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Everything posted by BB-Gun

  1. I like the Capt Aero books. They have Miss Victory by Nina Albright. And the Clue comics have Microface, Sleepy and a bunch of other strange heroes. My quest to acquire more Capt America motorcycle covers has been unsuccessful but I did note that Brad Pitt rode an Indian, a Triumph and a Harley in Benjamin Buttons.
  2. I got a late Christmas present from the guys at GA.uk. Dynamo had a Super Car and Fox published a template in Science 6. Thanks guys. The propeller is moving so fast that it is just a blur on my model. Uh Huh. OK, I have too much free time. bb
  3. Shiver, Thanks for the Frazetta story. I always thought that Burt was more of a Superhero than any of the guys that played them in the Saturday afternoon serials. bb
  4. Perhaps I don't recognize inks by Frazetta but I would expect them to look more like his other work that he did for Nedor. bb
  5. Nice looking artwork. According to GCD, Gene Fawcette was the illustrator. GCD credits Bob Oksner and Frank Frazetta as the artists on, "The Mark of the Dinosaurs." And, for "The Freezer Gas" story they credit Ken Battefield as the penciler with inks by Frank Frazetta or Everett Raymond Kinstler. BB, do you have scans of any pages from either of those stories? The dinosaurs look like Frazetta art but the other pages don't show much work by Frazetta. I think he worked on the splash of the first story but may or may not have worked on the second. I may not know Fawcette's art when I see it. I didn't think that the Tara story looked like his work. bb
  6. Welcome, erehwon! One of my favorite STARTLING's, and credited to Alex Schomburg to boot!!! (thumbs u Isn't this supposed to be Schomburg's first Sci Fi cover. It seems late since he was doing interior illustrations for several years before and early Experimenter covers too. bb
  7. I like the Nedor covers, especially the Schomburgs, but the interior art isn't as good as Harvey or DC. The later issues seem to be better due to Meskin and Robinson and others. I noticed these GA.uk scans of Wonder 17 with a really nice splash (and super cover). bb
  8. Is Pinocchio a coloring book? I thought it wasn't a Feature book. bb
  9. More superhero books from the "B" box. I have more Blue Beetles and Black Cats but these are a little more interesting than some of the others. I must save some energy for the "C" box. This box used to be filled with Crime comics but now it is mostly the Captain ______ box. bb
  10. More superhero books, this time from the "B" box. I wish the whole box was filled with Batman. I have a bunch of 3/4 cover and coverless copies in another box, but I doubt if I will be able to get to those if I am going to do the whole alphabet. bb
  11. Donald duck in his car by Don Rosa. bb
  12. Thanks Shiver, I usually never make it out of the "A" box when I start scanning. These books are not as interesting as some of the first group. My collection of junk is still small potatoes compared to BZ, Billy Parker and many other board members. But they look good in a group. After I make it to the "G"box, I will go back and list other genre. These are just the fanboy favorite superheroes, although I did scan a Seven Seas girl (but she is kind of super). The All Flash 11 story looks especially good. I think I will go back and read that one again. bb
  13. Another sweet batch of books! Well done! Great set if books Sharon! I count three flag covers... GE I am always envious of these group shops. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of mint books and I don't have a camera. But I can try to create a group shot with scans from my collection and a little photoshop. bb A couple of these are missing centerfolds and tears have been repaired and Pep 33 is just a cover but it is fun to stack them all up. I hope the scans weren't too large. bb
  14. I guess now is a good time to show this off. I won a coverless copy to Hangman #3 off of Ebay about a month ago. Here is the first page MLJ comics have some of the most gruesome splash panels. I liked these Web pages. bb
  15. This Bob Phantom splash reminds me of Matt Baker. Art by Bernard Klein according to the GCD And Montana did terrific work on the St. Louis Kid. Mistakenly assigned to Streeter in the GCD. Both splashes are scans from Top Notch 21 provided by GA.uk
  16. I like the early Top Notch issues. They seem a little classier than the later MLJ which became almost slap stick. Or at least they were imitating Simon and Kirby's Capt. America. And The Wizard has a nifty car. bb Above is Streak Chandler from Top Notch 6 and below is the Wizard splash from Top Notch 1. Edd Ashe's art reminds me of Guardineer.
  17. I found a couple of Superman giveaways for sale on ebay. I don't see these often but I was offered one that was brittle for a good price. I turned down the offer because I would rather have shabby with good paper quality. I hate watching the comics turn to dust. bb PS I didn't buy these but you still have an hour to bid.
  18. Robert Overstreet didn't have a copy to puff? GREAT page! Radium-protective coating! What issue is it from? At the GA comics scan site? Thanks, Jack The hypo stories were from Lightning v2#1 which was recently added to GA.uk I think the villian was pretty good but I am not sure that he was a great dancer. The story has a lot of golden age humor (because the villians are so melodramatic) but the pages are mixed up.
  19. The hero used a syringe. Twice! Ouch! And Mooney's Mummy used a syringe! These hypo stories are not noted in Overstreet. Wonder why?
  20. That's a dynamite splash!! "The venomous octopus that is Japan slithers over China bent on ruthless conquest! In answer to the call of the oppressed Chinese a modern Robin Hood comes through an emerald ether to challenge the war lords!" Is the story as good as that first page? I don't think the story is better than the splash. I enjoy the way the dark turtle figure creeps into random panels. The plot is basic war stuff. Green T had some nice covers and splash panels but he was inconsistent like Blue Beetle. Perhaps Kiefer drew some of the covers which didn't turn out as well as others. bb
  21. Green Turtle super-hero!! I sure hope goldenagecomics.co.uk has those stories scanned. I don't think they have the Feb issue scanned yet. I have had that particular issue for 10 years and it is in pretty nice condition except for the printing flaws. GA.uk does have two issues of Blazing with a couple of nice Green T stories. I like this splash. bb
  22. That is one violent splash - wonder what issue it's from? That is from Fight 47. The other splashes are from Jumbo 103, Rangers 38 and Fight 54. All scans were from Goldenagecomics.co.uk I collect Baker covers and Schomburg covers. The nice think about collecting Baker is that he also did the interior art for a lot of the comics. And it is some of the best art you will ever find. But the Fiction House work is sometimes mixed with other artists it seems or the inkers change the look. Webb and Kamen also produced similar work. bb
  23. I enjoyed the Daffy Commando cartoon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=by3FVKdaQyE I am not sure why this was banned. Perhaps it was bad taste after the war. bb
  24. I learned today that the turtle is a sign of the chieftans of the Mohican tribe. At least according to the 1936 movie (Last of ...). Does that mean that the Green Turtle was a chief? Poor Bruce Cabot went from being the hero of "King Kong" to the villian Magua.
  25. holy smokes! congrats on the buy! didn't know the fc 367 cover existed. can you treat us to a pic of the 96 cover? Here is the comic. We are still waiting for the original art. What about a printers proof from FC 147?