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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. Awesome, and looks super clean for the grade. Congrats!
  2. Oh wow, that is a great piece! Thanks for the kind words. I’ve been chasing Alien stuff most of my life. I like these posters; the first is an original domestic one sheet, took me a long time to find one that was rolled and not folded. Got this one about 20 years ago. The second is a reprint of the international poster, but I’ve been hauling it around to cons for 20 or so years getting sigs. Got Goldstein, Rolston and Ross first at Dragoncon I think in 2001, Henriksen a couple of years later, Biehn a couple of years after that. Finally got Carrie Henn a couple of years ago! It’s all personalized so its only valuable to me, but to me it’s priceless! I used to have the enormous six panel Alien poster (the width and length of six one sheets all together), and I sold it several years ago. Now I can’t find one for less than $500. I try to console myself with the fact that I wouldn’t have room to display it anyway. Ha
  3. Yeah, those library editions from DH were so beautiful. Broke my heart that Marvel got the license, because although I'm sure their ominbi will be fine, they' won't touch the quality of the library editions from DH. I'm a bit of an Alien collector myself. So if you ever decide to let that Compleat HC go, you know who to talk to!
  4. Nice, $365 is a sweet deal, I have rarely seen them dip below $500, and like you said, it's usually closer to a $700+ ask. That's a nice prize that should look great on your shelf!
  5. What's more likely: 1. Artist makes a bonehead move by using imagery he doesn't fully understand in an inappropriate context, and exacerbates the situation by making a very unfortunate spelling error, compounding the problem? or 2. Artist decides to jeopardize their own career and bring shame to their employer in order to make some weird anti-semitic slur in an issue of Immortal Hulk? It seems pretty cut and dry. Bigotry of all types is raging across the internet 24/7. I won't say much more as I don't want to bring politics into it, but suffice to say there are a lot of dark things bubbling to the surface these days. If this guy wanted to make some point, there are certainly larger venues to do so. I don't see an artist intentionally sabotaging their career to do something like this. It's just a dumb idea, that he shouldn't have committed to paper, and that editorial shouldn't have allowed to reach the stands. But it doesn't feel HATEFUL, you know? It feels uninformed and dumb. Apology felt sincere, publisher is responding appropriately. What else is there to do?
  6. Congrats! I've been looking for one of these at a not-stupid price for a looooong time. Have yet to find the right copy. Looks like a beauty!
  7. The bad news is that yes, eventually it's ALL going to fall apart. These toys were made with cheap plastic, placed on cardboard and sealed with a thin plastic bubble held on with cheap adhesive. The aging and deterioration process varies from toy to toy based on a variety of factors, from storage conditions, to relative humidity, to the materials used to make the specific toy. It varies from piece to piece. The good news is that it may be fine during our lifetime. Maybe longer. It's hard to say. Some carded figures look as nice as the day they were released. Others have frosting, yellowing, or in the case of GI Joes, are crumbling within the packages. Heck, with Joes and Transformers, it can be as specific as what plastic was used for a specific color. For instance, Beast Wars figures and Joe accessories what were cast in gold plastic are already crumbling like dust. None of it was meant to last, so just enjoy it as long as you can!
  8. I was just talking about SW with my wife. The special editions were released in 97, twenty years after the original Star Wars. It has now been nearly 25 years since the release of the special editions, and 20+ since Phantom Menace. The generation that grew up with the prequels are now adults, and those are THEIR Star Wars. I notice this a lot with meme culture and millenials, where the prequels are perhaps more prevalent than the original trilogy. I guess in another 20 years the Disney trilogy will be the point of reference :shudder:
  9. Beauty! This was the last MASK toy I got as a kid, and is an all time great. Such a cool car. Looks like a very nice box too!
  10. Today I stopped by a local store that I'd never visited before. I know the owner from the local flea markets and hobby shows, heck I've even been to yard sales at his house. But due to circumstance and distance, I'd just never made the trip to his shop. They are primarily a Funko Pops and moderns store, but they have little stash of random older stuff. I went in to buy some Batman figures, and walked out with a couple of books as well. More Star Wars stuff to feed the beast, and this 500 Platinum. At first I was super stoked because I thought it was the 75, but oh well, for $50 the Advs 500 still seemed like a good buy. And now it goes good bye! Edit: no matter which way I turn these files, they appear upside down. Let's see if this works... Edit: Nope, it didn't work. Enjoy these rare upside down variants!
  11. These "The Adventures Continues" figures completely slipped past me when they were released. I saw them when they were solicited, and thought "Eh, I'll pick those up later." Well, later came, and then went, and this stuff sold out in a hurry. Apparently they only hit certain specialty retailers and some shops? I guess distribution on the last gasp of DC Direct has been a bit of a mess. It also looks like the last few solicited figures (JLA boxed set for DC Essentials, Vampire/Batman Who Laughs/Catwoman w/ Selina head sculpt) are unlikely to see the light of day, which is a real shame. I'm still not onboard with the McFarlane stuff, so I am in full mourning for DC Direct. At any rate, I saw what these were selling for on eBay, and hit the roof, assuming I'd never find them at retail. Last night, on a whim, I did a google search, and got a hit for a shop here in town that I'd never been to. I sent them a FB message, and not only did they have them (minus Deathstroke), but they were still retail price, no ridiculous markup! So, I made the trip today, and picked these up. I'll probably go back later this week to get Joker, Bats and Harley, as they have several of each. Now I just have to track down a Deathstroke at a not-crazy price, and I'll be all set. (I still really hope that Selina Catwoman is released, though!)
  12. Ninja force Scarlett was the last "new" Joe I bought from a store during the vintage years. I was already in high school and "over" GI Joe, but it was Scarlett, and Scarlett is cool, so I think I paid $2.99 for it on clearance at KB. The weird build without the o-ring gave her those huge thighs, always kinda bugged me. Sold it when I sold all of my stuff the first time around. Then about 10 years ago, I found a really nice one at a flea market for about $8, and bought it again. Eventually sold THAT one again. NOW, I'd say I'd buy another one, but prices on the 90's stuff are finally starting to pop, so I doubt I'll find a steal on that one again. Although I was never a fan of the ninja or neon Joe stuff, I always liked the card art on that one.
  13. Didn't Disney buy all of that stuff? I'm not sure why they'd ever need to dig into the Crossgen library when they still have SO much to play with in the MCU, but I guess it's not out of the question that they may do something with the IP one day. I guess the smart thing would be to just sit on them, because "who knows", but for the time being the space is worth more to me than the potential down the road. Famous last words, of course. I'm sure I'll come back to this post one day and say "Damn, I gave about 200+ Crossgen books away, and now Ruse is a $1k book", given my luck. It's funny, and a little frustrating, I thought SURELY, with all of the Crossgen and Chaos stuff in this collection I picked up, those Rob Zombie books, and MAYBE the Dragon's Lair books, would be in there. But nope, not a thing. Just all of the normal CG titles no one wants. The thing is, Crossgen had a very good stable of talent, the books were very professionally made, they're colorful and very attractive. It was certainly an interesting experiment. Seems like there's a lot of potential there. But I just don't see any real interest from most folks. Valiant, as dire as things got, always had a hardcore crew of fans. I never hear a peep about Crossgen.
  14. My copy was only around VF. Threw it on the bay for $40, it sold in an hour or so. I guess I could have tried to squeeze more out of it, but this was found money for me, so I'm happy to get it outta here.
  15. Oh yeah, as soon as I saw it, I ran downstairs, got it scanned, getting ready to throw it up there in a few minutes. Can't imagine this one will last long!
  16. Holy cats, the Crossgen Mystic 15 is blowing my mind! I just saw it. It's unbelievable because I picked up a HUGE collection of Crossgen stuff in a collection I bought a couple of weeks ago. I've already made my money back several times over, so I was just going to give the Crossgen stuff to a good friend of mine who was recently talking about having enjoyed them the first time around, and was wanting to revisit them. I was just happy to be rid of them. Luckily he hasn't picked them up yet, so I'll just have to explain to him that the collection is one book lighter. Ha This is the sort of stuff that seems so dumb to me in the current market, but I'll take the money!
  17. Just to be clear...this ain't a comic book. People spend stupid money on stupid things. Happy for those who can make some bank, but I wouldn't want to be the one holding the hot potato.
  18. I saw a few DHP issues at a shop dollar bin a month or so ago, and thought about buying them on general principal. But I already had them, and they weren't quite NM, so I passed. DHP is such a cool title. So many great artists passed through those pages, and SO many characters and concepts. Seriously, that series is a treasure trove just waiting to be explored.
  19. Well, O and P are pretty close together in the alphabet, so I'll allow. Tom Cruise isn't quite as pretty as Charlize Theron, though... As for Marvel and Aliens, I'll be happy to eat my words. I'd like nothing more than to read another great Alien story, as I've been able to do on and off over the last 30+ years. I'm just afraid that Marvel won't take the same chances that DH did with the material. Some of the greatest comic artists of all time, from Sam Kieth to Kelley Jones to Mark Schultz to Mike Mignola to Richard Corben etc worked on those books. Sometimes the chances they took worked out great (see previous sentence), and sometimes they didn't (any title in which the word "vs" follows the word "Alien"). I just want to see something cool that is faithful to the source material, that doesn't cheapen the brand any further. (Though it would be hard to top Alien Covenant in that regard. Sheesh.) As for Predator, Marvel can do whatever they want, Predator doesn't interest me one way or the other. I have a lot of fondness for the first film, as I'm an oddly dedicated fan of every moronic movie Arnold ever made, particularly in those halcyon days of the 80's. But as for the other movies, the comics, the property in general, it never did anything for me. That being said, the best Predator story I ever read was Predator vs Archie, which was a crossover, and it was great, so what do I know? Short version: old man resists change, news at 11.
  20. Stopped by the LCS today to pick up the latest batch of Alien vs Marvel covers I'd ordered. These are still leaving me pretty "meh", though I think the Captain Marvel is a pretty cute homage, and the Wolvie seemed like a solid enough bet. Into the boxes they go! While I was there, I picked up some back issues. I guess I'm buying whatever Star Wars stuff I see these days, as they've been moving like gangbusters for me. If it's not a total rag and the price is fair, I'm buying it! I liked these Bronze issues as they also had the reprints to go along with them. As for the newer issues, they were only 25 cents over cover, so I apparently did ok there a well.
  21. As long as someone got it, it was all worthwhile! Also, any pics of that costume? That is something I need to see!
  22. Thread title lead me to believe there may be content about eating children, and now I'm disappointed!
  23. I sold a stack of Tarot's this weekend, that I picked up in a collection a couple of weeks ago. The collection was heavy on Chaos Comics and other bad girl stuff. I didn't read the Tarot's, but they sold pretty well. My recollection is that Balent was pretty fun on Catwoman, but once he went self-published, any restrictions or common sense thoughts on boob size were out the window. Tarot is about a witch, I guess, but mostly it's about boobs. Big ol' boobs. Soft core, pg-13 boobs, but boobs all the same. I was briefly tempted to keep a couple of the more horror-ish covers, but that urge passed quickly.
  24. Ha, well Tom Cruise is definitely not in Prometheus, so now I'm wondering what movie you DID see? ha