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CGC Journals
Posts posted by TheDanimal
Do medical emergencies require immediate funds before a doctor will do any work? I always figured if you're broke they bug you with a medical bill for the next few years
Ya I remember Matt asking me about that coverless copy and remember giving him advice to pass on it and wait for something else.
I know for a fact Matt never said he'd take that book as he was thinking about it for a few days.
Rockman, it seems from my point of view, that you're looking for some kind of ammunition to bring this back on Matt. Maybe we didn't give exact specific dates, but Matt was ready to pay off that comic LONG before the deadline...So I'm not sure why you need specific times at all. It's not a complicated issue.
Again I know he's your friend and I'm sure Yannis is a good guy..but he knows he was wrong on this one.
Beau; She actually works with a guy who left work for 2 weeks and came back as a girl named Faith!
Not that there is anything wrong with that...though he has had a major obsessive crush on Kingsley since she reported him for stalking her every night after work. Very weird!
Don't you guys have phones to text one another?I think Bat-man now owns 2 tec 37s. He should sell Matt his undercopy and make everyone happy.I can't stress enough how much Matt wants a pre-robin tec!
That would be awesome but I doubt it would ever happen
We chat on the phone, thru PM, and usually 100 texts a day
We're like best friends so sorry if that's annoying
By the way, Bat-man is a really nice guy who loves the hobby. I don't want this thread to smear his rep as I'm sure he's just embarassed and doesn't know what to say. (I find it funny referring to him as BATMAN!
Not a very creative username! )
Matt has also had PM coversations with him and thinks he's a cool guy.
Females are the best multi-taskers (thumbs u
I'm sorry you are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wrong and I will leave it at that.
are you a female? I'm guessing not..therefore you may not know how good we are at multi-tasking
Are you a male? I'm guessing not...therefore you may not know how good we are at multi-tasking.
See, it works both ways.
Boys rule!!
I think Bat-man now owns 2 tec 37s. He should sell Matt his undercopy and make everyone happy.
I can't stress enough how much Matt wants a pre-robin tec!
Oh jeez!
I'm sure it looks good since you seemed happy when you called me
Otherwise I think you'd be crying about it!
Now maybe I'll dye my hair blond like back in the day when I wanted to look like Eminem circa 1999
I think it's always been like that to be honest. With CGC, a lot of lies about restoration are now out there but it still happens.
Even in the earlier days of this forum, people still got into disputes. I think disputes are part of the hobby and always will be.
I don't really believe in the whole sky is falling thing.
I met Alleybat in Florida. He introduced himself to me at Megacon.
After he told me who he was I told him to leave.
What did he say?
FWIW I have done a handful of deals with John (Yannis) and have never had any problems whatsoever. He has always been dependable and seems like a decent dude. That said, this situation is not cool.....BUT I have faith Yannis will in the end do the right thing. Just my
How? He doesn't have the comic any more...
True. If he can't recover it from the buyer maybe he can make it up to the original/screwed buyer some other way? I just can't believe the Yannis I know wouldn't try to do SOMETHING to make amends. Then again I got suckered(almost) by Alleybat....so what the hell do I know???
VTcomics, on a side note, I wanna do business with you after seeing all the crazy books you've been listing lately!
Some of those make me wanna cry haha.
FWIW I have done a handful of deals with John (Yannis) and have never had any problems whatsoever. He has always been dependable and seems like a decent dude. That said, this situation is not cool.....BUT I have faith Yannis will in the end do the right thing. Just my
How? He doesn't have the comic any more...
Exactly what I was thinking..I don't think he WILL do the right thing. It's too late for that. The right thing would of been to tell Bat-Man that the book is sold and you want to honor that deal.
I'm sure a ton of people have had good dealings with him...and will in the future. Doesn't mean a ton for this deal though.
For the record, Matt was willing to pay WAY before the deadline...only reason he didn't send paypal was because they agreed that in person would be nice.
I know he had a death in the family and I am sorry to hear that. But frankly, it didn't stop him from selling the book anyway. It's not like he had a death, refunded Matt, and just hung onto the book.,...thru all of it, he was willing to make another deal
By the way, not sure if Matt mentioned it, but he just recently had a major death in his life as well.
Matt's a stand up guy and got hosed on this deal. Simple as that.
I have no reason to disagree with you,but what really can you do at this point.I do however feel that he should be put either on the probation list or Hall of shame list,because really is this going to be resolved?
Ya it's like beating a dead horse at this point. Nothing we can really do. Probation list is deserved, though I don't think Matt cares either way. He just feels cheated. He tried his best and worked very very hard to make this deal go through. In the end, there was nothing that could be done.
But, there's always another book out there waiting! I love comic books!
just reading this thread over again is making me sick.
It's Friday night. You need to have a few cocktails. You'll feel better.
Oh I will...but not until I get off of work at 11:30p
Must have a rough job that lets you post all day on internet message boards eh?
You guys hiring at all??
I know right!
She's actually very busy at work. On nights I'm picking her up, I sit at the opposite desk and read comics before we leave. She has two monitors so one of them is for random internet stuff, and the other is for her live chats talking to customers and setting up their services.
She's lucky...even when she has 4 chats going on at once, she's really good at multitasking and using the forums.
Not sure how anyone can defend Yannis in this situation. He messed up and should just take it as that.
Matt will move on. He's a big boy. I just think Yannis should be held accountable. While I think he is, I don't think he's really taking much responsibility for his actions.
Matt was given a month, but was ready to pay it off in HALF that time. Only reason meeting in person was mentioned was to take a fun road trip.
If Yannis was worried about meeting, a paypal payment would be fine.
The idea of getting beat up by a couple of boardies very laughable though. I have a lot of local friends in the hobby and a girlfriend on these forums. We could of just met in a public place. It's not like a random craigslist sale.
To Yannis friends, I understand wanting to defend your buddy. That's completely reasonable. But a deals a deal and he backed out on a deal. Once Yannis agreed to a month in a couple time payments, I figure that's just as good as paying up front. That was the deal! Matt did nothing on his part to negatively affect that deal.
If anything, Matt was very worried about the lack of communication so he was desperately trying to finalize the deal as he had a gut feeling that it was slipping away.
For the record, Matt was willing to pay WAY before the deadline...only reason he didn't send paypal was because they agreed that in person would be nice.
I know he had a death in the family and I am sorry to hear that. But frankly, it didn't stop him from selling the book anyway. It's not like he had a death, refunded Matt, and just hung onto the book.,...thru all of it, he was willing to make another deal
By the way, not sure if Matt mentioned it, but he just recently had a major death in his life as well.
Matt's a stand up guy and got hosed on this deal. Simple as that.
I can't believe one of our awesome board detectives has not figured out who the seller is yet.
If it was a Danny Dupcak thread we would already have a Google image of the guys house so we would know where to throw the toilet paper.
I know the participants. I'm just waiting for a fair explanation before weighing in.
Is "I got a better offer and took it" a fair explanation?
Because all word-smithing aside, that's what it's probably going to boil down to.
Yup, if that's the truth, that's good enough! The truth will at least hold the seller accountable. Then, people on here can decide whether or not they want to do business with that seller or not. I think that's fair.
Alright I have my Amazing Spider-man Essentials Vol 1 in my hand and I'm about to leave to go pick up Kingsley at work so we can go out for the night (I sit at her desk with her and read while she works for the last 45 min of work). Anyone need anything else or are we just waiting for a seller's response?
I'm Boobie!!
I think the refund was sent, it just hasn't cleared yet.
Ya I posted this at 8:18 PM. I think it would be smart to be patient and give the seller 24 hours to respond.
Not like there is a huge rush anyway..the book is already gone! Too late to work out the deal again.
Yeah dude,don't beat yourself upOK OK it was me i had a deal with someone (un named at the time) and had originally gave a $500 deposit and within almost a week wanted to meet in person to get the book, if that couldnt be done i would have paypal the rest (we said it would be cool to meet in person). I have reponded many times to the seller in wich im ignored again he said "quote actually saw stuff on the book that wouldnt give it the grade I expected so I didnt want to hold your money and I issued a refund right away, I am sorry but Ill explain more another day, I am dead tired right now."I responded with i dont care i want it anyway and if it were money we could make it work. Never did i beat him up about price at all he told me a price i agreed. This happened last night, I come home today and see the book it someones sig pictures (Yes im 100% sure its the book).
I was nervous to come out and say all this and being good friends with Dan he started the thread, Im also new so i was nervous people would not believe me over a reputable person on the boards
Im just really pissed this book ment alot to me to owne something like this and maybe its weird but it gives me a crappy feeling in my stomach ( ive barely slept for 2 weeks waiting to get this book i know im weird but
thanks for all the advice i greatly apreciate it
Don't feel bad. Nobody should be mad at you.
Offer was up. You pulled the trigger. Book is yours.
Just be happy you got your money back.
and plus you may even find the book you want for a better price
The reason why I think he's so upset is because he will NOT find the book at a better price. This is a damn scarce book. How many Tec 37s are for sale right now? I don't even know as I'm not looking for one..but I'm sure not many if any...
If it was a AF15 or ASM #1, he'd take his money back, and be able to go buy the same book some place else. Just hard to do with a book so rare.
I haven't read the whole thread...just responding to Dan's initial post....
Yeah, it sucks. But I'd just tell your boy to move on. Pre-Robin Tec's are tough to come by, but they are out there. It's not a 'Tec 27 (or 31), so the pain isn't quite as great. Yes, it does suck. But, not the end of the world.
One of the great things about the hobby is that another one will come up. There are multiple copies of virtually every book out there. A great man once said "Patience is a virue" (
). That holds true with this hobby. A majority books are out there; and they'll become available at some point
What your boy is looking for is more rare than the standard fare, but they are out there.
Respectfully disagree. If it all went down like stated, and I have no reason yet to assume otherwise, this was really really wrong and should not be given the "Oh well, another will come along tratment"
Really hope this gets cleared up quick!
Thanks man. There are more important things in life than comic books..not many, but there are!
We just feel he should be held accountable.
I don't doubt the story but are you positive that you can tell the exact same book from a small sig image?
It does seem convenient though that Bat-man removed his tec 37's so recently.
Trust me, it's the same book. We can trace this book back to previous owners. Gotta remember how scarce these are. Especially low grade, you can see defects all over that might as well have gold magic marker all over the cover. It's the same book.
Major transaction let-down. Need advice!
in Comics General
I don't think he needs to be on the probation list as Matt got his money back.
Seems like this thread is punishment enough if you ask me.