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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. So people care about those Punisher countdown books now? I pulled a complete set of the countdown books as well as the non-deluxe 100 out of the 50 cent bins I'd say two, maybe three years ago, could barely give them away, including on these boards, even though I was pretty sure they were hard to find. I probably sold them for a song, as I don't have them anymore. Oh well, another example of my selling too soon!
  2. See, as much as I personally love Cerebus, I think it's actually OVERvalued compared to the character's relevance in the current marketplace.
  3. Oh man, if the prices go up anymore, I'm out. I remember when HT's were $80, and that seemed like highway robbery at the time. Now they can't seem to release a figure for less than $250.
  4. Yes, it's supposed to be low grade; but if the grade is given as 3.5 and no other notes are given, I'm going to assume that it was given a low grade due to the "normal" wear and tear commensurate to the grade, and not due to some freakish miscut. This is a clear cut (well, the book wasn't clear cut, but you get the idea) example of an extraordinary flaw that MUST be shown or explained first. I'm not saying they should have a blanket policy allowing slabs to be returned. I'm saying that in this particular case they should accept a return because their listing was, at best, lazy, and at worst, deliberately misleading.
  5. I'd imagine we'll see all of them hit the auction block once he drops dead. I'd say most of the buyers right now are eager to grab one before he kicks, as there will certainly be a market surge connected to the new of his passing. It's all morbid and gross.
  6. I just picked up this page at Clink a couple of weeks ago, because I thought it was kinda pervy fun. Who knew that Star Sapphire was such a dom?
  7. It never hurts to ask. "Look, I know you guys say you don't take returns, but you also failed to disclose that the back of this book looks like someone caught it in a paper cutter." Hopefully they'd be reasonable.
  8. Still, even if it's production related, this is something Clink should be showing, or at least pointing out. That's a very specific defect that a lot of folks aren't gonna be happy to be surprised by.
  9. Aw man, I'll be out of town, down at the river with no internet access.
  10. Update: Finally got the order received email last night, though they still haven't charged my card. Must have gotten a big response to the sale.
  11. Same, I grabbed several drekky 90's Image books that I needed to complete some runs I want to sell. Haven't gotten anything other than the initial order confirmation.
  12. I've met him twice. He was kind of a both times. I tried a second time because I thought maybe I'd just run into him on a bad day the first time. Everyone has a bad day, we're all just people, etc. But twice was enough for me.
  13. Not a huge one, but I was pleased. This was the Sook variant, listed as the Greg Horn cover. The Sook variants normally sell for $40+, on the rare occasion that they're listed. So I was pleased to pay about $13 shipped (plus I used eBay bucks, double bonus!) https://www.ebay.com/itm/Blackest-Night-Wonder-Woman-3-Greg-Horn-Star-Sapphire-Cover-DC-Rucka-NM/332614847424?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
  14. I agree completely, but I think there's still a mental disconnect with a lot of collectors re: magazines. No matter how influential, how important, or how cool, a lot of collectors just don't seem to want to deal with them. There are definitely exceptions (as our own esteemed magazine forum will attest) and I feel like there has been some forward momentum on that front in recent years, but they still seem to lag behind their smaller, punier cousins.
  15. Yeah, I've said it before, but I think the board changeover was a good spot for a lot of old timers to make a clean break. Sorta like when a comic relaunches with a new #1; the desired effect is that it will attract new readers/users, but there are also a lot of long time readers/users who will use that as a spot to jump off. SO, old timers have left, and meanwhile newbs are easily intimidated and easily chased off by the few remaining grumps left sticking around. (And don't get me wrong, I'm an old grump myself.) Except for the especially resilient ones, like @Get Marwood & I whose tenacity I have to admit I admire.
  16. Oh, yes, and Valor! Man, if that book ever pops, is my ship coming in! I have so many of them...ugh...
  17. Yeah, those were great times, pulling those Catwoman and Wonder Woman books from the bins (along with Bolland WW's as well!) Heck, I was still able to find them in dollar bins as recently as 3 years ago or so. But word got out and now it's all over. I'm surprised that JLI doesn't fare better. It's one of the all time great superhero comic runs (1-60, Giffen/DeMatteis Bwa ha ha League) and the covers are just great. I used to own a couple of the originals as well, probably shoulda kept them.
  18. When I was a boy, we had Goblins in two colors: Green, and Hob! And we liked it!
  19. It's true, if you're a real fan of AH and not just chasing $$$, there are still tons of cheap books to be had. I still pick up stacks of Maze Agency, Starblazers, Justice League International, etc. Not worth a buck, but I love finding them. I also still prefer Adam's early style, when he was still more Dave Stevens than Drew Struzan, and that was also when I discovered his art, so that stuff still really speaks to me. You can also still regularly find Lady Rawhides, Vengeance of Vampi, Ghost, Fairest, Classic X-Men, and several others, in the dollar bins. Great books, and I buy every one of them that I find for a dollar or less, which is still fairly often. Hell, just two weeks ago I got a nice little AH stack at 50 cents a pop.
  20. Man, I'm glad I don't care about Superman, what a bunch of stuff to chase! Good luck everyone! (When Detective hits 1000, that will put the hurt on my wallet.)
  21. Terrific list, though I wasn't really familiar with the more recent stuff, like anything after All Star Superman. Well, scratch that, I know Saga & Hawkeye, but was unfamiliar with the rest. But yeah, the rest of the list was terrific, particularly the attention paid to the indie and underground books, which commonly get short shrift on "fan" lists. Nice read!
  22. I officially gave up on floor boxes this year. Just not worth the hassle of back pain, hunching over and being in the middle of an aisle with my hanging out. I always tell myself I'm not missing out on anything, but there's this little voice in the back of my head...
  23. I vividly remember buying that off of the stands at a convenience store down the street, simply because the cover was stunning. My child brain was tripping over the photo-realistic painted artwork...in a comic! Definitely made an impression.
  24. It's a cute pic, too. The theme: "What if Audrey Hepburn had actually had giant honkers?"