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Everything posted by Bomber-Bob

  1. Why does this question bother you so much ? It doesn't seem to be in the same category as the other questions you reference. IMO, the question of who pressed the book is in the same category as a question about the condition of the book. Is a buyer not supposed to ask about the condition of the book ? Why does my glib response bother you so much? What are your answers to my questions? Where does the inquest end? First off, by definition, I don't think the term inquest can be applied to anything related to a comic book sale. Nobody is on trial. If a seller is offering a book for sale, I think some questions should be expected, even welcomed. I think the question being asked here is does the question of who pressed the book constitute a threadkrap. It appears most everyone who replied, except for one, thinks it is okay. Any other opinions ?
  2. In today's marketplace you almost have to assume the book was pressed. However, if you don't ask, how are you supposed to know ?
  3. Why does this question bother you so much ? It doesn't seem to be in the same category as the other questions you reference. IMO, the question of who pressed the book is in the same category as a question about the condition of the book. Is a buyer not supposed to ask about the condition of the book ?
  4. I am very interested in knowing who pressed a book. Previously, I have only asked in a PM but I would think it's a fair question to ask. BTW, sometimes I am refused the answer, that's a trade secret type of response. Explain to me why this information should be kept secret ?
  5. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Board=25&Number=5751082&Searchpage=1&Main=256421&Words=%26quot%3BPedigree%26quot%3B+Gemma&topic=0&Search=true#Post5751082 Okay thanks for the link Bob. I'll check it out! (thumbs u JaJa, CGC responded to my question if the 1985 cutoff is still applicable......
  6. Gemma, did CGC change their policy on the above ? Can books older than 1985 now receive a pedigree or was the following a 'mistake'.
  7. Jaja, I actually found the clarification from Gemma and I was correct, nothing newer than 1985. Don't worry, they can't take your pedigree 'back'. I think it's cool that you may have the only 'Modern' pedigree on census. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Board=25&Number=5751082&Searchpage=1&Main=256421&Words=%26quot%3BPedigree%26quot%3B+Gemma&topic=0&Search=true#Post5751082
  8. No. I thought it was a mistake as I had all the paperwork correct but they told me they would not acknowledge any pedigree after 1984,1985, something like that. I may be wrong but years ago I thought Gemma responded to an ASK CGC question and gave the same answer. BTW, I think the Savannah on the label of your book does make it 'stand out' from other 9.8's. In fact, you may have the only pedigree copy on the census ?
  9. Check off the book you want, fill in your name and address and mail it in ! (thumbs u
  10. Great looking book. White, white, white, so fresh looking !!!
  11. Hep, I am so sorry to hear about your beloved Styx. It really sounds like you did all you could. Your vet gave the diagnosis and treatment plan. You should not blame yourself. Again, I am truly sorry for your loss.
  12. We've tried this before. We've had sellers conflate, distort, misstate, and cite in error GPA results and those who have challenged them have been chastised by mods for posting within the thread. I suppose it depends on how the question was worded. If you say, simply asked a seller about the GPA results instead of challenged them outright you may be alright, but it's hard to tell. The safest route seems to be to PM the seller with questions/concerns/corrections and giving them a chance to correct their error. If they fail, the discussion thread is not an unreasonable place to air the concerns in detail. Hey Chris, good to see you posting again. Regarding starting a separate discussion thread, I was once chastised by the seller for doing that. At a high level, I thought the spirit of the Boards is fair play and we have each other's backs. When a seller is quoting like a con artist it's difficult to not comment. It's really getting bad around here. Not only with the newbies but many established members. It's rarely about the books anymore, just making money. Time to stop buying/selling here. Maybe, that's one way of looking at it. However I still like the Boards and have high hopes it can retain some integrity.
  13. We've tried this before. We've had sellers conflate, distort, misstate, and cite in error GPA results and those who have challenged them have been chastised by mods for posting within the thread. I suppose it depends on how the question was worded. If you say, simply asked a seller about the GPA results instead of challenged them outright you may be alright, but it's hard to tell. The safest route seems to be to PM the seller with questions/concerns/corrections and giving them a chance to correct their error. If they fail, the discussion thread is not an unreasonable place to air the concerns in detail. Hey Chris, good to see you posting again. Regarding starting a separate discussion thread, I was once chastised by the seller for doing that. At a high level, I thought the spirit of the Boards is fair play and we have each other's backs. When a seller is quoting like a con artist it's difficult to not comment. It's really getting bad around here. Not only with the newbies but many established members. It's rarely about the books anymore, just making money.
  14. Hey guys, not too much response to my legitimate question. I would like to ask again, for future reference..... If a seller quotes GPA or adds pricing comments is challenging/asking questions/pointing out errors/etc okay = not thread krapping So, no attacking the book itself just challenging the pricing comments. OK ?
  15. Years ago, on the Boards, I showed my 7.5 copy of BB28 and a discussion followed about the apparent 'color variant' of my book. The blues appeared to be gray. Well, I went to my Bank Vault and in hand the blues were indeed blue, not gray. I agree that the difference in colors is about the scan, not the book.
  16. It's threadcrapping when you only list half the facts. If Andy would have said "the sale of the 9.0 looks shilled" that would have been fine. But when he started bringing up that I had relisted my own book after selling it for 1500 on ebay and never mentioned the other sale I listed of how I came up with my price it became threadcrapping. Understand, but excluding your specific thread, in general..... IF you introduce GPA price quotes into your sales thread, why is it threadkrapping to point out any obvious errors in your quotes ?
  17. Excluding the FF 46 thread, the book has sold and all is well, I would like to raise the following as a discussion point/question. IF you introduce GPA price quotes into your sales thread, why is it threadkrapping to point out any obvious errors in your quotes ?
  18. Seriously, did my obvious attempt at ridicule of the current state of many sales threads have any effect ? http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Board=78&Number=8321252&Searchpage=1&Main=367053&Words=&topic=0&Search=true#Post8321252
  19. Compliance ? He stated in his thread that he was told he must grade his books so he 'complies' by saying they are all Good+ or something ridiculous. IMO, that is mocking the rules, not a good faith attempt at compliance. Sorry Crassus, I think you are wrong for both defending him and buying from him under these circumstances. Fair enough. I did see that he responded to the grade rule by calling everything G+, I did not take it as mocking, although only the OP can speak for himself on that I guess. I saw it as a quick fix that ultimately was not going to make any sales in itself, nor was it in fact encouraging sales, since that will never substitute for an actual scan nor grade on a book nobody would buy otherwise. The rules do not require both grades and scans, only one or the other, and I felt that since he had acknowledged the error and was starting to provide at least one or the other, scan and/or grade, that it was not unreasonable to give it time. I am guessing that prior to the thread being deleted, there were still books listed with prices and no grades? Is that correct? Since the thread is gone, I'm only going from memory but I thought he was only showing scans of books that people bought 'pending scan'. Also, in his initial post, he was trying to describe some crazy 'formula' that we should ascertain the grade from the price. How can that not be asking for trouble ? That is a dealer 'trick' at conventions. Price the book but don't grade it = there is no argument about the grade, only the price. Actually, this 'trick' is fine/legit if the books are in hand, but not here. Last time I looked at his thread, he was signing off for the weekend and yes, there were loads of listed ungraded books. I have stated, I had a lot of respect for this Boardie = I am disappointed in his actions. He is a long time Boardie and should have known better. I agree that ascertaining grade from price only works with scans, and if there were still books with neither than it is true the thread was destined to be deleted. Perhaps I assumed too much, the books I was interested in had nothing to do with their grades, so it was not front and center in my mind. Normally I do not accept even simply scans in sales, as I feel the stating of a grade is a more sure guarantee of the product. So your points are well taken. I will not dispute it. Thanks, I appreciate your comments. Just curious, since the thread is gone, are the sales null and void or do you still get your books via PM exchange ?
  20. Compliance ? He stated in his thread that he was told he must grade his books so he 'complies' by saying they are all Good+ or something ridiculous. IMO, that is mocking the rules, not a good faith attempt at compliance. Sorry Crassus, I think you are wrong for both defending him and buying from him under these circumstances. Fair enough. I did see that he responded to the grade rule by calling everything G+, I did not take it as mocking, although only the OP can speak for himself on that I guess. I saw it as a quick fix that ultimately was not going to make any sales in itself, nor was it in fact encouraging sales, since that will never substitute for an actual scan nor grade on a book nobody would buy otherwise. The rules do not require both grades and scans, only one or the other, and I felt that since he had acknowledged the error and was starting to provide at least one or the other, scan and/or grade, that it was not unreasonable to give it time. I am guessing that prior to the thread being deleted, there were still books listed with prices and no grades? Is that correct? Since the thread is gone, I'm only going from memory but I thought he was only showing scans of books that people bought 'pending scan'. Also, in his initial post, he was trying to describe some crazy 'formula' that we should ascertain the grade from the price. How can that not be asking for trouble ? That is a dealer 'trick' at conventions. Price the book but don't grade it = there is no argument about the grade, only the price. Actually, this 'trick' is fine/legit if the books are in hand, but not here. Last time I looked at his thread, he was signing off for the weekend and yes, there were loads of listed ungraded books. I have stated, I had a lot of respect for this Boardie = I am disappointed in his actions. He is a long time Boardie and should have known better.
  21. Compliance ? He stated in his thread that he was told he must grade his books so he 'complies' by saying they are all Good+ or something ridiculous. IMO, that is mocking the rules, not a good faith attempt at compliance. Sorry Crassus, I think you are wrong for both defending him and buying from him under these circumstances.