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Designer Toast

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Everything posted by Designer Toast

  1. I was seriously hoping Kraven had changed his ways. I was dismayed when I saw Kraven by this red phone and heard him muttering something about calling Batman and setting a trap...Kraven quickly cleared his throat and tried to give me a coy look...
  2. I took Kraven for a tour of the CERC (Communications & Emergency Response Center) and he was pretty impressed with it.
  3. It took a little convincing, but Kraven came around after trying some of the best coffee in town. This place has fantastically roasted beans and they've perfected the science of coffee - I've never gotten a bad cup there. I'll eventually have to take him to Full City so he can sample another place with amazing coffee...
  4. Im going to assume you left Kraven off of that incident report. There is no Kraven here...he was never here...now move along
  5. After a bit of a frustrating morning, Kraven wanted to get some coffee. I told Kraven there was no way I was drinking that Starbucks swill, we'd be going to get some adult coffee and not some sugar laden with over-roasted beans...
  6. Don't let Kraven distract you while you're driving...
  7. Kraven settled down after a bit and was actually pretty helpful...
  8. I told Kraven there was no way he was going to be rolling out with me with that small arsenal. Kraven objected at first, but relented when he couldn't figure out how the safety on any of the firearms worked...well, except the Glock and that's an incident that shall remain unreported. Kraven was acting a bit crazy so I promised to take him around later and give him the nickel tour...
  9. Kraven had brought that silly Valise handbag with him and I had no iead how much that bag could actually hold. Kraven said, "You didn't think I was going to roll out here naked, did you?"
  10. Like I was saying, Kraven came to work with me and I didn't want to leave him in a weird position if we ran into trouble. So I gave Kraven a pair of handcuffs and a radio. Thinking I was doing the right thing, Kraven scoffed at the handcuffs and radio.
  11. Kraven just got a delivery from Ikea. Pics to follow...
  12. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Cheerios-Premiums-Y1-9-8-graded-pgx-Donald-Ducks-Atom-bomb-Carl-Barks-art-/291784071910?hash=item43efaf9ae6:g:vtMAAOSwQupXVM2d Buyer beware - ziggydust16 is yet another Ryan Elliott account. If you'd like a little history on his selling and trimming of these Disney premiums, it's all right here.
  13. It was an interesting day with Kraven keeping me company at work. The day was good, but not without some theatrics and antics from Kraven. I had no idea such a small purse, er, um, Valise handbag could store so many weapons. I'm at home ready to hit the hay and will have some pics of Kraven tomorrow. I probably should have had Kraven screened a bit more thoroughly before hitting the streets with him. More to come...
  14. Kraven did most of, if not all the talking. I just played patient host and could tell this visit was going to be a looooonnnnnng one. Kraven became animated in telling me about the adventures he'd had with other boardies, and some of the crazy things he'd seen. I blushed at the thought of Kraven revealing some of those embarrassing stories about some boardies...not that anyone on the boards would be surprised. Kraven and I, well, when i could get a word in, talked for the rest of the evening. Before I knew it, it was time to hit the sack because I had to work in the morning. I did call a supervisor at the office and asked if Kraven could go out for a ride along with me. Kraven would have to sign the usual papers for liability and seemed to be pretty excited about rolling out with me in the morning...
  15. I offered Kraven some tea, which he gladly accepted. Kraven said he needed a break from all the beer he'd been drinking in Springfield, quickly glossing over a bit of weight gain. I assured Kraven we'd be hitting the gym soon because I had definitely been on the upswing where numbers on the scale were concerned. We sat in the kitchen and I gave Kraven a moment to settle in.
  16. Not one to be a poor host, I invited Kraven in and offered to help with his bags. My wife, also not a poor host, invited Kraven into our home and asked about the shiny purse he was carrying. "Oh, did you find someone's purse," she asked. Kraven, who looked offended for a brief moment, scoffed, "What? No. It's a Valise!" I took Kraven's slightly crabby response as his just being tired from all the traveling he'd been doing. Kraven carried his own stuff in and told me to expect a shipment of some of his other belongings.
  17. It was early this morning when I heard a thunderous pounding on my door. I rarely get the opportunity to sleep in and was tempted to ignore the knocking, as I wasn't expecting anyone. Jehova's witnesses? Magazine peddlers? Scouts selling cookies? Thin mints were sounding good, but not good enough to get out of bed. Boom! Boom! No, this was a confident knocking, not that of some schlepper. I knew it wasn't greggy coming to visit, surely he'd have tripped coming up the steps of the porch. Intrigued, I slipped out of bed and fought off the temptation of returning to my slumber I opened the door and there he was; Kraven had arrived.
  18. I drink beer, just once in a while now, Mr. Brewer
  19. Need to take Kraven shopping for some patrol gear.
  20. Not sure if this was mentioned - rumor was that Karl Urban was being considered.
  21. I was way busy the last few weeks. If Kraven hasn't shipped out yet, I'd love to get him. I've got a wedding coming up, the Olympic Trials, and more that Kraven would have a blast at
  22. You can probably add ziggydust17 - looks like another Ryan Elliott shill account.
  23. One of my CIs says word on the street is there's a plot brewing to kidnap Kraven