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Everything posted by Theagenes

  1. Cool! You know I was flipping through I Shall Destroy All Civilized Planets! the other day in Borders - I really need to pick that up. Jeff In Borders? I've checked in a few different Borders (gift cards to use up) and it's always been either out of stock (first print sold out), back-ordered or a special order item. I'll catch up with a copy eventually. Jack Yeah, I was a little surprised, though my local Borders does have a pretty good graphic novel section - probably because it's a college town. Jeff
  2. Cool! You know I was flipping through I Shall Destroy All Civilized Planets! the other day in Borders - I really need to pick that up. Jeff
  3. That is insanely gorgeous My copy should be coming soon, but it definitely won't be that nice. Jeff
  4. Great stuff, BB. The original Sundays are definately the best way to enjoy Foster's art, though I only have a couple of them. The Flying Buttress repints are nice and are a least oversized. The reprints in Tip Top need a magnifying glass! Most people think that the Prince Valient Feature Book is the only cover that Foster did for comics, but actually several of the Tip Top covers are by Foster - the catch is that they are blown up panels and not original works like the FB 26:
  5. Very cool! Kinda like the way I subdue my "dates" I hope your dates are a little better looking (or at least less hirsute!) Jeff
  6. Me too! I just won three more on ebay this weekend, so that leaves only eight more to go. (thumbs u Jeff
  7. Couple more Tip Tops to check off the list! I'm starting to think Tarzan had a gorilla-wrestling fetish.
  8. I've always wondered why Rockwell thought it was necessary to change the spelling of Crime to Rime? That question has probably hung for years like an albatross around your neck! Jack Nor any drop to drink Nice! My guess would be copyright/trademark infringement, since the WDC&S also has it's logo missing. Jeff
  9. Love the use of charcoals on this one! Jeff
  10. BB, you've got some books - comics and pulps! Can't wait to see more of you collection. And BTW, Welcome to the boards!
  11. Was that a request? - It sure was! Fun read - Thanks for posting it! Jeff
  12. Can you imagine how cool it would have been if Golden Age comic books had covers like that. Yeah, but If this were a comic book I wouldn't be able to afford it. Jeff
  13. Great scans, Scrooge. Thanks:applause: Another center of the earth story, eh? How very clever of you to have found it. Perfect timing. My thoughts exactly - Hollow Earth coolness abounds! Never seen the Cotton Carver stuff before - looks like it might be fun read. Jeff
  14. Yes (thumbs u . The Red Ryder numbering continues with #3. Exactly. That has me wondering though - BZ is your Red Ryder #1 from the original owner collection and do you have 3 and up as well, but no Hi Spot 2? The reason I ask is because I've often wondered if there was a distribution problem with the Hi-Spot 2. Jeff
  15. Yeah, too bad it cuts off in the middle. In the late-60s, House of Greystoke published a book that reprints all of JCB's Pellucidar work, including the missing 8 pages from this story and the 12 unpublished pages he did for Western/Dell. I've never seen a copy for sale, but now I want one even more so I can finish reading this story! Jeff Hopefully the missing eight pages has Dave putting his pants back on. Those baggy briefs were not very stylish. What are talking about? Boxer-briefs are back in style. David was ahead of his time! Jeff
  16. Yeah, too bad it cuts off in the middle. In the late-60s, House of Greystoke published a book that reprints all of JCB's Pellucidar work, including the missing 8 pages from this story and the 12 unpublished pages he did for Western/Dell. I've never seen a copy for sale, but now I want one even more so I can finish reading this story! Jeff Google Fu, dude. http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/ListingDetails?bi=254353464&cm_mmc=gbase-_-us-_-gbase-_-254353464
  17. Yeah, too bad it cuts off in the middle. In the late-60s, House of Greystoke published a book that reprints all of JCB's Pellucidar work, including the missing 8 pages from this story and the 12 unpublished pages he did for Western/Dell. I've never seen a copy for sale, but now I want one even more so I can finish reading this story! Jeff
  18. Thanks Steve it's definiately a tough one - thats why I'm tickled pink to even find this low grade copy. (thumbs u Now, as per BZ's request I scanned the David Innes story, but first a little background courtest of ERBzine.com: http://www.erbzine.com/mag3/0348.html Dave Innes of Pellucidar in the Comics By late 1939, with both TARZAN and JOHN CARTER OF MARS earning royalties from comic books, the next natural Burroughs series to adapt to the comics would be his Pellucidar stories. Burroughs suggested to Western Printing (Whitman’s publishing arm in Racine) that John Coleman Burroughs be retained to do the artwork for a DAVE INNES OF PELLUCIDAR feature which would run regularly in one of their monthly comic books. Possibly as a test, it was decided to have John Coleman Burroughs write and draw a 20-page story to be featured as part of a one-shot comic...but the one-shot comic never materialized and instead the first 12 pages of this 20-page story were published in an obscure, badly-distributed comic book called HI-SPOT #2 (November, 1940). Because of the understandably poor sales, there was never another issue of HI-SPOT comics, and the 12 pages of DAVE INNES OF PELLUCIDAR in this issue were the only ones ever published in the medium of the comics. Following the appearance of these pages in HI-SPOT #2, Western asked John Coleman Burroughs to write and draw two six-page stories of DAVE INNES OF PELLUCIDAR, which would be worked into one of their comic books, possibly SUPER comics. These twelve pages of artwork were done and are presented here, along with the final eight pages of the original 20-page story. (The original artwork for the first 12 pages of the first story was destroyed long ago by Western). In early 1940, Dell Publishing wanted to create an image as a reliable publisher of wholesome comics for children. They especially wanted to push their funny animal comics… the Disney comics, Walt Kelly comics, etc... and did not want to be in the superhero business in competition with all the other comic book publishers. The Burroughs comics, TARZAN, JOHN CARTER OF MARS, and DAVE INNES OF PELLUCIDAR, were all of the type they wanted to phase out in favor of more in the Disney-type comics which nobody could object to. By early 1941 the decision had been made that DAVE INNES OF PELLUCIDAR would not be continued and that JOHN CARTER OF MARS would be discontinued from THE FUNNIES, and in August of 1941 CRACKAJACK comics (also from Western Printing) dropped the TARZAN daily strips they had been reprinting. By the end of 1941 all ERB features had been dropped by Western, but of course United Features was still reprinting TARZAN Sunday pages in SPARKLER and TIP TOP comics. The following is reproduced for educational purposes.
  19. The cover story is an adaptation of the Burroughs novel At the Earth's Core, a Hollow Earth/Lost World story. The "rocket" is the vehicle that the protaganists use to travel through the Earth's crust - probably the first "Mole Machine" in fiction and a device that would often be imitated. The cover is just a stylistic representation. (thumbs u Jeff Don't have any proof of that but that's quite an interesting question. My money is that it was used somewhere else before, ... maybe in the Dime Novels ... Now, I will wonder all night I've wondered about it for a long time too. At the Earth's Core was first published in 1914 in All-Story - pretty early. But as you say if that concept appeared anywhere earlier it would in the dime novels. Hoohah Collectibles or Bob B. might know.