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Everything posted by Theagenes

  1. How did I forget my favorite one? It was easy -- it's oversized so it wasn't in the stack with the others. Buck Rogers 2 from Famous Funnies/ Eastern Color in July 1941. The notorious "Is that an Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator or are you just glad to see me?" cover by Calkins! Yeah, I know it's a wreck, but I won it for the opening bid. If I were into that sort of thing, I wonder whether it would be a candidate for restoration. Probably not enough demand to justify the cost. Jack Cool, you got one! I wouldn't bother with resto - it wouldn't be worth it for this book. You can occasionlly find a decent VG for well under guide on ebay. I would just upgrade it when you get the chance. I will say though that, although it still probably wouldn't be worth it, a simple pressing would probably greatly improve the fc eye appeal by removing the spine roll so that the missing pieces on the spine would be shifted to the bc.
  2. Like the one I just landed at Heritage last night... Nice pick up! I was watching that one, but I've got other things on my radar at the moment. Just out of curiosity, has anyone ever seen one of the first printings that does not have the large transfer stain on the FC? Obviously it's a production defect, but I'm just wondering if any copies escaped it - I've never seen one without it. Oh yeah and.... ALL HAIL CROM!!!
  3. it's OK...I paid by paypal...I am guaranteed full reinbursement if I have a problem Hope you're right, Steve - good luck!
  4. Hey Bang......great book! check this out ( if it really comes that is...seller is from Germany ) http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=012&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&viewitem=&item=220131038694&rd=1&rd=1 Steve That seller is Uthe! Avoid like the plague!
  5. That would be Strongman from Crash comics! Boy, they really put a lot of thought into that name.
  6. Here's a few I have scanned. (thumbs u Phalliken Sie Symbol? That cover cracks me up every time I see it! I recently won a rough copy but haven't received it yet. Great set! Jack Well, you can't really blame Buck for getting a little aroused -- check out the rack on Wilma.
  7. Thanks guys -- It's been a fun run to put together... Richard in answer to your question, yes 82 and 117 are the only real (non-Fritz) Buck Rogers covers, although he appears with all the other Famous Funnies characters on a couple of anniversary issues -- 100 and I think 144. (thumbs u Jeff
  8. Thought I'd celebrate my 1000th post with a groupshot! (I'm still working on the Frazetta issues, but I figure they deserve their own groupshot anyway)
  9. Thanks Rjpb, what's not to like: an Airboy and a Heap story along with extras like the Cataline Revolt history by Alden McWilliams - Whoa, very cool! It was during the Catalinarian conspiracy that Cicero "made his bones" so to speak, with his vitriolic speeches against Cataline. Sorry, I'm real geek for this stuff.
  10. Before me... Don't worry, even if one ever came up for sale I wouldn't be able to afford it.
  11. Cool...I love those books...#1 is one of my favorites of my collection and when I see a HG #1 in the right price range i will snap it up... I would've bid on those had I not owned #1 & 2 already....although I was very temtped to snipe since I knew the reserve ahead of time... Congrats... Thanks! I didn't know the reserve for sure, but I guessed correctly and had my snipe set just above it. I did already have a lower grade set of these, but this was a nice upgrade across, especially the #1. Now if only I can find that ellusive #5.
  12. Just saw this! That is classic! Looks like you guys had a great time. Thanks for posting all the pics.
  13. What a great book! Look at that gloss too - nice!
  14. I loved the 70's movie....... I liked it too for what it was, but I loved the late 70's Filmation animated series on Saturday morning much, much more. It actually stayed very true to the Raymond strip, at least for the first season. I'm hoping this new live action show will do the same, but I'm afraid it's not likely. BTW, the animated Flash Gordon was released on DVD last year - for those who haven't seen it, but are fans of the Raymond strip I highly recommend it.
  15. I love this cover! Check out guy throwing the punch - he looks like a Kewpie Doll with cauliflower ears!
  16. No, the two Gordon bread giveaways are different and actually fairly common - they pop up on ebay from time to time. The Harvey Flash Gordon # 5, on the other hand is extremely rare! Along with All New 15, Boy Explorers 2 and Stuntman 3 it was only mailed to subscribers. The other three B&W subscription-only issues turn up occasionally, but never the Flash Gordon. I have never even seen a picture of one, much less an actual issue. It is very possibly a legit Gerber 10 (though it is not listed in Gerber). Amazingly the original art for the cover still survives:
  17. Just picked up this whole set on eBay in one fell swoop! BTW there's going to be a new Flash Gordon TV show that's going to start on the Sci Fi channel in August - I'm really excited about it, but I just hope it isn't all camped out like the 70s movie.