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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. Beautiful stuff, especially love Seth (big fan!) and Schomburg, what a great story from a very different time in our hobby.
  2. I always enjoyed Hughes work. A lot of his contemporaries/imitators were just garbage, which gave the Bad Girl "movement" a "bad" name. But I always thought his stuff was very solid. It was exaggerated and cartoonish, but there was a solid foundation holding it together. I'd love to have a page!
  3. Yeah, apparently there's a good chance that either Cinci or Dayton are going to get hammered with snow tomorrow. Not sure what time, but either way I'd be heading through Cinci, there and back, so I don't want to get stuck. The wife is already feeling better (thanks!) so my decision will probably hinge on what the forecast looks like in the morning. Be careful out there!
  4. I had planned on going, but now the wife is ill and apparently there's going to be snow (I live about 2 1/2 hrs away in Louisville)? So we shall see. If I end up making the trip, I'll shoot ya a message. Regardless, have fun!
  5. Yeah, I am not terribly fond of Mondo's practices, but I do like a lot of their stuff, so I just pick up the stuff I like (if I'm lucky) for myself, and if I miss out, no big deal. But I am primarily a vinyl collector with Mondo, and while some of that stuff sells fast, i don't think it's ever been as brutal as their gallery print leftover sales, and what's more, these days they are going back to press on a lot of the sold out vinyl. For instance, I sold my Jaws OST when the prices went nuts, then bought it again when they rereleased it a few weeks ago. Same with The Fifth Element, and a few others. I waffled on Atomic Blonde until it finally sold out, but they put that one back up recently as well. So at least there's a bit more flexibility with their vinyl. Man, I LOVE that Blade Runner piece. Must keep telling myself the lie that I have repeated several times now: I don't collect prints. I don't collect prints. I don't collect prints...
  6. I know! I swear I really don't! I mean, before I bought all of these BTAS prints (only because BTAS is my weakness) I swear, i haven't bought a print since...uh...well, carp, it was only 2 weeks ago. I really am a hypocrite!
  7. Today Mondo put up the rest of the BTAS pieces. These sold out even faster this time, I'd estimate less than 30 seconds. Of course, with edition sizes in the 100-275 range, and these just being leftovers from the gallery show, I wouldn't be surprised if they have less than a couple dozen of these in stock. I don't know why they even bother announcing the sale, as it only seems to people off when they sell out. Oh well. So, proving once again that I'm an enormous hypocrite, the man who has now stated several times that he does not buy prints, managed to pick up these five prints this morning. The Cats were what I really wanted, and I snagged all of my "must haves" except Harley and Ivy. All in all I'm pleased.
  8. Ha, I actually just noticed that yesterday, because I kept seeing the link pop up in posts, but I thought that the poster was trying to link to a specific auction that they were referencing, and somehow screwed up the link. Of course, I'm not the most observant guy in the world, it's likely that this has been going on for a long time. But you're not alone!
  9. I do pretty well with my LCS. Every other month or so they'll put on a big $1 or 50 cent sale in their "event room" (i.e. the storage room.) Sometimes it's just comics, sometimes it's records, dvds, cd's, etc since they also carry music. I guess they usually do this once they've accumulated a lot of drek. They also have been known to bring up collections for their other locations for these sales. I've done really well there over the years.
  10. I love Olivia's stuff, but I don't really collect prints (as I have now unnecessarily repeated ad nauseum) , so I've skipped most of these releases. That being said, I believe I have the latest Pfeiffer Catwoman piece coming to me as a gift from my wife, for our 10 year anniversary...which is two years away. She likes to buy me stuff and hang onto it for a while, because I will inevitably forget all about it by the time I receive it as a gift. In this instance I asked her last week "Should I go ahead and get that Pfeiffer Catwoman piece, or is it possible that I may be receiving it somewhere down the line?" To which she replied "I'd just forget about that, if I were you." Fair enough! I look forward to forgetting about it and being surprised in two years. Here it is for anyone that hasn't seen it yet. I've enjoyed all of the Pfeiffer Catwoman pieces that Olivia did for Sideshow, but this was the only one that I absolutely had to have (I guess it sold out, as I couldn't find it on their site anymore):
  11. I get it, but it's not an issue for me, really. As I said, I don't really collect prints, for the most part, but i DO collect vinyl, so I am very much used to their whole deal. I have pretty much never missed out on any of their limited vinyl releases that I wanted, and with prints and other collectibles, can probably count on one hand the items I really wanted that I didn't get. And if I didn't get it, it doesn't bother me. Plenty of other junk to blow my money on, so I don't sweat the stuff I don't get. But I understand where you're coming from, i have read lots (and lots!) of angry comments from folks who miss out on the stuff they want. I get it. I just don't get worked up over it. I get that too, but again, it's just not for me. I used to have several itoyas with original art and prints (and smaller ones for autographed 8 x 10's, and junk like that) but a few years ago came to the realization that I outlined above: if I can't see it, I don't need it. I am just not the sort of person to sit back with a portfolio and flip through it. Just not something I'm interested in doing. But different strokes and all that, seems like you're quite pleased with it, and it's certainly a handsome collection. Just not my thing. Same for self framing. I've read a lot about it and I've seen some neat results, but it's just not worth my time.
  12. Oh, good idea! I was mulling over a couple of books I might want ,but i actually NEED mailers. Good call!
  13. I'm not a big print guy, for the same reason I don't buy a lot of original art anymore: I want to SEE the stuff I'm buying, and I'm just about out of wall space. If it's just sitting around in a portfolio, I feel like that's sort of defeating the purpose of owning it. That being said, I have my weaknesses. Mondo posted up the remaining stock (or at least the first round of it) from their recent BTAS show. Most of the stuff sold out in about 30 second or so. The original print runs on these were mostly around 100-150 for the variants and 250 for the regulars, so after the gallery show I imagine they only had a handful for sale on the site. So, no big surprise on the fast sellouts. I managed to snag two of the variants that I wanted. Missed out on couple more. That's just how things roll with Mondo. Happy to have these three headed my way.
  14. Awesome, this is what I was actually hoping to see when I opened the thread. Beautiful stuff.
  15. Slab Pro! The guy would send you one for free if you asked, just to try it out. I got one, and have to admit it was pretty nice for a big rubber band. It was molded to fit the CGC cases, a slit on the top for the label to show through, nice thick corners. Like a bumper for your book. It was nice if I was travelling with a slab and didn't want it bouncing around in a box or case, if I was concerned about the corners of the slab cracking, etc. I never bought more because I'm not really much of a slab guy when it comes to my personal collection, but I thought it had some practical use.
  16. Cool! I'm not familiar with Frankies Comics, and I don't normally do store variants, but I'll need one of these for the collection. I don't see anything about it on their website, though?
  17. This trailer is better than the last one, but I'm still having a hard time working up much excitement. I think I'm just burned out on the whole Marvel formula at this point. Hoping they kill off Stark, and we don't have to see RDJ anymore. I still love the first Iron Man movie, but the character has way overstayed his welcome, to the point of total annoyance.
  18. So much terrific stuff in here, so many memories. I don't own any copper indie art, but my absolute favorite 80's indie is Grendel. Any 80's Wagner Grendel piece would be a grail, and I wouldn't mind some Pander Bros stuff either. Anybody have any of either to share?
  19. Unconscious and sporting a pair of Daisy Dukes? That's how I always pictured you!
  20. I really wish I could have expanded my collection during those years. Those were the "lean years" for me, so I was doing good to keep up with my weekly pull list. I never wavered in that regard, but I definitely didn't have the foresight to invest in back issues like I should have.
  21. Peter had parents? I'm glad I stopped reading Spider-man in the 80's!