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Everything posted by Claudio

  1. I have not decided on the answer. It was just more poor attempt at Shakespearean humor.
  2. Congrats buddy, and welcome to the WD#1 OA club its been a long journey but it was worth it Now to get a Moore OA cover I have started my journey to get a Moore OA cover. TWD or not TWD. That is the question.
  3. You're right. I am not the type of person to try to ruffle feathers on the board but I was honestly shocked. I expressed my opinion and the conversation quickly took off and I had no control over it any more!
  4. why would it be shocking? popular series, great art, great story, not shocking at all. what's shocking is finding people who collect real human heads. people who collect comic books are not shocking. now, you might not think it's the best investment to collect walking dead for future gains, but it is not shocking. the reason why people get defensive is because, from those first 2 sentences alone, it reads as if you are unfairly knocking their hobby. I meant to say it is shocking that they collect it in slabs. Heck, I collect TWD but it is a 3 dollar book and 27-37 dollar case (for the most part). Not only that, it seems like there are a lot of people that collect that way. If bragnet can sell 10, how many more people out there are buying and selling as well? I'm starting to get over my shock though.
  5. Yes it does. Come on now. Not all the Preachers sold. Yes. They all sold.
  6. Yes. I just think it is a waste of money. You said because they sell. Do you sell 10 or more copies or not? Yup it is shocking to me how many people collect TWD. I stated my reasons for why it was shocking. No need to get defensive. Do you know what else I find shocking? People who eat raw bacon. I mean, I eat raw fish but raw bacon was just weird (and shocking) to me. I fond out that several people do that. I feel that they can do what they want but I am still surprised at how many people do it. If I think about it some more, I become less shocked at the habit. Kinda like in this case. At first I was floored. Then as I think/discuss it more and more, I am less shocked. I still think it is a bad idea but that is just me. I keep responding to you and it seems like I am on a pulpit decreeing the evils of slabbing comics but that is not the case. Ok, it might be cheaper, it might not. Personally, I think it is pricey for a manufactured collectible. Oh and the Preachers were sold a while ago.
  7. You should. It will obviously take you a few reads to understand a little better. I was shocked to find out that you sell 10 slabs (and that was a slow month!). You were a little vague when you answered my question but you made it seem like you sell them. At that point I made the assumption that there are more than 10 people that collect this series in slabs. That shocked me. Why did it shock me? Because I am surprised that cgc carries that much weight. Why else am I surprised? Because I think it is a bad investment. Why else am I surprised? Because 9.8's of TWD aren't that rare. However, what I do not want to do is tell people what to do with their money. If crnbrd or stumptown or someone wants to buy the series like that, it is up to them. Relative. "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." In comparison to a silver, bronze or even an older modern, TWD is relatively easier to find in 9.8. No, I am surprised. That is all. I know why I collected. It just always seemed like I was the only one collecting certain series or that I was in a small minority. The number of people collecting TWD is surprising. Where did I ever say that I didn't understand why people would collect? I am just surprised that they would buy slabbed copies of this particular run (well the later issues, at least). Also, CGC provides this message board for us to actually discuss what the comic is about and not just the number on the slab. Really? Could you get 10 copies of the last issue as easily as you got the 10 copies of #85? You are being completely disingenuous. If getting YTML or Preacher really were as easy as getting the latest issue of TWD in 9.8, you would have had those completed long before this year. No, go and find them. I hear it is easy to do. No, it isn't. On that we can agree. Finally, what is funny is that as I was writing my responses, I could begin to see why people might want to buy TWD from you. If they were going to get them slabbed anyway and they pay you an extra 10 bucks a month plus shipping, that doesn't turn out to be too much if you think about it. In a year, they might pay 120-150 more and they don't have to run all over the place searching for the perfect copy. I am still surprised at the number of people collecting the series in CGC cases though.
  8. Yes, I would say it is relatively easy. I read moderns and some coppers. I don't read any GA or SA. I just don't slab them. Why is that so foreign to you? I found that collecting a load of slabs from cool series was just too much of a pain. It took up too much space and now that I am planning a family and realize how precious space can be! After selling my Preacher and Y and Sandman slabs, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Maybe that's why I am shocked. Also, I think Preacher was harder to find in 9.8. People used to bag and board comics when Preacher was first released but now there is even more care given to keeping comics as minty as possible. If TWD has a print run of 40k, I would think that 8k of them would be 9.8 candidates. I guess I just don't see a reason to collect the entire run. And I don't see why people would want to collect issue 85 in 9.8 unless they were trying to get the set. Who knows, I could be wrong. Maybe these comics will be worth something someday but I am just not seeing it now. That's another reason why I am shocked.
  9. I am honestly amazed that they sell. I believe you when you say they do but buying TWD 85 for such a premium is . It is still a very new book and should be relatively easy to find in 9.8. I dunno. It just seems like label chasing has gone on steroids. You make quite a few assumptions in your statement. The ease with which one can acquire a 9.8 of sorts and there is hardly a premium. I just assumed you were making a profit. Nothing else. What assumptions did I make? I was saying that I am shocked people are paying so much for a $3 book that is probably still in comic shops. If it was so hard to get 9.8's how do you get 10 or more every month? I'm not picking on you. You make money by providing people a service. Nothing wrong with that. I'm just shocked at how many people feel the need to get such a recent and otherwise worthless book slabbed and graded. But what do I know? I was trying to complete a Preacher run. . I just can't help but think there will a ton of 9.8s for generations to come now that we preserve comics so well.
  10. I am honestly amazed that they sell. I believe you when you say they do but buying TWD 85 for such a premium is . It is still a very new book and should be relatively easy to find in 9.8. I dunno. It just seems like label chasing has gone on steroids.
  11. I should have quoted better. I promote Dre and his 9.8 service all the time. Guaranteed 9.8 muff said. I was responding to Synch stating he thought the black cover would be tough. Of the 10 I sent there were 10 9.8's while the variant was 8/10. Why would you slab 10 copies of issue 85? I don't remember anything particularly memorable with that issue. Do you slab that many of every issue? ...If you don't mind me asking.
  12. The number 1 will probably get you the most bang for your buck.
  13. I would totally cheat on Adlard in a second if Kirkman gave another artist a shot.
  14. I get paid by the word. No wonder your art collection is so impressive! You can definitely afford it!
  15. You and I are seeing very different things. I see Moore able to draw characters in different situations and poses. I see Moore with more imagination and ability to execute. I see Adlards characters more wooden. They are like with dolls just set up. Keep in mind that I have over 18 Adlard pieces compared to 3 Moore pieces. It's not like I hate Adlard.
  16. I think the prices that Moore's commissions fetch on the secondary market show how much people value his pieces compared to Adlard's. You are not going to get an artist's best work when they are on upcoming deadlines and that is why I tried to get the best examples I could to display here for comparison.
  17. Yeah. Probably. But I am talking not talking about scarcity or anything like that. As I also stated, Tony's commissions are more. I think that is a good indication that he is the better artist. Look at these works by Tony: http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=758359&GSub=96478 http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=264745&GSub=30529 And compare them to Charlie's work: http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=739827&GSub=88280 http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=291119&GSub=45151 I picked two Adlard pages that I like a lot. I think he did a good job on them but I don't think he has Tony's talent. Look at the detail and at the depth in the Moore pieces. Adlard's pieces don't have that finish to them. I think that as time has gone on in the series, Adlard's art has actually deteriorated. People think the heavy use of blacks add tone to the series while I think they are used as a shortcut (to either meet deadlines or to cover up a relative lack of talent).
  18. Not a bad choice to go with. (thumbs u I just picked up a page from him today as well.
  19. I was able to correspond with them a couple of weeks ago (maybe 4-6 weeks). I think they were also moving at the time but she answered in fairly short order. If you think they may not be getting your emails, you can try contacting them through other means. They are on twitter a lot. You might try contacting them there or on ebay (they are listing fairly regularly).
  20. You don't have to pay it. Just say "no." I don't buy variants unless it is something really special. I have broken out of the collecting OCD and I encourage more people to do the same. Make the creators earn your money with good stories not with cheap gimmicks.