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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. Yes, loved those! I've still got the prestige formats around here somewhere, but you're right, I'm pretty sure they did a deluxe hardcover within the last year or so. I also enjoyed his Superboy's Legion mini, though not as much as The Nail.
  2. I haven't read that in forever. That's another one I need to revisit. Davis has always been (and continues to be!) terrific, but that late 80's/early 90's sweet spot, man, he was out of sight.
  3. I like Morrison’s JLA a lot, but Excalibur was everything to me back in the day. Somewhere you’ll find my 7th grade yearbook with a picture of me proudly wearing my Excalibur t-shirt! Amazingly, I was never beaten up or bullied! To me, that’s Alan Davis at his absolute peak. I haven’t revisited the stories in many years, so they may not hold up, but that was my most anticipated collection of the year, hitting all of my nostalgia buttons dead center! I was all caught up on my Barks library, but forgot that a new volume was coming. Will have to add it to my wish list at IST! Ordinarily my mother in law gets me a Barks gift set for Xmas, but I don’t think they’ve done one for the last several volumes. I know that this year I’m getting (via some combo of gifts from the wife and mother in law) the re-prints of the last three Rosa gift sets. I sold them off back in the Spring when prices were nuts (got $500 for ‘em) after reading from Rosa himself on FB that Fanta would be rereleasing them. I was a little nervous to let them go, but I figured Rosa was a pretty secure source. Apparently there are some minor revisions in the latest printings, as Don is something of a freak for details. (Big surprise, right?)
  4. Big day for collected editions! I had to limit myself to the Batman Road to No Man's Land Omnibus, and the direct market exclusive Excalibur Omni. I must have my calendar screwed up, because I wasn't expecting Excalibur until 12/1. But it popped up at IST today and I just about had a stroke trying to get the order placed as fast as possible! Looks like I needn't have worried, as it's still up for sale a few hours later. I would have liked to have grabbed the JLA omni as well, but with Black Friday sales looming, and Christmas shopping to do, I had to limit my personal spending. That volume should be popular enough to hang around a while, fingers crossed. It looks like things may finally be turning around. The IST site upgrade seems to be working well, and from what I've personally seen, and what I'm reading at MMW, it looks like the 3pm logjam isn't quite as interminable as it had become in recent months. I'm also seeing reports that Picking/Scanning is moving much faster these days. Also, they got several books back in stock, including UXM 1, Green Arrow Longbow Hunters, Hulk PAD 2, She Hulk by SLott, etc. Maybe those shipping lines are finally opening up, and we'll see some regular restock and/or larger allocations available for ordering. Let's hope! Happy hunting!
  5. Same! I didn't buy many of these figures (I was pretty much done with TF by this point) but I remember buying this set!
  6. This thread is going to single-handedly cause a run on Crazy 57. Looking forward to seeing it on the Hot 10 Spec/Flip sites next week! "Why is this book blowing up? What do insiders know about the Muppets that they aren't telling? Buy now!" That being said, I am now looking for one as well!
  7. Not sure if anyone will see this at 8pm on a Sunday night, but I thought I'd share. I don't keep up with Marvel Legends much anymore, but I thought this was in demand at one point. Randomly scrolling on Target's site tonight, they had three in stock. I got one for myself, what the heck, but if you need one, they've still got two as of this moment! https://www.target.com/p/hasbro-marvel-legends-avengers-hulk/-/A-78137437#lnk=sametab
  8. I hate to break it to you fellers, but somebody has been writing all over the fronts of your comic books!
  9. Great room, you can tell that's a collector/dealer, there's a lot of work happening in that room. Anyway, looks like it's getting crowded, and you'll need more room for boxes. I'll run up and take that spinner rack off your hands, help ya out a bit!
  10. That's a terrific accomplishment! Always thought that was a underrated series. Very cool that you had some OO love snuck into the set as well!
  11. It's true, basically EVERYTHING is on fire these days ha What a time to be a seller! I should have bought more back when all of this stuff was cheap. It's just surprising, as a life-long Alien collector, to see the property suddenly gaining interest, when it was cold cold cold for so long. Strange days indeed!
  12. I really should have held onto my under-copies when I finally got my 9.8. I had a 9.4 and a 9.6. I think I got about $60 for the 9.4, and I want to say I basically have the 9.4 away.
  13. Waitaminnit...can ANY of us summon comic creators to the Boards simply by hurling around needless accusations? Let's see... SERGIO ARAGONES STOLE MY SILVERWARE AND FINE CHINA BUT DENIES EVER BEING IN MY HOME! Now we play the waiting game...
  14. Horror Express if fun! I've got it on Blu Ray. Great cast, Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, Telly Savalas. It think it's actually a Spanish film production (or Spanish/British), so not a Hammer, but they definitely were going for that Hammer vibe, especially by loading it with Cushing and Lee. In fact, a lot of the horror films of that era, the British ones, whether they're Hammer, Amicus, etc share a lot of cast-mates and tone. It was a very fun period for horror flicks!
  15. What's most interesting to me about these prices is that they seem to be spurred on only by the fact that Marvel has acquired these licenses, and is probably going to do something with them at some point. But nothing has really HAPPENED, you know? They've got some Aliens variant covers coming out in January, and are collecting the DH material in Omnibus format. And...that's all so far. But suddenly everyone is losing their minds. It's not like these books haven't been sitting around for 30 years. Dark Horse has been publishing Aliens comics since 1988, and I doubt any of the series published in the last 20 years (say, anything after Aliens vs Predator) has cracked the Top 100 in sales. Sure, there's a devoted fanbase of folks like me who eagerly buy the stuff up, but for the most part, Aliens comic fandom is a niche within a niche within a niche. Not only is there no new movie on the horizon, there hasn't been a successful (in relation to cost) Alien picture since Aliens in 1986. Every single sequel and spin off (AvP, Prometheus) since then has underperformed relative to their production budget. Covenant was an outright bomb. One assumes that maybe Disney will do something with the license at some point, but as of right now, there's nothing happening. It's just odd to see Aliens become the flavor of the month, and these prices are getting kind of wild if it's all just speculation on what Marvel might do with the property. Not complaining, I've got mine, just very surprised by what is going on. I don't really worry about the money, I'm more concerned about what Marvel will do to water down the property even further. I expect we'll see more dumb crossovers, like DH did with other companies for many years, but I'm hoping we still get some R-rated, adult-directed Aliens stories and series, as that's what the films were all about. I'm of the unpopular opinion that crossing the property over with Predator was the worst thing that ever happened to Aliens, turning it into another dumb monster mash series, ala Godzilla vs King Kong, but there are apparently a lot of fans of that stuff. So I have zero interest in Aliens vs X-Men or whatever it is they're going to inevitably end up doing, but of course, as an Alien fan, I'll buy it, because I'm a sucker!
  16. I always said I'd never sell my set. But if prices keep going up...well, never say never, I guess!
  17. Nice! It's funny, I like Vampire Circus as well, but it's not one you see many people bring up as a favorite! The Asphyx is an interesting one, I remember seeing the case of the VHS tape on the shelves at the rental place when I was a kid, and for some reason it TERRIFIED me! Watched it as an adult and liked it a lot, but I have no idea what I was so scared of.
  18. How strange! Thanks for the tip, that is working for me!
  19. Also, does anyone know if there have been recent changes at the MMW board? I haven't been on in a week or so, was going to drop in tonight, but when I go to the Forums page I'm taken to a separate Tapatalk page, and I get errors when I try to log in. I know there had been talk of migrating the boards at some point, but I didn't realize that may already be happening. Or maybe it's just an error on my end, which is entirely probable. I'm well known for my user errors!
  20. Well, they won't be mine until X-Mas, so I'll say that the wife's copies of Absolute Swamp Thing 1 & 2 arrived today from IST. So, that's a two week turnaround, which I sincerely hope means things are getting back on track with them, for all of us!
  21. Had a chance to read volumes 3,4 and 5 of the Dawn of X trades this weekend. Each volume contains a month's worth of issues of all of the X-books, so vol 3 has issue 3 of X-Men, Marauders, Excalibur, etc. I really love this format, and hope they keep it up, as I enjoy keeping up to date on all of the X-books, but the only one I'm likely to buy in hardcover is the actual X-Men book by Hickman. It's helpful to have all of the titles in one volume, as characters cross back and forth, and events from one title may affect another. Also, you can't beat the price, as a $17.99 cover means it's aroud $14 at most retailers, and only $10 and change at IST. Still very much enjoying the Hickman-headed relaunch, and as we get further into these regular ongoing series, the books are beginning to separate themselves. Unsurprisingly, I think the two Hickman-written books (X-Men and New Mutants) are the best. X-Men itself doesn't have a lot of action, but has plenty of big ideas and some political intrigue. New Mutants is a more lighthearted and fun book, as it splits its time between a space-faring adventure, and the adventures of the younger X-Men on earth. I'd say my next favorite would be Excalibur, which is digging into the Captain Britain mythos, which I've always enjoyed. Marauders and X-Force sort of blur together with the other titles, which is fine. I see them as fleshing out the larger world of the X-Men book. The only title that has completely failed to capture my interest is Fallen Angels. I don't think I've finished a single issue of that book so far. There's just nothing there for me. This should put my total at 695. Yikes! Gotta get to readin'!
  22. I remember back in the day I bought a few packs of this set, and got the blue redemption card AND 1/2 of the foil chase set. Never sent in the blue card. I sold it several years ago for about $20. Nostalgia got me looking at these again, I was afraid they'd be crazy expensive, but it looks like I did ok! Now I may need to buy them again...
  23. I think it's more likely that what you saw was Ditko's ghost! As for the warning, on behalf of the CGC Community, I hereby accept your apology, and urge you to not do whatever it was you did again, unless it was really funny, in which case, have at it!
  24. Congrats! Man, I'm glad I got my Aliens 1-6 9.8s a few years ago, it's insane what these books are going for now. An Aliens 1 9.8 closed around $1600 last week. That's nuts.