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Everything posted by Bomber-Bob

  1. Thanks. Yes. Ed's notify was on another thread of Racer-X. There are multiple examples of pimping from Racer-X. This is not a one off. This is why I am puzzled by the backlash at Batman13. It's not the practice, as much as the person ? You don't seem to be listening. We agree that Racer-X's behavior is ridiculous. Batman13 got his strike for multiple things. He posted 3 or 4 sales threads that got entirely deleted because he refused to follow basic rules. He had his books for sale on other sites while for sale on the forum. He used a stock image of a cgc book without saying it was a stock image only to later update with that information. He used inappropriate selective gpa reporting to hype his books. He made factually inaccurate/baseless claims that his book was the only 9.6 to ever be for sale despite the fact that it was 1 of 2 on the census and he would have no knowledge of any off internet sales or even internet sales that took place on small dealer websites. Any 1 of those things would not get a strike; but he did ALL of them in multiple sales posts. We get it; you think racer-x should have a strike and stop pimping his books all over the place. Batman13's strike was entirely deserved and I honestly hope he does not come back here since I don't like disingenuous snake oil salesmen. I understand. Batman13 deserved it. If I am getting annoying with my quest for equal justice, I apologize. BTW, I think the Mod just deleted one of Racer-X's threads.
  2. Thanks. Yes. Ed's notify was on another thread of Racer-X. There are multiple examples of pimping from Racer-X. This is not a one off. This is why I am puzzled by the backlash at Batman13. It's not the practice, as much as the person ?
  3. Sharon, may I remind you of Edowen's post. The Mods ignored him ? Racer-X's tactics you describe are not OK with me...they are very annoying (as far as board-related annoyances go). I directly called him out in one of his early pimping threads in Gold. After that, when it was obviously becoming habitual (and not just a one-time oops), I button humped another one of those threads. The mods seemingly ignored my notification.
  4. Maybe it's not "tolerated" maybe no one saw it. Sharon, Boardies were PM'ing with offers in these 'Pimp' threads. Others begging him to sell on the Boards. Maybe Racer-X's product was better than Batman13's but in any case, Boardies seem to react differently.
  5. Sharon, thanks for the validation, I appreciate it. When I asked about Batman13's transgressions, I sensed a lot of dislike for him in the replies. For some reason, this bothered me. I'm just pointing out that Racer-X and many other Board favorites get away with far worse and it is tolerated. I am befuddled by this.
  6. Read Racer-X's very first post here, in Gold Comics, why didn't his post get pulled ? http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=9682284&fpart=1
  7. Racer-X's tactics you describe are not OK with me...they are very annoying (as far as board-related annoyances go). I directly called him out in one of his early pimping threads in Gold. After that, when it was obviously becoming habitual (and not just a one-time oops), I button humped another one of those threads. The mods seemingly ignored my notification. Thank you for validating my point. So fellow Boardies, why is Racer-X's tactics acceptable to you ? He pimps at a collection level, Batman13 was only one or two books. Its not. PM the mods and ask them why they didn't nuke his pimp thread. Here's another pimp thread, obviously okay because it's Racer-X, titled 'Look What I found' ......... http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=9682284&fpart=1
  8. Agreeing with you on the above but how is this set of selling conditions by Racer-X considered 'normal' ?
  9. I grew up in Da Bronx, I hope "Made man" does not mean the same thing here as it did there;)? I said he was a made man HERE, as on the Boards. When I questioned him about pimping books before they were even purchased here was his response.....
  10. Racer-X's tactics you describe are not OK with me...they are very annoying (as far as board-related annoyances go). I directly called him out in one of his early pimping threads in Gold. After that, when it was obviously becoming habitual (and not just a one-time oops), I button humped another one of those threads. The mods seemingly ignored my notification. Thank you for validating my point. So fellow Boardies, why is Racer-X's tactics acceptable to you ? He pimps at a collection level, Batman13 was only one or two books.
  11. Yes, and I believe he continues to do this. Your reference to the thread you saw is probably a match. Books not in hand, buy them now or pay 10% more once in hand with pic. Again, another Board good ol' boy and it's okay with everyone.
  12. I just ordered an unsigned set, no problem, with the discount. You have to use the dropdown to see what's available but there still is product on the site.
  13. I'm actually not upset, just trying to understand what happened. As stated, having not seen these threads by Batman13, it's difficult to ascertain what happened. However, I see a lot of annoying sales tactics going on here. Selling before the books are in hand, starting threads to pimp books, charging 10% extra to see a pic, etc. Anything seems to be okay. Very disconcerting.
  14. Okay, like I said, it's difficult to ascertain all this after the fact. However, to my point of the good old boys club..... Look at Racer-x's recent tactics when he was acquiring a GA collection. - He started a thread showing off a recently acquired OO collection. Turns out he didn't even have the books yet, just pimping them. I commented about this in the thread and he basically told me he's a made man here and I could leave. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=9587107&fpart=1 - He started new threads showing off group shots of the collection by genre. - He started a thread asking how he should sell the books. Anyway, I'm not here to call Racer-X out, just saying his tactics seem to be okay with everyone. I really don't know what's legit around here anymore but it's all good.
  15. Thanks for the reply. The above doesn't sound too severe. I mean, that's normal procedure for a lot of people here. Recently someone was pimping books from a collection he had not yet even purchased. Asking for values, interest, etc. Since he was a popular figure around here it was perfectly legit. I hate pump and dump tactics but I have a feeling Batman13 took a hit because he was not popular.
  16. Agreed, then what happened ? It's confusing when threads get cleaned up but the conversation goes on. It might be nice for the Mod or anyone else to give a little more detail. It must have been really bad to start a WTB thread mocking him.
  17. I'm sorry but what am I missing here regarding Batman13 ? When he first got the book raw, he posted a thread asking for help in determining the value. Nobody responds, as in 0 responses in the thread. I think he got some private PM's and used the advice given to ascertain a guestimate FMV price. Maybe I missed something but asking a ridiculous price for a book is not grounds for ridicule ? Here is a link to the aforementioned thread. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Board=33&Number=9640740&Searchpage=1&Main=421142&Words=+batmanfan13&topic=0&Search=true#Post9640740
  18. 'Glaring' is an understatement. The back cover looks like it has a big corner crunch or something else is going on there. If you are correct and it's a factory miscut, they really only gave it a minor, if anything, knock in the grade. Factory, or on purpose, that is a big flaw.
  19. Did you ever read the comments Doug Schmell makes about his comics for sale on his website ? The best(worst) is when he just pressed the book into a communion wafer, got a grade bump, and still says the book looks like it should be a grade higher. Of course Doug is a good customer of many here so it's all good.
  20. I still haven't gotten mine. I got my shipping notification yesterday. I just got mine today. Looks great. First time customer, I was impressed by their solid packaging. Books arrived in perfect condition.
  21. I am sad to say I totally agree with your observations. - Regarding the page quality, I do think they are keeping in mind the era and sometimes the specific book. Take a book like Showcase 22 where even a slightly better than brown page quality will get an Off White. Some of the 70's stuff had a creamy look to them off the press. - Regarding the variation in grading, it's absolutely true. I don't think there will ever be a solution to this. BTW, I'm starting to sense CGC is getting loose again or perhaps it is the new slabs.The new slabs really magnify certain flaws, like spine tics. I'm seeing 7.5 books in the new slabs that look like 6.5's to me, 9.0's that look like 8.5's, etc. It's difficult for me to buy books in these new slabs without an in hand observation.
  22. Just got this, a longtime grail. Sorry for the reflections on the pic. These new slabs are like mirrors.
  23. Nice, love the eye appeal on both, especially the #13.
  24. Awesome collection of books. A Prehero 9.4, amazing.
  25. Bob, you have an eye for nice DCs. Great book! Thanks. Now if it only had White pages ! HaHa.