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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. I guess I never posted my new copy over here. HOS 92 was one of the first "major" comic purchases I ever made. Back when I was working at my LCS, around 1996, I was 19 years old, and our shop got two copies in, one about GD, and the other around VF. The VF copy was about $175, which may as well have been $17,500 for me at that time, just being right out of school. So I put it on "layaway" and made payments, and finally brought it home. I adored that book. A few years later, I sold it off when I had to get rid of all of my books (looong story) and that one always hurt my heart a bit. So, I've been flirting with buying another copy for several years, but couldn't find one in the grade and price range that worked best for me. That is, until Lexington Toy & Comic Con last month! I won't say what I pay, except suffice to say it was under current market value, but considerably more than the $175 I paid 22 years ago. But this one is a keeper for me! Not perfect, but right in my wheelhouse.
  2. The Oath is a great read, and gotta love the AH Vampis too!
  3. I get it. I bought a 40 box collection back before Christmas and I'm just now getting into selling. Sorting it took forever, But still, digging is such a blast.
  4. So, how about this, the most iconic art of the copper age? I'm talking, of course, about the Meat Loaf Special Olympics ad! Seriously, that thing was on the back cover of every comic I bought when I was a kid. The art has to be out there somewhere, right? The apparently rubber guitar that he's playing in the first panel (I don't think Meat Loaf ever even played guitar) is permanently burned into my brain matter.
  5. Treasure hunt, love it! It's always so exciting to have a collection all to yourself, ready for you to dig through and discover.
  6. I think all three of those examples are solid long term holds, IF you got them before the hype train really went off the rails. I agree with many other folks in that I think there will be some correction, but no true bubble bursting. These aren't spec books anymore, these are all well established keys. They may dip a little bit, but they're never going to be cheap. NM 98 - I think this one will flatten out simply because there are so damn many of them showing up all of the time. But the character has made his imprint on popular culture. They're going to be making these movies and spinoffs until the end of time. I wouldn't buy one at current prices, but I can't see it ever bottoming out completely, short of a complete market collapse. It's like IH 181, there are a blue million of them out there, but someone always wants one. ASM 300 - I'm not sure that the movie will help this one, but it shouldn't hurt it either. The teaser trailer didn't seem to have anything "Venom" about it, but of course the movie is still very far way, so that will likely all change. But this character is also here to stay, and this has been a key issue for so long now, I can't imagine it'll ever dip too much. I don't think movie hype is really pushing this book either way, I think it's just an established key, 1st appearance of massively popular character, classic cover, iconic artist. This book has plenty to keep it afloat regardless of movie spec. It may continue to see a bit of a movie run-up, but I think this train has permanently left the station, regardless of how the movie does. IM 55 - Now this one seems to me to be the most vulnerable, and may dip the most following the release of these films. Marvel has established Thanos as their chief villain, but is anyone even buying Marvel comics anymore? It's been a long build up to seeing Thanos on the big screen, so the hype train has had plenty of time to build steam. I could see this one dropping quite a bit after the movie, but again, not enough to truly call it a bubble burst. Of course, this is all conjecture, it'll be interesting to see how things go. I'd be happy to own all three books (and have owned all three in the past) I just wouldn't pay what people are asking right now. But if there IS a large correction following the movie releases, I may buy then, because I think they are solid long term books.
  7. In a perfect situation, I guess I'd prefer a totally clean card, devoid of stickers. But like I said, I certainly don't MIND a sticker, if it's still in nice shape and not plastered right over the character's face, or something. But as you mentioned, either scenario is vastly superior to a card that has been "cleaned" and now has a square that is discolored, or brighter than the rest of the card, or still has residue, etc. The effort to "improve" a piece often yields a much less desirable item. I guess my overall philosophy is to buy the nicest piece I can find, and whether it's stickered or not, just leave it alone!
  8. Seriously though, the machines are super convenient, but yeah, I'm too greedy to give that much away in fees. Ever since I was a little kid, my Dad has thrown his pocket change into a big tin, and given it to me at Christmas time. When I was a REALLY little kid, like, pre-allowance and stuff, I used that money to buy Xmas presents for the family. At any rate, my family is big on tradition, and even though I'm now 41, my Dad STILL gives me that same beaten old tin full of change every Christmas season. So I'll usually grab some wrappers and throw on some old tv show like Barney Miller or Andy Griffith, and just roll coins and reminisce about my childhood, and I'll use that money to get a little extra surprise for the whole family for X-Mas. Tl,Dr: You're not getting my money, Coinstar!
  9. :"Roll your own" apparently means something different around here than it does where I come from...
  10. Love stuff like this, but I have to ask: when you receive a page like this, do you ever just sigh and say "JEE-zus Jim, why so many freakin' tiny little lines everywhere???" I'm exhausted just watching the video.
  11. Are they flipbooks, with another cover on the back? MCS only shows 1 issue of an Awesome Prophet series, but these aren't the covers they show, wonder if they're on the other side? I have all of the other Prophet series, multiple copies of most of them (the first two volumes plus the relaunch) but don't have one of these.
  12. Simonson Thors Any Mignola, Hughes, Stevens covers. Batman (but just the main Batman title, not Tec or the other spinoffs, unless it's a particular artist or key of some sort) Pretty much any cheesecake or good/bad girl books with decent art. Sex always sells, especially to me! On the "modern" side, I still have a fondness for some of the gimmick books of my youth. I buy every Glow in the Dark cover I run across, particularly Ghost Rider 15 and the Spectre GitD covers. And for reasons I don't understand, I still buy X-Men 1, particularly the deluxe cover, if I can get it for 50 cents or less. I realize there is nothing to be gained by doing so, and yet, I can't stop myself. I also always pick up the second print gold/silver/copper covers, and pretty much any DC 2nd or later printing. Even when they're cheap, I'm still a stickler for condition. Went to a big 50 cent sale this weekend, but even at that price, they still had to be in pretty nice shape for me to pick them up.
  13. I never understood the hatred for price stickers. I mean, sure, there are exceptions; no one wants a huge clearance sticker blocking the card artwork, or something distracting or ugly. But a "normal" price sticker from a store that is most likely no longer around, place innocuously in the corner? I think it just adds to the charm and nostalgia of the piece. I'm on your side!
  14. I especially love finding pieces locally with local price tags on them. Love seeing those long gone dept and toy stores. Thornbury's, Airways, Zayre, Consolidated, Children's Palace, etc. Great memories.
  15. That's awesome! Man, I loved Cerebus. A shame that Dave kinda went off his nut, but the series is still a staggering achievement.
  16. Ah, but that's how they get you! Selling comics in the same place they sell the comic supplies. It's diabolical, really. Yesterday I went to my LCS just to drop off my holds update, wasn't planning on buying anything at home. Spent $100 on toys. The fiends!
  17. Shhhh, ixnay on the Mr. Okay, I'm trying to corner the market here!
  18. Yes, noticed this more and more recently, and I honestly kinda like it. Seems like a good way to group similar items into one listing, one stop shopping for the buyer. I first noticed it with loose GI Joe figures a few months ago, and have noticed it spreading to comics more recently. I haven't done any listings that way myself, but I'm curious about how the sellers like it so far.
  19. You can talk about whatever you want. It's a discussion forum. That was kinda my point. But I wasn't taking it seriously...that was also the point. Sorry, derailing the thread again! And feel pretty bad about it too.
  20. I always pick up the early Valiants if they're cheap and in nice shape. They're just cool books and still have some potential, I think. Amazing to still be digging those great Dave Stevens books out of the dollar bin! I thought the word was pretty much out on these, but it appears there are still some deals hiding out there!