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Everything posted by Claudio

  1. I don't remember it being so blatant as this show... I also don't remember the characters from Lost being so one dimensional
  2. That's exactly what they did in the comic. In the comic Rick and Glenn went into the city to find a gun store and get supplies. What I loved about this version in the TV show was the setup that Morgan will probably be back. Going back for the radio to warn and talk to Morgan totally is consistent with the idea that Morgan will replace Tyreese. This was mentioned waaaaaay back by Kirkman as his original plan for the comic. I love this idea since I think the guy who played Morgan is a fantastic actor. No Tyrese = Crappy tv show! This sucks for me. My two fav characters completely butchered by the series. Tyrese and Andrea. That being said, I think episode 3 was my favorite so far. We start to get a feel for what they are going through because of the interactions of the characters. In episode 1, I thought everything was moving so slowly. I mean, it was almost as long as a movie and it didn't take us anywhere. Episode 2 was a little too jarring because of the racist guy and some of the stereotypes. I am suspending disbelief with the zombies but it was hard for me to imagine Cracker Old Dude and Wimpy T-Dog putting themselves in that situation to begin with. While episode 3 had racist guy's bro and Wife-Beater Ed, I think we started to get a lot bigger glimpse into the main characters' personalities (specifically Lori, Shane and Rick).
  3. That would be an excellent start. Not sure if I ever rooted for someone to die in TWD comic. I already want two people dead in the tv show.
  4. I sure hope this is not the case. It can't be Tyrese. Impossible. Tyrese wasn't a puss. Kirkman said they are different characters. Whew! Of course, that doesn't make up for the fact that, at least based on one episode, this T-Dog character clearly isn't a fan favorite. most people have no problem with him except for his name. Well, it is an awful name. This is "Walking Dead" not "Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo"
  5. A couple of extra pages. I think there were like 28 pages of Invincible story. Sure there were lotsa Science Dog and Tech Jacket extras but I couldn't care less about those stories.
  6. I'm not ready to be done yet but I might quit it after a few more issues. It was the only comic I bought this week and I was surprised. The guy say, "That'll be $6.48." I didn't even look at the price before buying it. I probably still would have bought it but I was pretty ticked off.
  7. I sure hope this is not the case. It can't be Tyrese. Impossible. Tyrese wasn't a puss. Kirkman said they are different characters.
  8. I feel 100% the same way! (thumbs u I am going into the rest of the TV show as if I haven't read the comics it will make the show a lot more enjoyable in the long run. I am trying but it is hard to unlearn what I have learned.
  9. I am not sure I like the Walking Dead show because I am not sure I really like any of the characters. Andrea is my favorite character in the comic so I obviously don't like what they did to her in the tv show. When she asked if it was looting to get the mermaid, I literally sighed in disgust. Why would she even say that? Didn't they already have bags of loot with them? Obviously, Officer Friendly didn't care about the other stuff they took! She sounded retarded. T-Dog? White trash guy? Stereotype much? Even Glenn (who I probably like the most) seems like a caricature. One minute he is funny and cool. The next minute, he's like short round from the Temple of Doom. I knew they would deviate from the comic and I wasn't too displeased with that. After all, I thought that the ending to Watchmen was better in the movie so why couldn't Walking Dead actually improve on the comic? I was wrong. Lori in the comic was a sad figure to me. She loved Rick and made a mistake in a moment of weakness. She probably felt that Rick was dead and that Shane was a protector and she gave in... once. Not this. It is hard to root for Lori and Rick to get back together when she is boning Shane every chance she gets. I guess that is why I having such a hard time watching with the series. I care about the characters in the comic but not about the ones on screen.
  10. This thread has never really been about discussing TWD. I am sure that not even a tenth of the posts here are discussing what happened. You have to go to the Image boards for that.
  11. It's out today? Sweet! I had actually forgotten about it after complaining a couple of weeks ago! I am too ADD, I guess.
  12. I pretty much agree. I have friends who don't read comics but I got them to read TWD in tpb form. They won't go to a comic store every week or even every month.
  13. I don't think it is smart business sense. I think Image will over-saturate the market and could create a backlash. I see this as being very similar to the variant craze. It is my opinion that all they needed was Image Firsts in order to get the reader interested. Yes, and they couldn't follow through with their promise to reprint the entire series. So, in my opinion, that's a failure. Although I am sure they made some decent money on the first several issues.
  14. Is somebody holding a gun to your head forcing you to buy these issues? These reprints allow people who can't afford to shell out the big bucks early issues of WD go for a chance to read the series like it was meant to be read - complete with letter columns, etc. Similar to what Dave Sim did with the Cerebus Bi-Weekly series, DC has done with the Sandman Esssentials, and Image has done previously with the Image Firsts. And you don't want them to do this because it might impact your Walking Dead registry set It probably won't be added in the registry but I still don't like it. It does seem like they are trying to take advantage of the completest (and I am far from a completest). If they want to expose people to the comic who didn't get a chance before there are a ton of ways for a person to catch up. Compendiums, hardcover, deluxe hardcovers, tpb's, omnibuses... am I missing anything else? I have yet to see this format work. Essential Sandman and Cerebus Bi-Weekly didn't work so well. I see this weekly Walking Dead failing after they take a few more bucks out of people's wallets. It just reeks of greed to me. And, again, nobody is forcing you to buy these books. Nor is anybody forcing you to purchase multiple copies of the trades, hardcovers, omnibi, or slabbed copies of WD #1 - it's your own personal choice. These reprints are not targeted towards you (or anybody else posting in this thread) - they're for new readers who want a different entry point than the trades/hardcovers, and who are priced out of the individual back issue market. How is having a choice between multiple editions at multiple price points ever a bad thing? How can it be a negative that comic book store owners will once again have Walking Dead #1-10 on their shelves, instead of having to point potential buyers to the TPB's? (And, btw, both the Cerebus Bi-Weeklies and the Sandman Essentials sold just fine ) I think what I highlighted above is the problem. This doesn't make sense for anyone. It's NOT marketed for new readers since TPB are cheaper to buy. TPB are usually six issues, and sell between $10 and $13. (WD TPB #1 is $10, #2 and #3 are each $13. Thats new cover price. You can usually get trades for less than cover shopping around.) Six regular issues will be $18. Read the 1st 18 issues for $36 in TPB, or spend $54 on these new reprints?? This will only get new readers to sample a couple issues and then they will move to the TPB. It's cheaper + they don't have to wait six weeks to read one story arc. If they like WD, they'll switch to TPB. The first couple issues may sell well, but I'm predicting these will stink up the shelves in your LCS the 2nd 1/2 of the year. Especially, since you can buy the real copies of the later issues for $3 to $4 each. The addition of the letters column is nice, but I don't see "casual" fans who aren't really into the book spending extra cash to read them. I feel the same way. They will have to add a lot more than a letter column to make this stick. It really does seem like the creators are going to squeeze people for a few bucks and then this will go away.
  15. I get the singles (usually the day of release) and pass it on to my buddy. I have kept a few issues but mostly I just keep tpbs. No hardcovers, omnibuses or anything like that for me. I'd rather go for the OA! Like this one I just added to my CAF: http://cafurl.com?i=15790
  16. I disagree. I think they know that a lot of their sales will come from people who collect already. I don't know if I would say it is a bad thing. I just say it reeks of greed. That is why they had Image firsts. I think it could be off-putting to a potential reader if they go into a store and ask the guy behind the counter about the series and the guy says, "Well, you can buy 1-10 or you can buy 1-10 weekly, or you can buy this tpb or you can buy this hardcover or you can buy this omnibus or you can buy this compendium..." Really? I think Essential Sandman was cancelled before the ending and I know for a fact that it was originally expected to reprint the entire series. It might have started off well but it didn't last. Not sure about Cerebus.
  17. Is somebody holding a gun to your head forcing you to buy these issues? These reprints allow people who can't afford to shell out the big bucks early issues of WD go for a chance to read the series like it was meant to be read - complete with letter columns, etc. Similar to what Dave Sim did with the Cerebus Bi-Weekly series, DC has done with the Sandman Esssentials, and Image has done previously with the Image Firsts. And you don't want them to do this because it might impact your Walking Dead registry set It probably won't be added in the registry but I still don't like it. It does seem like they are trying to take advantage of the completest (and I am far from a completest). If they want to expose people to the comic who didn't get a chance before there are a ton of ways for a person to catch up. Compendiums, hardcover, deluxe hardcovers, tpb's, omnibuses... am I missing anything else? I have yet to see this format work. Essential Sandman and Cerebus Bi-Weekly didn't work so well. I see this weekly Walking Dead failing after they take a few more bucks out of people's wallets. It just reeks of greed to me.
  18. Dale is waking up and the shadowy figures are talking to him. It looks weird without the grays added in.
  19. Finished reading 78 and I just have to say that Andrea is badass!
  20. I hear the crappy version had a character named T-Dog in it!
  21. I'm not a completest so the variants don't bother me too much. However, I haven't been enjoying TWD as much as I had in the past. I feel that Kirkman isn't as focused on the title as before. I don't want him worrying about variants. I don't want him concerned with tv. I don't want him concerned with running Image. I want him concerned with writing (I am selfish like that). That being said, I am going to race the my LCS and pick up a copy of #78. It seems to be picking up again.
  22. They had him doing Haunt Yup, ended awhile ago.. gotcha. I stopped reading after #1. (thumbs u +1