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...a GLOB of paint.

I discovered this curious.... I was comparing books again, and I found ..something that requires further investigation, but .... Take a look at this: (see images in image.) These books came from the same lot, the same order, the same source, the same everything.. ..., but the 9.4 (single cert, 2 images), two images right, there is.. some kind of mark.... I don't think I dropped a.. GLOB OF PAINT ..on my precious.. [Christmas 1984] Cerebus 55s

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

Journal 31: ...Oakland International Airport?

I really am slow, to get these things, but I'll get on a jet, after geeking around in the coffee shop here. *** I UNEARTHED THIS (of the pictured SPOOKY No. 55):   Owner's Description ...not part of original ks collection, ...new from, HA, AND.. SURPRISE !! *** This is a.. ONE-IN-ALL, ...like O-A-K, Scoob, Oakland International Airport! Oakland ? International ? Airport ? (OI_Ay!) (O, IAh!) ..sounds like {Oi! Yay!}{Oh! Yeah!} ..a ONE-IN-ALL!

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

Jrnl 30: A.G. = After Grading (-writ b-day 51)

Is BLUE LABEL like BLUE RIBBON ?? THIS ONE.. I call: A.G. = After Grading (..., and as a supplement to my, B.G. = Before Green, Journal entry posted: 7/11/2014 11:49:12 AM) Now, I have.. the AFTER result.... *** This COSMIC AEROPLANE has been 'Cornerstoned', and fittingly, IT'S.. UNIVERSAL !! Is BLUE LABEL like BLUE RIBBON?? ...Gold Label like Olympic Gold ?? ..the AFTER result...? ...to say I am pleased would be an under= statement on account of the fact t

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

Addendum Journal: What.. a SAVE, b-o-f.

I love the part about the.... Especially, from the 'As I....'What.. a SAVE! I love the part about.. 'the scrutinisation process'. Especially, from, 'As I hold the actual comic book....' to 'I hold it at different angles using the light....' ...great story. ...nice move! (s'matter wit; youse guys? ...32 views, and no QUUUAAACCCKKKSSS back?) Did y'u eve' hear a bunny QUUUAAACCCKKK? I ain't no bunny, but I'm QUUUAAACCCKKK-in upover this one. Can you say 'coup d'etats'? Again, nice move b-o-f, re

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

...turns out, 100 looks like.. (Journal 27 b)

THE ONLY ONE WHERE DAVE [sTEVENS] DIDN'T WRITE THE DATE, AND JUST PUT '&', NEXT TO MY 'KS STAMP'. (I didn't plan this, but I was looking back on my 1, 25, 50, 75, and ....100.)Imaging yesteryears book Today.. (~, I'm thankful I can walk; I'm thankful I can see; I am thankful I can use my hands; I'm thankful I can think.)This is the bc of the 133rd overall, the 83rd 9.8, of Chapter 3, of The Rocketeer, with a cut in of the signature.. from 1983.... ..with the.. Label Text: ""Dave Stev

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

...CGC book 100, ... ____(1201951002), or 'HEY! Burt, get a load of this!'

(Commands..) Image Tomorrow.   Journal 27.{SCUTTLEBUTT-ROCKETEER-AERODROME}*** This is the 133rd cgc'd Pacific Presents #1, the 83rd 9.8, and Here's the Cert. Info.: Certification Information Certification #: 1201951002 Title: Pacific Presents Issue: 1 Issue Date: 10/82 Issue Year: 1982 Publisher: Pacific Comics Grade: 9.8 Page Quality: WHITE Label Text: ""Dave Stevens"" written on 1st page in pen. ""KS"" stamp 1st page. ""KS-code"" written on interior cover in pen. Grade Date: 10/23/2014 Cat

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

Journal 26: I couldn't believe it, ...BUT 7/7 ... {!!}, all SIGNED by DAVE STEVENS?

(; I was expecting maybe ONE 9.8, on 2 titles, AND...) ...all SIGNED by DAVE STEVENS (!), ..20th March, 1983, at the old Comics & Comix location, on Irving St. in San Francisco, where I write from Starbucks, also on Irving St. [near 9th Ave.], now. So, take a look at this: Pacific Presents #1 Modern 1201951001 9.8 WHITE Pacific Presents #1 Modern 1201951002 9.8 WHITE Pacific Presents #2 Modern 1201951003 9.8 WHITE Starslayer #2 Modern 1201951004 9.8 WHITE

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

!?_Clark Kant-Waite


You are the nicest looking girl here ... TO SUSAN -- You are the nicest looking girl here Dave Sim       (Here's CEREBUS No 4, from an old CBG purchase (1983). I have only 5 of the original 11, never had the No 1 or the No 3. The susan was dressed as Red Sophia at the Atlanta Fantasy Fair [Autumn, 1979]. Dave signed No 11 The Latest Issue. I have 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 from the set; ...just sent these off to CCS, and CGC....)       {...probably SOLD my best No 4 on ebay 2004, but I hope

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

B.G. = Before Green

.. [label of death] Now, I have.. more BEFORE pics.... Nevertheless, despite threats of gun violence, from the SFPD for sleeping in the park (i.e., GGP), and.. after ALL [the other], MOST ASTOUNDINGS, I am.. to witness on a daily basis, I don't think.. I could be more thoroughly disgusted.. with 'Equality', 'Fair Employment', and MOST IMPORTANTLY, 'Justice' in America, < So! Where is THE JUSTICE LEAGUE > and 'responsibility' as 'a way of being'.. ..., AND

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

Splash Page

This is A.. ..from, where else, FISH POLICE No 7, with 8 SIGNATURES (!!!!!!!!), and my hand-written note from 1987, (O, God! ...26 years?) plus my X-Stamper Recd. Date, and mylar snug with acid-free board, in the background. *** Now, IF I can submit this....

'Birth' 'Cert.' 'Day' )-( 'BC-Day'; for.. Ares Snake?

(...inhales through teeth.) ...FITTS, sports fans? Owner&amp's Description: THIS.. IS.. 'THE FITTS'! ________(i.e., THE.. 'First In The Top Spot'!)   '...nuthe' steak sand''''', Hon'', ove' he'e; ..ra'e.' - Tony Soprano Yeah, this [book] IS 'Overstreet' 'rare' (i.e., 'ra'e'), but how.. did David Chase.. write that stuff?   By adding one 'T' to FITS to get FITTS, C K-W has another 'coin' on 4-21-2014.   *** ...not part of original [ks] collection; ...new HA

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

Green Label Of Death? I hope not, ..

I preserved these for a reason. (..to live, not to die.) Now, I have four G-Ls-O-D.... Three are manufacturer's errors (guts set upside down and backwards, and two without [certain] inks), the last is signed/dated by Gilbert Shelton and Paul Mavrides (with cartoons), which I, as well as Rory Root, witnessed. (Can the Spirit World vouchsafe for me? - silence) * I'll likely get a Green Label, for my Wally Wood signed and panel-noted Weird Fantasy #9, purchased

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

...an easy Quiz for FF-FOOM, - (Can you place this page?)

(...apologies for the orientation of the image.) I bet this IS, AND post-dates FOOM, by quite a bit.   Can you place this page?   (I found this page blowing on the street, afternoon last, here in SF, and photoed, this side of 4 total.)   FF-FOOM = Fantastic Four - Friends Of Ol Marvel   (Introduce: Can You Place This Page?)

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

FITS, anyone?

I am convulsing, with laughter, I just got another one w/F-I-T-S.[This book is..]NOT part of Original Collection; - new HA. *** ..., BUT this IS.. First In Top Spot (FITS, anyone? ... THIS.. IS.. The G - O - A - T - S; G - Greatest O - One A - At T - Top S - Spot (Questionable, Debatable, and is Temporary)..., and THIS.. IS.. The G - R - E - A - T - S; G - Grading R - Recorded E - Earliest A - At T - Top S - Spot ..., as well as a wack, one of a kind. (No? Really? [yep. ~s true!] ...really,

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

Truly HER-O-WICC: Gemma. ...looking at this 'set req. list' (w/ breath-held) it seemed..

'without', 'with', 'interior', 'exterior', and 'Upside Down' - (Holy Smokes! Those are HUGE BITES!)   (I probably would have heard 'Error' instead of 'working' - computer NCC-1701).   So, THANK YOU, thank you, thank you. Thank you for your majick.   Thank you for taking 'our sport'.. to higher levels.. still.   I say, 'Wow!', and I think 'Where will this thing, the CGC CS, go?', the reply from my RAC, sounds as clearly as the song:   'Forward Ever

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

...one from R VanDER WG: ...just found out that John Barrett.. forwarded away.

Is it true? I cannot find an obit.. .., but these two guys.... ..., that these two guys (John Barrett, right, Bob Beerbohm, left) I saw on a regular basis, in my life, and I am feeling VERY THANKFUL for their presence of mind, and for their presence. (...pics 20+ yrs. apart) (RIP, JB. The next drink is yours, Cheers!) On the JB pic, I walked past EVERY BOOK, except for the few I bought (see Cerebus?) on THOSE VERY STANDS. ...you see the Alpha Flight, the Indiana Jones, & the Robotec

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

!?_Clark Kant-Waite


oddballs in rare form. CHEERS! ...may your live-work, life-dreams.. become more.. truer this year, but the year of the Snake is not quite shed. (Hence the Anomaly No 4, Corben Cvr..) I, too echos 109's: "I just want to say I have enjoyed reading all the journal posts for the past year or so and I'm looking forward to reading many more...." (Aren't we all at the drawing board [of life] ?)   (...pictured are the two oddballs in raw form.)

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

NIcole et al. get VISIONS #3 added to th' FCC set, so..

..here's another [book]   to add to the registered   [Flaming Carrot Comics]   sets....'Thanks' to Lisa Berzins, Customer Service (NGC)an Eric Downton (on the CGC side) an las', but not least: > Nicole Paternostro > for Today at 6:14 AM (Look a that!) > ~ > This has been added. > Thanks, > Nicole (...of the three Total Visions #3s encased this is the third of three, and the second 9.0, with one higher than both at 9.4). ...not a stupendous book grade, but well worth i

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

Do Cert.s matter.. [to yous] ?? <Is it a G-A-K SideTrack?? Or, your noble friend, ?>

GAK = a Gak is someone, or something that gets in your way. The BEST e.g., is a car cuts in front of you, and puts on the brakes. The noble friend gives you another portal into objectivity and perspective, in stead of blockage. (Gak - 1980s colloquialism) Richie Rich Dollars and Cents No 29 *** Item Name: Richie Rich Dollars and Cents #29 File Copy (Harvey, 1969) CGC NM/MT 9.8 Off-white pages. Giant Size V (This book is Unique, and, unbeknownst to me, Very Special. - ks)

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

...y'u ever cry in a Starbucks? / Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue / &..

FREE SCANS ...y'u ever cry in a Starbucks? ..., ON, 'So, where's the Baxter Building?' Posted: 11/15/2013 by itonarely "My very first Journal" (or, "Let's see if anyone cares..."). , WELCOMING itonarely: (I'll jus' pick it up where I left off, and let it go. - ks = > ) COMICS: ...folk in which I felt I could not relate to, especially the ones who were trying to emulate people living in city environments and fabricating a fake "hard-core" lifestyle!

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

What If? CGC does this?:

(sorry image next time) (You can't see it on this one) (and 'this' = > is according to the ComicsPriceGuide website) > MINT GRADES > GEM MINT: 10.0 > MINT : 9.9 > The best possible existing condition of a comic book. A > near perfect book. It is very rare especially in older > comic books pre-1990 (...got one! - ks) > to discover a comic in either Mint or Gem Mint condition. > Books in this condition pre-1980 are virtually non-existent. (he

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

Don't let your mom tear up your "comics."

ON THE CONS (of collecting cgc books) ON THE CONS (of collecting cgc books) THE CONS 1. You Will Become a Nerd. > ...too late! Yes, you heard me. > !I know; es verdad! You will become a nerd. > You said that; I got it. > I know I'm an 'Original' Nerd. Yep! ...an 'Oh-Enn.' > I know; I'm a first wave 'Gak' even though I DO NOT > look like it at all. > I'm 6 feet 3 inches in bare feet, and I weigh 174 pounds, > fighting weight, with less

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

Today, I celebrate..

with The Flaming Carrot. Today, Thursday, 27 June, 2013, I celebrate over 30 years with The Flaming Carrot, and of the 29th anniversary (to the day!) of owning these books! (see photo) *** The following Certificates, and associated books from Bud Plant invoice 007482, are, of "The 20", related (i.e., sisters/siblings): X (9.2) 0188275002 (9.6) 0188940005 (9.8) 0210518001 (96th, 9th 9.8), 0210518002 (97th, 10th 9.8), 0210518003 (98th, 32nd 9.

!?_Clark Kant-Waite

!?_Clark Kant-Waite