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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. Yeah, that's the main reason why I held onto that Absolute for a while. It's a very nice presentation of the art. But eventually I decided that I didn't need that many versions of the same story. Of the four Capra listed, I'd say that's the one to pick if you're going for the art angle.
  2. Also worth mentioning is The Quiet Darkness saga storyline from the 5YL/TMK LoSH series. It's Darkseid in the 30th century, and he has mellowed a bit. I wouldn't recommend the story unless you were already familiar with Legion, particularly the Baxter series and the 5YL series, but for readers who are already familiar with the setting, it's a treat, and one of my favorite portrayals of old Rock Face.
  3. They're all nice collections (I didn't get Identity Crisis), but ultimately sold COIE, Final Crisis and Infinite Crisis in favor of the omni's, because the omni's collect all of the related tie-ins, whereas the Absolutes mostly just have the specific series with a few extras. I think Final Crisis may have also included Superman Beyond? Can't recall. Infinite Crisis is one that greatly benefited from expansion in the Omni format, as it included all of the prequel miniseries and various tie-ins, which greatly enhances the story. On its own, Infinite Crisis is kinda meh. But as part of the huge tapestry of events and tie-ins, it's a very fun story. As for presentation, they're all very nice, as you'd expet. COIE I considered keeping, just because I love the design of the slipcover and interior book, but ultimately let it go when I got the 12 volume HC set.
  4. I'm stoked about this one as well, and I agree 100%. 1400 pages is a wrist-breaker. Make it two volumes and include EVERYTHING. Oh well. I guess I'll have to be happy with what we get. Also very excited for DC's Who's Who collection.
  5. Cosmic Odyssey is fun, Starlin story, Mignola artwork. Hard to go wrong there. I haven't revisited it in quite some time either.
  6. Just coming into the thread to make sure this was mentioned. Kirby's work aside, this is my favorite Darkseid story.
  7. My ebay annoyance had a happy ending. Apparently opening the Help Request with USPS shook the package loose, and it arrived with the buyer on Saturday. So, $18 for priority mail, shipped on 8/6, arrived 8/22. I guess I'll see if I can get a refund on the postage, but the buyer is happy now and closed his case.
  8. I watched the trailer again. I’m 100% onboard with this muscle car Batmobile, and will need to purchase many toy versions of it.
  9. Yeah, it's a pretty sleek little vehicle with a cool silhouette! I was happy that the kryptonite rock was still in there.
  10. The thing about the costume is that ALL Batman costumes look ridiculous, because Batman is a ridiculous concept to begin with. That being said, I like this one. Certainly no worse than the Nolan suit or Affleck's suit. Looks like it's made for movement, which makes sense. I dig the silhouette. Is Jeffrey Wright playing Gordon? He sure looks the part. Great choice. I'm kinda done with superhero movies in general, so my expectations are low, but I could see myself enjoying this. Seems like it has a specific visual style which will separate it from its predecessors.
  11. Picked at a garage sale this morning for $3. Considering slabbing it, as it is pretty pretty nice, but by the time I gets back I'll likely have missed the hype train.
  12. Garage sale pickups. Nothing to blow your skirt up, but I'll use any excuse to bathe in the glory of those McKean Sandman covers. Also a couple of Dave Stevens books I already have a stack of, but can't turn down when I find them.
  13. Garage sale pickups from this morning. Nice box of plastic junk. Nothing is complete or particularly valuable, but this is the sort of stuff I just can't leave behind. The Batmobile was most expensive at $15, the rest were $2-$5. Batmobile needs windshields, but is otherwise in working order. The rest are missing stuff, but are easy enough to sell. For now they head to the laundry room, awaiting their chance to find a forever home. Looks like Cap sacrificed himself jumping on a grenade. Yeesh!
  14. Went to a fun garage sale today. Father and son collectors, I picked up a bunch of stuff from them last year. Collection has been cherry picked, so nothing super valuable, but still some fun to be had. I spotted the UK Marvel reprint mags right away. Not valuable, but still unusual for a garage sale in the suburbs. He had them marked $3, but told me he'd sell them for a buck each if I wanted them, so hey, why not? Otherwise, I picked up a nice little chunk of really clean Sandman books, a couple of Dave comic vers, some LoSH readers, and other random stuff. The real winner was the Space Usagi 1 for $3. Super sharp copy, couldn't believe I found one. Also picked up a box of junked toys, will post those over in the plastic crack thread, and some scans of the Sandman books in the This Week thread. Fun morning. Happy hunting!
  15. "I'm into boobs!" Well, sure, I mean, most people are, one way or another. "I'm into people being tied up!" Ok, well, I guess so. Whatever turns your crank. "I'M INTO PEOPLE HAVING NEEDLES SHOVED INTO THEIR EYES." :backs away slowly:
  16. This was what I was going to bring up. I have always thought "headlight" and "bondage" covers were quaint and amusing, in a charming, old fashioned way. A little naughty, a little smutty, ultimately harmless. But the one sub-genre I never got was eye injury! Who is seeking that out, exactly? Yikes.
  17. I haven't bought any real comics for a long time, as most of my cash has been tied up in toys. But I couldn't pass up these first appearance beaters. Gotta love low/mid grade SA DC's, you can get them for a song compared to their Marvel counterparts.
  18. Well, that's what I told him. I cited the fact that the tracking number from USPS specifically states "item is arriving later than expected, but is still on its way", which should be all he needs to hear. But he keeps repeating that he's received OTHER packages in that time frame, so somehow this is my fault. He went ahead and opened a claim against me, claiming "something is definitely wrong." I told him if opening a claim made him feel better, go right ahead, but it's not going to help anything. I DID open a "Help Request" with USPS, but as I explained to the buyer, I can't file a "missing package" claim until 15 days have elapsed, and we're not even at that point. Oh well. I'm not going to eat this sale just because he's impatient.
  19. Well, while I'd witnessed the slow down as a buyer, I am now feeling the pressure as a seller. I have a buyer who paid for some figures on 8/5, I shippped them on 8/6. Tracking shows they sat until 8/10, which was the last time they were scanned. They show, of course, "arriving late" and still "in transit". I think most of us have seen this several times lately. As a buyer I understood the slowdown, and what usually happened was that there was no forward progress, and then suddenly one day the item just magically arrived, about two to three weeks late. But my buyer is nervous and wants me to file a claim. As I explained to him, this is a nationwide issue, I've experienced, tons of people are experiencing a slowdown, and as long as the package still shows "in transit", we should be good. But he wants me to file a claim. Whaddya think?
  20. Yes, the two pack is awesome. All of those SW multipacks are tough to get ahold of, nice pickup! I also really dig the Yoda billfold!
  21. Today I received my first message from a panicked buyer, as the package I sent was last scanned on 8/10. I told him that was actually relatively good, as I've personally had packages last scanned on 7/31 that haven't moved yet! Very frustrating as a buyer and seller as well. I wish eBay would issue a blanket notice to buyers, telling them to be patient and not blame the sellers automatically. I'm hoping stuff starts moving soon. In the meantime, I've stopped shipping business for the remainder of the year.
  22. I'd say throw away the bag and keep the book. The wood pulp in the pages may provide some nutrition in case of global catastrophe. The bag is more or less inedible.
  23. Well that's not terrifying at all.
  24. I don't buy floppies anymore, but I saw that the collected editions staff is getting reduced/shuffled. If anything happens to prevent my getting that Legion of Superheroes Five Years Later omnibus, I'm driving to Metropolis and am kicking Superman in the nards.
  25. Sure there are! There are collectors for every kind of media that ever existed. In fact, the folks who continued collecting vinyl after CD's came out are looking pretty smart these days, as CD declines and vinyl prices surge. I'm glad I was working at a record/comic shop in the late 90's, when I could buy vinyl for $2-$4. Not saying that cd's will see a similar resurgence (they won't) but there will always be a dedicated collector base. For instance, I collect LaserDiscs. I own most of the same films in far superior Blu Ray and 4k discs, and most Lasers look like garbage on an HD screen. But I still love em.