC 9.2 White
Xmen 43 CGC 9.2 Off White to White
Xmen 44 CGC 9.2 Off White to White
Xmen 45 CGC 9.2 White
Xmen 48 CGC 9.2 White
Xmen 51 CGC 9.4 Off White to White
Xmen 52 CGC 9.4 White
Xmen 53 CGC 9.2 White
Xmen 55 CGC 9.4 White
Xmen 56 CGC 9.4 White
Xmen 57 CGC 9.4 Off White to White
Xmen 59 CGC 9.2 White
Xmen 60 CGC 9.2 White
Xmen 63 CGC 9.2 White
Xmen 64 CGC 9.2 White
Xmen 65 CGC 9.2 White
Xmen 66 CGC 9.4 White Hulk App; Brad Squared collection
Xmen 96 CGC 9.4 White
Xmen 97 CGC 9.6 White
Xmen 98 CGC 9.4 White
Xmen 99 CGC 9.4 White
Xmen 100 CGC 9.6 White old X-men vs New
Xmen 101 CGC 9.6 White 1st Phoenix
Xmen 102 CGC 9.4 White
Xmen 103 CGC 9.4 White
Xmen 104 CGC 9.6 White
Xmen 105 CGC 9.6 White
Xmen 106 CGC 9.4 White
Xmen 107 CGC 9.4 White
Xmen 108 CGC 9.6 White
Xmen 109 CGC 9.6 White
Xmen 110 CGC 9.4 White
Xmen 111 CGC 9.4 White
Xmen 112 CGC 9.6 White
Xmen 113 CGC 9.4 White
Xmen 114 CGC 9.4 White
Xmen 115 CGC 9.4 White
Xmen 116 CGC 9.6 White
Xmen 117 CGC 9.6 White
Xmen 118 CGC 9.6 White
Xmen 119 CGC 9.6 White 1st App Alpha Flight cameo ; DON MAGGIE THOMPSON Pedigree
Xmen 120 CGC 9.4 White 1st Full app Alpha Flight
Xmen 121 CGC 9.4 White
Xmen 122 CGC 9.6 White
Xmen 123 CGC 9.4 White
Xmen 124 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 125 CGC 9.6 White
Xmen 126 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 127 CGC 9.6 White
Xmen 128 CGC 9.6 White
Xmen 129 CGC 9.4 White 1st Kitty Pryde and White Queen
Xmen 130 CGC 9.6 White 1st Dazzler
Xmen 131 CGC 9.4 White
Xmen 132 CGC 9.6 White
Xmen 133 CGC 9.6 White
Xmen 135 CGC 9.6 White
Xmen 136 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 137 CGC 9.6 White "Death" of phoenix
Xmen 138 CGC 9.6 White
Xmen 139 CGC 9.6 White
Xmen 140 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 142 CGC 9.6 White
Xmen 143 CGC 9.4 White
Xmen 143 CGC 9.2 White
Xmen 144 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 145 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 146 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 147 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 149 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 150 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 154 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 155 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 156 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 157 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 158 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 160 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 161 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 162 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 163 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 165 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 167 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 171 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 172 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 173 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 174 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 176 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 188 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 189 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 207 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 211 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 212 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 213 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 214 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 222 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 228 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 232 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 238 CGC 9.8 White
Xmen 248 CGC 9.8 White 1st Jim Lee on X-men
Annual 5 CGC 9.8 White - 3
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