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Everything posted by 500Club

  1. Post the good reads. Nothing wrong with fuelling meritocracy.
  2. +1 im all for a "The Walking Dead New York" or "The Walking Dead West" The Walking Dead England Wayne Rooney would look better dead.
  3. I disagree with this. Maybe were just exposed to different crowds, but trust me, the VAST majority of "die-hard" Daryl fans aren't gonna go out and buy the comics if he's introduced in them. Do I know this for a fact? No. But I'm very sure of this notion. Like I said before, he's a heart-throb. Spend a day on reddit's WD sub where there's over 70k active members, and every single Daryl post (and trust me, there's no shortage), are of teen girls Googling over him and saying "they'd stop watching the show if he got killed off". Outside of Reddit, you know who talks about Daryl the most at my job? The middle-aged mothers. His character is great, and probably in my top 3 on the show, but he's just that, great for the show, not the comic. Trust me, bringing him into the comic will not boost the comic book industry. IDK ... I just sold $2k worth of Walking Dead comics to a middle aged mother named Fiona. It was very strange b/c we talked on the phone about what pressing was, where she can get her comics pressed before she slabbed the raw comics and how to get SS services. The Walking Dead has changed all the rules (stereotypes) for who's reading/buying comics. I'm with Nico on this. All exposure is good exposure. Given that 12-15M watched the Season 3 opener, it would only take a small proportion of those people wanting to see further adventures with Daryl to help the comic market.
  4. "Originally Posted By: LarrysComics At NYCC, I sold 100 Batman #13's for $5 ea & 100 Batgirls for $15 ea BY noontime Saturday." I guess these customers were just ripe for picking then Nice selective post. Lets call it a lie of omission, shall we? You may not agree with my logic, BUT You missed this: I figure online & conventions are fair game to charge whatever the market will bear & I order for all classes of my business. No, you miss my point. Are they not customers? Why don't you ease your Larry hardon into some other space? (thumbs u +1 The guy is already going over and above selling at cover in his store, probably to arbs like us who are flipping on eBay. He doesn't need to play Santa Claus at a major convention.
  5. Proof came to an end just as it seemed to be getting some buzz.
  6. That was quick. Off on a different tack, can you post a link to your latest newsletter? Haven't seen one for a while.
  7. Given his past tweets, it's for the best he use other people's words.
  8. +1 Part of the 'Death of the Family' crossover. Yes, and in a 'Bat' book that has less than half the print run of the main Bat books. Meaning that, a lot of people who don't regularly read it are going to want it as a part of the crossover. (thumbs u
  9. Also, being a store, you can play different hands. Justice League 12 was probably a fantastic store/shelf seller. Books like this are not as good for arbitrage, though. I think people need to understand this when interpreting your picks.
  10. You're one of those guys who only does upper body work at the gym, eh, Jeff?
  11. from what I remember, it was a lower print run and a good chunk of them shipped kinda beat up or with a flaw of some sort. I'm sure someone here knows exactly. you may be thinking of Nightwing #4 Both. Batman 4 was slightly lower ordered, and showed up with bad spines. Nightwing 4 was slightly lower ordered, and has a bit of a BOP 8 vibe going.
  12. To my understanding, you can send books in directly, but your submission must be tied to an authorized dealer account. I've sent in directly, with ComicLink as my intermediary, and been assigned a CGC account number with the prefix CL
  13. look to new 52, will be very similar. The rarest variants will be sought after for at least a year or so... the lower print run titles that no one collects, if found to have critical acclaim, will spike and the main series (probably Uncanny Avengers, and 1 or two others) will see strong demand. my bets and +
  14. I warned you about the postcard envelopes.
  15. Larry is better informed than most retailers, and hs also tends to be willing to order heavily on new titles. His guess will be biased to the high end. Many retailers STILL haven't adjusted to the fact Image has been putting out great books over the past year.
  16. Very odd is the specialite of Grant Morrison. Limited series, though... more likely to be a short term pop.
  17. thanks. never heard of multiple warheads. +1 What's the hook?