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Dark Prime 0

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Posts posted by Dark Prime 0

  1. 2 hours ago, BeachBum said:

    The Elias or the Sabine Rich cover?

    mairo or is it DD, whatever i did a sign for both so whichever it is (thumbsu

    i'll put the chacter from here on so there is no confusion like this again, lol i only look at the cover and price didn't know you had 2 covers for the same book up.  unless it's the reg/nude then you'd have to be stupid to not know it was the same book

  2. didn't read the whole thing but what's prob going to start happening is thoes with collections already know what they have.  why would they take'em to a dealer when they can sell them themselves or through auctions and not get hosed by a dealer trying to buy them cheap.......even if thoes who recive them after death i'd say theres a 50/50 shot of them going on ebay then to a dealer or they know someone who collects (had this happen a few times, all drek in my cases)

    now while i don't have a monster collection like some but when that time comes a dealer is the last person i'm going to look to about selling books to/through......and i remember a few yrs back people saying if something should happen and their wife/gf/kids (most on this site are male) get the collection and want to sell they have a list of names/phone #'s for them to contact so they can get advice on where to sell the books and not be taken advantage of.  it's laughable to think in todays world/market that others looking to sell aren't doing the samethings and want to keep the money for themselves then selling to a dealer for pennies

    i know of 2 collections.  1 is through a dealer of a little bit of SA with the majority being BA/CA/modern books but it's been picked though and without the keys the guy wants to much so the dealer keeps saying no to the price, he wants the collection just not at the asking price so it's been a 3-4yr waiting game

    the 2nd is a SA/marvel collection, i don't know if it has GA but the guy is going after a complete marvel run.  anytime i see him he asks me about gradeing books but never sends them in (shrug)lol the dealer is prob the 1st to get a call when he passes since he knows the wife as well and been to their house a few times, i know for a fact it has a ASM1 and iirc he has 2-3 ff1's and god knows what else...............lol apperently the wife wants them gone now.  luckly i'll prob be the 1st person to look at the books

  3. 46 minutes ago, SteppinRazor said:

    Good to know.  I didn't mean a witness for each creator, more like just hang around creator alley or whatnot

    normaly cgc's booth is in artist alley, or right outside of it (next asile over)..........only one time (i've seen) it wasn't at the NYCC i went to and they were useing hotflips booth who was just outside artist alley as a stageing ground for cgc though there were no signs telling you that.  while bs'ing with the wittness i made a comment that i'm suprised cgc wasn't set up over here instead of the main hall considering SS is their main attraction over just people buying and gradeing, while i don't excatly remember the answer it was something along the lines of it being a mistake setting up where they did (which was over in the dealer area).  at the 2 biggest shows cgc should really have 2 booths (artist alley/dealer area) just bc of the size of the show NYCC/SDCC.  i've seen 1st hand how nuts NYCC is for them bc of the crowd it was like a 10min walk between their booth and where the artist were and then another 10min walk back, have no clue on SDCC but i'm assuming it's also a nightmare for them

  4. 9 hours ago, Poka said:

    Doesn't really matter what we all think whether CGC's fault or issue or not - what matters is what Starlin thinks!

    also - it all artists knew how the SS works when the price setting they could do would it to do personalized things for free and charge for all other signatures (something along the line - "so Bud who should I address my signature to -Or do you want me to address it to someone? No - well then it will be $20 please").

    there are ones who kinda do this...don rosa did free sketches but it had to be persoanlized, iirc ferigno will only do personal, adam west does personal but if you ask it not to be then he up charges it above the normal cost of his sig......i'm sure there are others.  though the signer has to becareful as well, look at the S storm the sadfan book became bc said signer took his anger out on a costumer (personaly i found it funny, but the owner didn't)


  5. 2 hours ago, FineCollector said:

    I think everyone is misunderstanding Starlin's frustration with CGC.  Without a witness, he signs the books, gives them back, and it's done.  Simple.  Because CGC mandates that the witness be present, he has to hold onto the guy's stuff or risk looking like a jerk when the witness disappears.  He's out time and money when the process fails, and they won't help him make it right?  I'd tell them to blow it out their hole too.

    he's not out time.......the guy asked if he could hold the books on the side to go get the wittness, putting the books to the side takes all of what 2 seconds.  the guy comes back with the wittness and says i'm here for my books, picks them up and leaves.  oh no 4 whole seconds wasted.  keep in mind the wittness doesn't need to see the books signed just that they were picked up from starlin and maintaining the chain of ownership, it's excatly how sketches are done and get SS

    i've done this excat samething with sketches and on the rare occasion sigs, the only time "wasted" was small talk between me and the artist or the rep and the artist.  if a line it's hi, here for my books, thanks & bye....nice quick and easy.  any money needing to be paid out i've already taken care of before hand

    the problem is people seem to think we're talking big money or lots of time, i'm assuming here but money was prob a small amt like 20 and on the time starlin says he did it all on his time like during a break (how i took it, he was on a break so no time was wasted away from the table), and holding the books lol and all the running by the owner of the book again didn't stop starlin from dealing with other costumers in the slightest.........if anything cgc wasted the time of the owner bc he had to run around

    is cgc not at fault, no they possibly could have handeled it better.  starlin also isn't off the hook either and shares some of the blame

  6. um i stated what he loses, money from the cgc ss crowd since he's going to start charging for SS sigs..............he never mentioned not allowing cbcs to not wittness his sigs but not all collectors want raw or want to use cbcs

    i won't do raw and personaly i have no problem useing cbcs but not all collectors are like that

  7. 2 minutes ago, wombat said:

    That's not how I interpreted what happened. Trying to convince Starlin he was wrong for refusing to sign more books without any offer of help in solving his problem doesn't seem like damage control to me. But of course we are only reading one side of the story. 


    "Later this same lady came by my table to try to convince me I was being unreasonable. I wasn’t convinced by her case and said I would no longer cooperate or deal with CGC. At no time did she offer to help find this fan."

    agree to disagree, i see him as being unreasonable over prob $20 and throwing a hissy fit bc he didn't get what he wanted instead of takeing a lesson from it as it also hurt him as well.............there are people who won't use cbcs for their SS and so it's either raw or nothing.  yes cgc has more to lose them him but both lost something none the less

    cgc isn't off the hook either so i'm not saying they have no fault in this either as again kav gave a good way to handle it

  8. 4 minutes ago, wombat said:

    At the end of the day Starlin has absolutely nothing to lose. He wasn't even charging for sigs until he was convinced to. CGC has potentially more to lose. It's a no brainer as far as I'm concerned. From a business perspective I can't see how anyone can argue they handled this correctly. 



    well if you read a cgc rep did go over to do damage control.......but by that point he was unwilling to listen