Nice find in a LCS

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 Just got back from my vacation hiking in NY state. Found a little comic store and pick these up for $3 - $5 each. I'd grade them all in the 8.0 to 9.0. Cant wait to read them.



Entries in this journal

How many copies of issue does a person really need?

Just got done with putting a custom set together in my Registry of all my “Aurora Comic Scenes” collection doubles and realized I have more copies than any normal collector should. I mean, who needs 5 copies of the Lone Ranger issue. Oh wait, that’s not the worst of it, how about 9 copies of the Batman issue. I seem to justify the Batman issue by thinking he’s a very popular character and people will always want one of these issue as time goes by. Don’t think that’s really going to happen and so


Best2u in Obsessed?


Just a small entry to thank CGC for my recent Best Of Bronze Age award. 



New comics in comic cave

It was time to change the comics being shown in the cave. The first 2 are in honor of  Halloween. The next 3 are up because I was in a wedding. The flower for my lapel is made of a comic book page.



My own comic room???

I've always wanted my own room to display my comics in and now I have one. True, I do have to share it with other family members, but when I'm in there by myself it's my own little comic cave. The view's great whether sitting or standing or just digging some meds out of the pantry. Thanks to the family for letting me put up any comics I want. I've been changing comics every 2 or 3 weeks. The comics now on display are Summer Love #46 and 47 with Beatles covers due to the fact it is summer still a



Nice find in LCS

Just got back from a hiking trip in upstate NY. I found a little comic store and picked these up for $3 to $5 each. Can't wait to read them.



Packageing is broken

Time to upgrade? Recently made a purchase of a comic from Heritage Auctions. Never worried about it getting to me in one piece until the last 2 or 3 times. They used to send everyone of my wins in a double boxed package with a ton of bubble wrap that hardly fit in the box. The last few times its been one box and at the most two or maybe three layers of wrap. Hey, when I spend $400 on a comic that's a big deal, that's the most I've ever spent on a single comic, I think they should pack a littl



Is it time for...

LEADING COMIC AUCTION HOUSES NEED TO ADDRESS THIS ISSUE! First posted on 4/2013 by me.-I think it's time for the leading comic auctions, Heritage, ComicLink, and others, to start posting both the front and back covers on their auction pages. There is no reason that this can't be done for every comic auctioned. I've noticed that they do it for their top of the line rare books with high value. Every book I bid on from them is just as important to me, even if it's value may only be a couple of



Where and When?

Is eBay what it used to be? I've been selling some of my doubles and "what was I thinking" comics on ebay for a few weeks now. The doubles are from upgrades and the "what was I thinking" are from series I was going to collect and decided not to or maybe just liked the cover but most likely a impulse buy. Been putting up 6 or 7 issues a week and selling only 2 or 3 of them. They're all mid to high grade comics and listed at, what I feel are great starting prices. I list then ending on Sund



Well, it's a new year. I'm going to commit to one rant every week this year.

All rants will be comic related. Okay, I've noticed that the journals are mostly dead so I'm here to get things started up. Every week this year I will be posting a new journal dealing with something comic related that drives me bonkers. My first rant is what you're reading, when you should be writing a journal for all of us to read. It drives my crazy when I check the journals and the ones listed are over a week old. I remember the good old days when there were 3 or 4 new ones every day. Wher



Weeding out the doubles, unwanted, and, what was I thinking.

Should I really be selling these on eBay? Okay, the wife is sick. The yard work is all done so I had this past weekend free to do what ever I wanted. I decided to go book by book thru all my graded comics. I started with my Gold Key Star Trek issues and one of the first copies I came to was a book I had replaced with a higher grade. I set it to the side and kept going, by the time all 61 issues had been looked at I had about 10 slabs I no longer needed. I guess I forgot how many upgrades I had



New from ComicLink

What the heck is a sock story Got this little honey off from ComicLink but haven't gotten it yet due to the need for a new slab. Anyway, I was giving it a look over online and saw the it says there are 4 Sock Stories inside. Do you think, like me, that that is a mistake and should have been Shock Stories. And, if not, what is a Sock Story? To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.



New from ComicLink

Also, where are all the people posting journals? I have the number one set of Headline Comics but I felt that it really wasn't worth having unless I had #1 and #37. Well, I've had #1 for some time but last night I added #37 from the ComicLink auction. Grade didn't really matter as I couldn't afford anything in a higher grade than the 5.0 that this comic is. As a little side rant. I look every day for new posts to the journals but as of late it's been dead. I know it's summer and Comic-Co




Centered covers a must The first 15 covers of the Ghosts series are very difficult to find without some portion of the cover design cut off. I even think there may some cover that cannot be found complete. I just found the #5 cover in the ComicLink auction with a full cover. I had to pay a bunch for it but it's the first one I've seen. Check out my Ghosts collection in the Registry to see some other full covers and some almost full covers with just a bit of the design missing. To see old



The test is on, CBCS vs. CGC, part seven..

No ace in the hole here. Once again, sorry for the delay. Life got going and I got to go visit my kid for a couple weeks. It's time to do the last book, Gang Busters #18. This was graded 7.5 by CBCS and came back 6.5 from CGC. I don't really have to much of a problem with that. There are a lot of little things that show up. Staples are out of place, a few little chips, edges a bit ruff, and a few bend here and there, and that's just the front cover. The back has a pretty big dust shadow, tiny



Oh poop, wrong picture

Sorry Here's the right picture for my last post. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.



The test is on, CBCS vs. CGC, part six...

Lack of info. Sorry for the amount of time between my posts. This journal is about the Gang Busters #10 that I broke out of its CBCS jacket and submitted to CGC. I do have a bit of a problem with it being lowered a full point from 9.0 to 8.0. This is the one comic I was thinking would be a sure lock for the same grade. I'm sure I didn't do any damage cracking it out or that anything happened in packaging or shipping. I'm pretty sure the covers grade a 9.0 so it must be something CGC found insi



The test is on, CBCS vs. CGC, part five...

Trim or no trim, that is the ?. Well here we go. Purchased off from ebay for $44 in June along with 3 others Gang Busters comics (#10,18, and 6). All were graded by CBCS and this issue, #13, was graded 8.0 OW/W pgs. After deciding to break them out for grading by CGC I started this journal to let people know how things were going. CGC has since removed some or all of them I'm told. This issue came back from CGC as a 8.0 white pgs. but with the "Cover Trimmed" note. I was somewhat shock as to h



The test is on, CBCS vs. CGC, part four

Sorry this took so long. Okay, I'm back with part four. Sorry it took so long but I got the chance to go hiking in upstate NY for a week and the comics came back the day I was to leave. If your new to the series of posts please read the first parts to see what's going on. The first book to look at will be the Gang Busters #6. CBCS graded as 9.4 with white pages. I was thinking it would hold that grade but maybe have OW to white pages. CGC sent it back as a 9.2 with white pages. I guess I can l



The test is on, CBCS vs. CGC, Part 3

The results are listed but do I dare look. Just check my submission of the 4 Gang Busters issues that were graded by CBCS and broken out for a CGC submission. They said they were being shipped so that means the grades are listed online. Do I look or do I wait till they show up at the PO Box before I report back to you people. I've been getting a bad vibe since I saw that the #13 had a trimmed cover. I know I made some predictions of what I was thinking they would come back as and I'll stick to



The test is on, CBCS vs. CGC. Part 2

Oh no, not going to well for CBCS. Make sure you read part 1 first. Here is a update. Just looked to see how my order was coming along and noticed that they had marked the Gang Busters #13 as having a trimmed cover. Hard to think that CBCS would have missed that. Think I'll be staying with CGC. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.



The test is on, CBCS vs. CGC. Part One.

The sound of the crack, the flying of broken plastic, the sheering of the scissors. Okay, recently picked up four issues of Gang Busters off from ebay. All four were in CBCS slabs and within the grade range of books that I wanted to start my Gang Busters Registry set with. When I purchased them I told myself that I was not going to crack them out and send them to CGC. They would be just fine setting in the Gang Busters box with my only other issue, Gang Busters #51 CGC-7.5 ow/w Aurora pedi



What ever happened to...

I posted this journal over 2 years ago, Anybody have new info? Posted: 2/26/2011 12:13:19 PM | Views:489   Seems like ten years ago I heard about it. Anybody in the know have any information on the pedigree book that's been in production for almost the last decade? I looked forward to buying that thing for five years at Christmas time and it never came out. I then got mad for a few years that it was taking so long and then said if it ever came out I wouldn't buy it, I was just that pis




LEADING COMIC AUCTION HOUSES NEED TO ADDRESS THIS ISSUE! I think it's time for the leading comic auctions, Heritage, ComicLink, and others, to start posting both the front and back covers on their auction pages. There is no reason that this can't be done for every comic auctioned. I've noticed that they do it for their top of the line rare books with high value. Every book I bid on from them is just as important to me, even if it's value may only be a couple of hundred bucks, as those tho



Brownies Smoke Shop ???

Blue dealer stamp on a blue cover I have a Boy Commandos #30, CGC-7.5, that has a dealer stamp in blue ink that is almost the same color blue as the cover. The stamp has 3 lines and the top one says "Brownies Smoke Shop" but I can't make out the other lines. Just wondering if anyone knows anything about the stamp or has the same stamp on one of thier comics. I would like to know what the other lines say also. Thanks and let me know if you know anything about it. Best2u To see old comments



Whatever happened to...

Seems like ten years ago I heard about it. Anybody in the know have any information on the pedigree book that's be in production for the last decade or so. I looked forward to buying that thing for five years at Christmas time and it never came out. I then got mad for a few years that it was taking so long and then said if it ever came out I wouldn't buy it, I was just that pissed. Well, it's been another year or so and haven't heard a thing about it. Anybody know if it's still on the table or

