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Everything posted by Silverdream

  1. I sold mine a couple months ago for $115 off of E-Bay and people seem to get $125 or so on the boards. $100 would be low from what I've seen. Smart move unloading a third appearance. While the darkhawk preview is very arguable. Darkhawk # 1 will always be the book to own for him. For anyone who collected during the time Darkhawk # 1 hit the stands, if they come back, and only buy one book, it will be Darkhawk # 1 hands down. It is like pure nostalgia on that book. It was one of the first " new" solo characters in the early 90's, and durning that speculation bubble, it was huge. He was going to be the new Wolverine. I think $100 is very sustainable. Sadly I only have my original two copies, both only in VF, and don't want to put up the $ for a 9.8 personally. You are correct. Collector's will always want issue 1 over the Marvel Age comic and the Marvel Requirer comic. I really like your placement of the word comic. I guess you could argue Marvel Age is a comic... at least comic format in size/staples. A preview comic if you may. The Requirer however, is a comic shop news letter that is not comic sized, is not stapled. It is more like a newspaper. Calling this a comic just sounds desperate. Calling the Requirer a comic may technically be wrong but I fail to see how it's desperate? I will tell you this though, I travel up and down the east coast hunting for comics and I see a lot of Darkhawk 1s in the trenches but hardly any Marvel Age 97s. At the very least it's a Darkhawk key. I'll tell ya what I'm desperate for, one of those comic newsprint publications by Marvel that just happens to be the first Darkhawk cover and appearance. I have never seen one. There is one on the Bay right now brother, not looking hard enough.
  2. I sold mine a couple months ago for $115 off of E-Bay and people seem to get $125 or so on the boards. $100 would be low from what I've seen. Smart move unloading a third appearance. While the darkhawk preview is very arguable. Darkhawk # 1 will always be the book to own for him. For anyone who collected during the time Darkhawk # 1 hit the stands, if they come back, and only buy one book, it will be Darkhawk # 1 hands down. It is like pure nostalgia on that book. It was one of the first " new" solo characters in the early 90's, and durning that speculation bubble, it was huge. He was going to be the new Wolverine. I think $100 is very sustainable. Sadly I only have my original two copies, both only in VF, and don't want to put up the $ for a 9.8 personally. You are correct. Collector's will always want issue 1 over the Marvel Age comic and the Marvel Requirer comic. I really like your placement of the word comic. I guess you could argue Marvel Age is a comic... at least comic format in size/staples. A preview comic if you may. The Requirer however, is a comic shop news letter that is not comic sized, is not stapled. It is more like a newspaper. Calling this a comic just sounds desperate.
  3. MCS has some pretty neat Sam Kieth auto's for 1-6 in their November auction. Strange that they list the other auto as " Sam Oliff " Wasn't it " Steve Oliff" who did the coloring for Kieth? Must be a mistake.
  4. I sold mine a couple months ago for $115 off of E-Bay and people seem to get $125 or so on the boards. $100 would be low from what I've seen. Smart move unloading a third appearance. While the darkhawk preview is very arguable. Darkhawk # 1 will always be the book to own for him. For anyone who collected during the time Darkhawk # 1 hit the stands, if they come back, and only buy one book, it will be Darkhawk # 1 hands down. It is like pure nostalgia on that book. It was one of the first " new" solo characters in the early 90's, and durning that speculation bubble, it was huge. He was going to be the new Wolverine. I think $100 is very sustainable. Sadly I only have my original two copies, both only in VF, and don't want to put up the $ for a 9.8 personally.
  5. Not that I don't agree with yall, but there is a shift currently where the first appearance of the person, not their alter ego is picking up a bit. Maybe that's why the OP thought it was more relevant today. Avengers 181 Scott lang MSH 13 Just a couple of books that never really mattered until recently. Again im not agreeing, but the market is putting value on these books. If hobby ever got super hot again, I could see PP43 getting an uptick., if its Kingsley of course.
  6. I would love to see a picture of that if you ever get the time brother. The books are hard enough. To find one sealed is just crazy.
  7. If you had scoured the earth for a decade building this high grade set, finding many copies raw, ebay copies in mixed lots and such, I would be much more excited for you. That's exactly what she did and has been doing for sometime now. I can attest to that and also sold her one of my highly priced Whitman's. (thumbs u I'm impressed with the collection and Bonnie's determination to bring it to fruition. Shes been a board member for a year. While she could have been collecting CGC or raw before that, I doubt it. Only she could tell us that, and after reading all 56 of her posts... yeah.. I wouldn't believe it if she said she was. I am not saying she isn't determined. Part of the equation of my opinion is patience. She paid 8x what that Black Hole 4 9.8 had just recently sold for just to pry it away from the buyer. Why? To leapfrog immediately into first place with flick of the wrist ( her checkbook for you youngsters ) She wanted it so bad ( 1st place ) she threw gobs of money at it, and got it. Again, that's the whole point of what I am saying. I am not impressed with that aspect of the set/1st place, and I get even more about it when she comes here shouting look at me I'm # 1! She would have gotten there with Doug's books, or others in time, but no... Part of my enjoyment of these variants is finding them. They are absurdly difficult. While she may love her books just as much as I, or anyone else loves theirs, I personally, am not impressed with it. She may have gotten just as much Joy in writing that check or swiping her credit card and unpacking her $6,000 package as I did when I found my cherished rare books in old dingy comic shops digging through millions of comics, fingers all black ( you divers into unbagged longboxes know what I'm talking about ) and stinky from flipping through musty 70's comics. Good for her if so. Everyone gets their kicks in different ways. Why doesn't anyone commenting here understand that me not being impressed is my opinion. Period. Mine. It's how I feel. Why try to argue about that? I find it interesting that the only people on here trying to argue with my opinion , which is pretty crazy in and of itself... are people that sold her books. Imagine that. I guess I wouldn't want to pizz off one of my customers either. touché eh?
  8. That's just hilarious man. Not that you missed it. Because I just saw that on CL yesterday as I am 3 hours from San Antonio and check its CL listings a few times a week. I would have drove 3 hours each way for that. I sent an email and was informed it was gone. Now im all like ... Im quite amazed that three people noticed that variant, assuming the first person knew what they were buying. They must have, who else would buy it.
  9. Nobody said anything about "a set of 9.8's" until you just mentioned it. This is about the best overall set of Whitman 3-pack variants. This is about the best available ( known) copies. I completely understand that many of these copies don't exist in 9.8/9.6. I also know how many copies are thought to exist. Thanks for trying to make me out to be ignorant. I assure you I am far from it. Spiderman 9.8's don't matter in your analogy, because many of those 9.8 Spiderman books are not highest in grade. This conversation is about the best set of Whitman variants, so if you want to make a fair comparison, start talking 9.9/10.0's of the ASM set. That would make more sense. SMH It IS like throwing money at ASM or any other set of comics for that matter. If you can put up the money to buy the best, then you win, regardless if its a CGC 9.2 of the highest grade Whitman variant, or a cgc 9.9 of the highest grade ASM issue. You get more points than anyone else. I don't have a problem with her buying Doug's set. I'm just not all that impressed with it. The chase is half the fun for me, and when you have half the books lined up already, it just doesn't impress me as much. Is that ok with you? Can I have an opinion for myself ? Doug earned to make some money off of these books after chasing them all for so long. It's not about him. Her set isn't even complete and she has the # 1 set. Not being able to get any particular copy doesn't seem to have hurt her. The fact is, she had enough money to throw at this set, to gain # 1 status, in a very short time frame. That's what this conversation is about, and if there is one thing that is not being understood in this thread, it would be that. She could She did, and She got the # 1 set with her money. My point proven. Just like anyone else throwing enough money out there for funny books, you will get what you want sooner or later if you have enough greenbacks. Again, this all boils down to me personally not being impressed with it, and people having a problem with my opinion. I love the set, I am just not that impressed with how it was procured. Anyone can hire a professional lawn crew to make their yard look pretty. If I had to say which I was more impressed with between two identical yards side by side ,and one person did most of that yard work themselves, hands on, I would be more impressed with that one. That doesn't mean the lawn taken care of by a hired crew looks bad. Is it really so hard to understand where i'm coming from?
  10. I never said there was anything wrong with Doug selling you the books, I was simply saying I was not all that impressed with the about it. If you had scoured the earth for a decade building this high grade set, finding many copies raw, ebay copies in mixed lots and such, I would be much more excited for you. It's a cool set, congratulations on it, and I mean that sincerely. I love these variants.
  11. The problem for CGC and for collectors is that eventually at least one copy without the tears surfaced. So that one (and other like it) is really a 9.8 and the others are "well, these were thought to be 9.8 based on the fact that we had never seen one without the tears." I've never liked the " printers/bindery crease/tear" exemption. Mainly due to the fact that the first few dozen people who submit these type books get hosed having the defect affect the grade. Then for other reasons like when they apply these exemptions way too liberally with golden age books. . the most recent Action Comics # 1 that sold on ebay, which has 2 medium " bindery tears" that seem to not have counted against the grade. Those tears also seem to have been made worse over time by handling, which should count against it no matter what. IMO. They don't have a sample pool large enough of that book to make a call like that either way, again IMO.
  12. One must explain things properly at times. I could have said something to the effect of " err dats not tru , outliers exist" but that would have hardly helped anyone, nor does it explain anything.
  13. Ok... I keep hearing this whole Outliers don't exist, single entry " data points" are important no matter what, malarkey. Anyone here take college statistics classes? That single data point, while an important part in obtaining the central tendencies of a data set, should not be taken as a direct indicator for any real change on its own. Will it have an effect on the data set? Obviously, yes. While I agree the single data point normally should not be removed/ignored from any equation if you are doing honest math, I think a little common sense should kick in, especially when we are talking comics. When you have a strong set of data values that are pretty consistent, and a single value is well below or above the current " norm" mean, median whatever you chose, usually something happened with that data point. Either a mistake in pricing, be it an accident or laziness in finding a proper price point, eagerness to accumulate quick capitol, or a possible increase in supply that someone could be hiding and trying to dump quickly, which would THEN change the data set significantly, over a short period of time. However, we do not know what's going on with that single sale and unless there are more sales similar to it, we cannot assume anything from that single data point other than it stands out, which makes it an outlier. In other words If you buy a Hulk 181 CGC 9.0 at a flea market for $100 when its mean or medium is well known to be around $1,200 then that sale is an OUTLIER. It doesn't belong in the sample set of a " typical Hulk 181 cgc 9.0 sale" It belongs in a different population which we could call the sample set of "wow, I got a great deal on a hulk 181 cgc 9.0 " Please, stop saying outliers are not real and all sales should all be counted in the same sample. It's simply not true. I will agree some people here use the word outlier too liberally. I will also agree, that based on how many copies of Legends 3 are out there, it will most likely , in my opinion, correct itself downward. However, using a single data point to make the argument that its happening in major and swift way is just plain wrong.
  14. More than CG? I think not. Wait... if you are baiting me, I would appreciate an emoticon. Sorry I did not clarify, I was talking about the most out of the " Age" forums. Modern does have it's fair share, but for some reason copper has almost as many, and they go on for pages.
  15. (thumbs u Why does it seem that the copper forum has the most drama? Are we all so passionate that it just cant be helped? Or... Was there some strange cosmic alignment that put dozens of the most argumentative comic collectors in the world, in the same sub forum? Oh, I guess it could be that copper is just the best age to be a collector of so the chances are so much higher Sorry to interrupt the spat, please, continue.
  16. This is the stuff that makes me love comics. I mean where else in printed media will men and women of all ages argue in circles over the same thing so passionately on something that is 50 years old?
  17. Just doing a little digging and I noticed there was a Captain Universe/Cosmic Spiderman toy released by Diamond Select in 2008 as part of their miniatures sets. That's a toy right? Edit: I also found a spiderman video game that used Captain Universe/Cosmic spiderman. The real problem with the idea of a " Persona" is who actually owns it. Can Marvel Own all rights Cosmic Spiderman while some Asian toy company Owns all rights to Captain Marvel persona?
  18. Have they ever used the Captain Universe persona in an animated cartoon? Besides someone knowing for sure, if they did that, it would make one believe that marvel owns the rights.
  19. Does that look anywhere near a 3.5? Based on how MCS grades books, if it has a sticker on it, a NM cannot grade higher than a 4.0. I think that is the correct thing to do. They grade it as if the sticker was a large tape pull, or hole. Now if you think you can get the sticker off... which is obviously what these bidders were hoping for, more power to them. Unfortunately, if you look at the scans closely, there is some kind of scraping going on near the middle of the spine on the front cover, add in a few spine ticks and a tiny tear on the back cover and that book is no better than a 6.0 -7.0 with the sticker perfectly removed, which just shows the inexperience of the bidders.
  20. And this applies to the captain universe persona as well? They sure did use it a lot in the past 30 years if it wasn't theirs, how did they manage it?
  21. Not trying to be a downer here, I just try to be realistic. Obviously what you say is true about the rarity and difficulty of getting a nice set like this. The problem I see here is, it actually IS just like throwing gobs of money at Spidey in this situation. Throw out huge $$$ for a black hole 4 in 9.8 and you are golden, and then... The man who has collected some of the rarest comics in history is slow selling HG upgrades to one person who is willing to put up the cash, while locking anyone else out of those books as part of the agreement. I'm just not that impressed with this. I give it a big
  22. That's insane. I understand the census is low because it was never really worth subbing, but good lord, can people not wait? in a few months ebay will have plenty.
  23. (thumbs u Although I would argue its found in odd places, quarter bins etc. , so there are still some out there just don't hold your breath as someone was probably already there looking.