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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. Same here. There are times when I think "Oh, she's going to freak out about this,", but my wife's official stance on my stuff is "as long as it stays in the basement, I don't care." She will occasionally come down, look at everything, and simply say "Sell this." But she doesn't push it. In fact, the only thing I'm absolutely forbidden to bring into the house is another coin-op machine. She even said I could get another USS Flagg if I wanted, and that thing is 7' long! Moral of the story: marry/partner/shack up with a cool person.
  2. Because he sucks? See, because he's a vampire. He...sucks. I'll show myself out.
  3. I was the exact same. "A solo Wolverine book! Awesome! Wait...why does he look like he just got out Flashdance?" I haven't read them since they were originally released, but pretty sure it was supposed to be an actual mask, because he was under cover as "Patch" (the X-Men were "dead" at the time), and the most singular hairstyle in the world and metal claws surely wouldn't tip anyone off otherwise.
  4. Thanks, I have a good idea once in a blue moon! Our garage has quite a bit of space in the rafters that was mostly unused, except for some plastic tubs for our outdoor christmas and halloween decorations. I was able to fit four or five more tubs of boxes up there, (mostly) out of sight, out of mind! It at least got them out of the basement.
  5. Yeah, at this point most of those enormous boxes have been sitting around the laundry from for four or five years, so I guess it won't hurt anything for them to sit a bit longer.
  6. Man, that takes some resolve. I am THIS close to doing it on some of the SST pieces that I'm 99% sure are lifetime keepers (My DC ladies, my Alien legendary busts), but I am so capricious with my collection, you never really know when I'm going to decide that I don't collect X anymore, so I sell all of my X so I can start buying Y or Z. But you're absolutely right, those PF boxes are enormous and eat up a lot of real estate. I was able to stash all of the boxes for my mid-sized pieces (Batman Black & White statues, Hot Toys, etc.) in tubs in the rafters of my garage. Gets them out of the way but leaves me the option of hanging onto them should I one day decide to sell.
  7. Awesome. So glad this was a happy ending, who woulda thought?
  8. Posted this in another thread, but only a few days in and I'm already maxed on all but one item. I'm not a big wheel, so usually the pieces I'm interested in are a slow burn, taking off on the last day, or last hours/minutes. But it seems like, this time everything took off like a shot right away. Maybe the Hush cover brought more bidders around than usual? Kinda bummed because a couple of things I was pretty sure I'd have a shot at, based on similar recent sales, but I may be going home empty handed this time.
  9. Yeah, I don't see the need to argue about a price, or to "educate" people either. It's a waste of time. They can ask whatever they want, if it's crazy money, I just laugh and move on. If it's close enough to reality, sometimes it's worth making an offer. Craigslist is 99% loons, but I've still had enough successful (some very successful) deals on there that it's at least worth visiting the site once a day and browsing the collectibles. You never know if you don't look.
  10. Mentioned it in another thread a little while back, but I'm feeling my age more these days, and I'm just not sure I want all of this...stuff...I've accumulated. So I'm giving some serious thought to cashing it all in and buying another AF15 to replace the one I sold. There are days when I get really psyched about the idea. But, that's a lot of work, and I like all of my stuff, so I'll probably just keep adding piles of cheap stuff that I like, and will one day be crushed under mounds of it, leaving my wife the trouble of disposing of my junk, and hosing my remains off of the floor. Or maybe I'll buy a IH 181. I could do that. People seem to like those.
  11. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like EVERYTHING took off like a shot right away with this round of auctions. With the stuff in my wheelhouse, it's usually a slow burn. But I'm already almost topped out on everything I was interested in, and there are weeks to go! Did the Hush cover bring more eyeballs than usual?
  12. As a huge Aliens fan, I always thought that most of the crossover books were pretty dumb, but this is one that I enjoyed a great deal.
  13. It's my understanding that the tin roof is rusted. That's a safety hazard. Love Shack closed for renovations.
  14. ...basically. Yeah. Martin's thread in the post above me explains it pretty well. The marvelmasterworks boards are loading ok for me over here, does, this direct link work for you? marvel masterworks boards
  15. It's a very nice resource, those boards. I almost never post, but I've lurked for years, and have marveled at some of the custom bindings and covers that folks cook up over there. Very neat place!
  16. You might try the marvelmasterworks.com boards, and see if anyone has digital files that you could print or they'd be willing to print for you to replace what you're missing, for a fee. A lot of the guys over there seem to make custom jackets and the like, and sometimes offer custom jackets up for sale at cost. Maybe a long shot but that would be my best advice. Good luck!
  17. Same. I've been "around" for at least 10 years, even if the join date only shows 8/9. It was intimidating, but eventually you have to jump in.
  18. Very odd. As RAM pointed out, there's never been any mention of such an object existing, and I have collected Gen 13 pretty passionately for a while, and had assumed it was a fake, but the blue label threw me. You'd hope that CGC would be more stringent, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised.