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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. It's crazy to me what the DHP 36's are selling for these days. I get the prices on the original Aliens mini, they are legit tough in high grade. But DHP 36, I mean, I bought a collection a couple of years ago, with DOZENS of them. I kept a few for myself, but pretty much gave the rest away. Ah well. Who could have foreseen the market we have today. Make hay while the sun shines!
  2. That's a good point. Even if something is taken out of circulation, there are still already zillions of pieces out there.
  3. Ok, I'm caught up on the thread now! My predictions on the big bad, the secret guest star, and "the engineer" 1. The answer is going to be much less interesting than anyone here seems to think. 2. Same 3. Ditto Seriously, it's fun to read fan theories on this stuff, but these movies and shows never end up being as interesting as the crazy stuff a bunch of obsessed nerds can come up. So, I just enjoy the ride. For instance, my only real question: will they find another cute little outfit (ala the Magician's Assistant costume, and the Scarlet Witch uniform) to stuff Ms. Olsen into? Otherwise, I don't really care what happens. I'm enjoying it all the same.
  4. While a fun conversational exercise, an actual Boardie HoF seems like something that would potentially cause some hurt feelings, suspicion, contentiousness, and all of the stuff that we'd ultimately like to avoid. However, the idea of a memorial thread, who could argue with that? A nice little pinned "Valhalla" for the Boardies who aren't with us anymore. I think that's a swell idea.
  5. The LCS where I have my holds loves it. They hated Diamond, and so far have been really happy with the DC distribution, and wish that Marvel would get away from Diamond as well. That's only one shop, mind you, but that's what they told me. The Tuesday delivery doesn't affect them as they're closed on Tuesdays, so all of their new books still go out on Wednesdays as before.
  6. That's nuts about the Joe cards. I've been a Joe collector most of my life, and those cards have ALWAYS bee worthless. The 1991 set came out at a time when GI Joe was definitely winding down as a pop cultural institution, so I don't think they sold particularly well. I'm sure the main driver here is as you've pointed out, the Snake Eyes card. Snake Eyes has always been the most popular Joe, in the toys and the comics, and there's a new Snake Eyes movie coming out. It seems like people are just throwing darts at random pop culture icons and hoping they hit a bullseye.
  7. Ah, thanks, I don't REALLY beat myself up about stuff like that. I save the real shame for the stuff like the Walking Dead 1 9.8 that I let go for $900, the Tec 880 9.8 I sold for $250, and on, and on, and on, and on... As my wife likes to remind me, "You were happy with the money at the time!" And I was! But I also enjoy complaining. It's my second biggest hobby.
  8. Yeah, the feeding frenzy on Marvel is calming down (though not totally fallen off. Marvel 1990 sets still selling for about $200-$250, and much more if they include some or all of the holograms; the Stan Lee card is still red hot. The "rookies" of Spider-Man in black outfit, and Venom, still seem to be strong as well. ) but everything else is taking off. DC Cosmic cards that I had in my eBay cart for $15 a box, just a month and a half ago, are selling for $100 a pop. I had some boxes of the Vertigo wide cards in my cart, $17 a piece, and I was planning on eventually picking them up and looking for the Death Skydisc. Now those boxes are $99 each. It's insanity. With the Marvel cards specifically, folks are getting smarter and expanding their search. For instance, I think some have figured out that the 1991 Toy Biz X-Men toys all came with a Marvel Universe 1990 trading card, that is the same on the front, but has a Toy Biz logo on the back, making it a variant. Those Toy Biz cards are moving in singles and sets, and most of that original series of Toy Biz X-Men figures have been hoovered off of the bay. The interesting thing is that the very first wave of X-Men figures, all of the figures came with a card of their character, except for Cyclops, who was about 50/50 his own card, or Apocalypse. I remember waaaaaaaay back in the days of the action figure price guide magazines, the Apocalypse card "variant" sold for a bit more. But now they're all gone. After that initial wave, the figures were reissued with RANDOM Marvel Universe cards, but I think the cards still had the Toy Biz variation on the back. So there are a seemingly endless array of cards to hunt down there, as there's no rhyme or reason to which card was included with which character. So, if you can find a Deadpool card with the Toy Biz logo, you might have something, but the Deadpool figure himself usually didn't have his own card. It's odd. I'm meeting a guy tomorrow to pick up a big card collection. Hoping we can squeeze at least another week or two out of the insanity.
  9. Ok, time to start the hype on weed-related books. Going to start bundling copies of Fabulous Furry Freak Bros with boxes of girl scout cookies, and then retire early!
  10. I thought the labels were pretty silly when they started, and $5 a piece seemed rather steep for a little bit of colored ink, but then I considered that they're also likely paying some sort of licensing fee so maybe $5 is just right. I dunno. I was never tempted until they released the Giant Size X-Men label. I've been thinking about sending my GSX 1 in, and for an extra $5, seems like it might be fun to have the label on there. And once the label is discontinued, perhaps that would make the slab more appealing to others if I decide to sell it. I would never pay a premium for a label on a book for my collection, but someone else might, down the road.
  11. Disney has cut all ties with the actress who portrays the character, Gina Carano, due to statements she's made on social media. So, they fired her from the show, and canceled all merchandise in her image. I suppose it's possible they could recast at some point, but even so, this particular version of this character won't be seen again.
  12. When I saw the news, I thought about picking up a couple to hold onto. They were never really easy to find (at least around here) and now we know they'll never be rereleased, so they seem like a solid investment. However, there are three different versions (the original Vintage Collection, the Walmart Exclusive Carbonite Collection, and the Credit version that @mytastebud has here) and prices have already double overnight. Last night there were a few still available for $60 or so. Now it seems like all of them are hovering around $100. I personally would want the original Vintage Collection figure, since it was first out of the gate, but it's already gone beyond what I'd want to pay for one. I guess I'll hold out hope that I'll turn one up around here locally. You never know!
  13. I must have notifications turned off, because i don't get anything from them. I just check the "Payments" tab in the seller hub to see what stage my money is at. Money I received Friday and through the weekend would normally convert from pending to Available on Monday, then "payout" on Tuesday, and then arrive in my account on Wednesday. But due to the holiday, I assume, the payments only converted to available today, which means they'll pay out tomorrow, and I'll get it Thursday. Really, really hating it.
  14. I'm also looking forward to that one! I was all about compendia such as that when I was a kid. I never had a complete set of the comics, but I the boud character books from the Marvel Super Heroes RPG, which cribbed a lot of the artwork and info from the OHMU, and added roleplaying stats. I spent hours and days poring over those sheets. This omni and the DC Who's Who are two of my most anticipated, for sure!
  15. Just saw the notice from IST that due to weather, they won't have the books online for sale today, likely won't go up until Thursday. Of course, this happens on the one week where I'm actually paying attention and was loaded up and ready to go! Ah well. Plan on getting UXM 4 DM variant and may grab the Howard the Duck 300 DM variant as well.
  16. Believe it or not, Fitzcarraldo is one of my favorite films, and Herzog one of my favorite directors! So, we DO have common ground. By the rules I've established, I must now set MYSELF on fire. I'm not doing the naked thing, though. No need to subject nursing home residents to that horror.
  17. I used to buy X-Force 1's for 25-30 cents, and for a while was getting a steady $5-$10 each for the Deadpool version, and I felt GUILTY about it! Now I just feel dumb for not holding longer.
  18. I suspect we'd share practically zero common ground, philosophically speaking, but I enjoy seeing CAL on the boards. It's sorta like if someone set Gary Busey on fire and let him run naked through a nursing home. It stirs things up!
  19. Today, I got a belated b-day gift from the in-laws, the last Don Rosa gift set. So, I’ve once again completed the collection for a second time. Won’t be selling again! My Fanta Barks/Rosa set is nearly up to date. I think I’m missing one Barks Donald gift set, and the two most recent Barks Scrooge books. Love the material, and Fantagraphics has done such a nice job on the presentation. Really lovely books all around.
  20. Wait...are people ACTUALLY buying X-Men 1??? I specifically filled up my comic rack with X-Men 1's I bought for 25-50 cents because I always thought "If there's one book that will never sell for more than a buck, it's X-Men 1." If Dakota North 1 finally catches on, I'm setting everything on fire and checking into the loony bin.