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Everything posted by NewEnglandGothic

  1. Love this pic +1000 Funny how it was just this past Summer that there was a bunch of moaning and groaning about her costume and the pilot. I love how this show generally follows the upbeat mood of the first two Chris Reeves films. And that's why my kids love watching Supergirl and to a lesser degree The Flash. Comics for kids are a thing of the past, but it's nice to see two comic book TV shows that are kid friendly and appeal to adults and kids alike (instead of R-rated comic book Tv shows). Last night I went up to my teen daughter's room to check in on her and she was watching the end of episode 3 where Kara and cousin Clark are texting. Who on Earth did that...? I don't think I really was "moaning and groaning" myself as much expressing concerns. But I agree, the initial picture wasn't very promising for her look. If I haven't said this before, I love how her cape goes down her back, exposing her shoulders and arms. Makes her look tougher. Great design! That pic says it all... the costume works. They just need to hire a different promo photographer for the next new series
  2. Love this pic +1000 Funny how it was just this past Summer that there was a bunch of moaning and groaning about her costume and the pilot. I love how this show generally follows the upbeat mood of the first two Chris Reeves films. And that's why my kids love watching Supergirl and to a lesser degree The Flash. Comics for kids are a thing of the past, but it's nice to see two comic book TV shows that are kid friendly and appeal to adults and kids alike (instead of R-rated comic book Tv shows). Last night I went up to my teen daughter's room to check in on her and she was watching the end of episode 3 where Kara and cousin Clark are texting. Who on Earth did that...? I don't think I really was "moaning and groaning" myself as much expressing concerns. But I agree, the initial picture wasn't very promising for her look. If I haven't said this before, I love how her cape goes down her back, exposing her shoulders and arms. Makes her look tougher. Great design!
  3. I know, but I could never get away from current event tragedies by watching a guy in tight rubber or Riggs & Murtaugh save the day. When something bad happens, like Boston, a seriousness tends to overwhelm the proceedings of say Age of Ultron or B vs. Superman . Semi-popcorn movies with a voice like Dirty Harry or The Dark Knight, that also explore criminal politics & themes, do eventually help me heal better to watch these kinds of movies again. But, there's way too many cash grabs coming down the pipeline to be all thoughtful about the violence they reap for our "entertainment".
  4. I'm behind on this series anyway. I still have episodes 2-3 to watch. I like the show, but it didn't feel too important to keep up with. But right now with Paris, it's a somber reminder how ridiculous superheroes really are in the real world when there is so many real heroes out there that risk their lives that go unnoticed. This is probably what happened with Vietnam TV coverage and the Batman TV show in the 60's. It isn't speculation that is going to kill the Hollywood superhero trend, it's the reality of the world we live in. I come on here and I could care less about updates on an Aquaman Movie thread. OK over I'll catch up when I can.
  5. Good luck with that. Out of curiosity I imdb'd the Director, Sam Liu, and he has a ton of credits...as a storyboard artist. So, who knows. I just chalk the mess up to a Bruce Timm vanity project that didn't quite gel. And if anyone's earned the right to at least one 'unique vision' semi-flop, it's Bruce Timm. Overall JL G&M suffers from two major sins, (A) no character to care about or root for, and (B) boring voicework. imho. The next Batman and Damien animated movie looks interesting.
  6. I'm not too much of tech guy, but I always felt since a lot of those shows were originally shot with standard definition effects, those scenes look somewhat fakey with all the edge enhancement. Shows like Firefly did this and if I believe Star Trek: The Next Generation shot it's entire show in SD. To me when they do this, it looks like the Krypton scenes in Supergirl's pilot. Stay with the dvd set in my opinion. I still haven't watched episode 2, myself. Tomorrow night, before Last Man Standing or something.
  7. +1. I don't think there's any doubt that the producers are drawing inspiration from the spirit of the '78 film and its sequel. Lots of similarities. E.g., when Cat Grant calls a staff meeting and the staff is standing around with pads and pens at the ready ... very reminiscent of the Daily Planet scenes with Jackie Cooper's Perry White; and the airplane scene/Air Force 1; rescuing the pet snake/rescuing the pet cat. It's parody to some degree, but it works perfectly fine. But, does the mom call the kid a liar and slap them, like in the '78 original? I'll have to listen to one of the commentaries to it sometime.
  8. Just finished Season 1 Sunday (not as awful as I have thought it might be, at least Idina is in it), making my way to her season #4, I think she was done by #5?
  9. Maybe tomorrow night for me. I've gotta pick up leaf piles, write three pages and take down my Halloween lights tonight. I can't stay settled to watch a light-hearted show (like this) or movie (Inside Out) when I haven't did my chores.
  10. Me too. Even if she battled Microwave Man from the terrible Superboy series, I'd catch it. Melissa is gonna carry this show as long as her star stays bright. My "Hello...? CBS...? I've got an idea to pitch..." Since it's CBS... A Walker: Texas Ranger team-up against the Kryptonian escapees. But, the whole plotline would be over in three minutes.
  11. Me too. Even if she battled Microwave Man from the terrible Superboy series, I'd catch it. Melissa is gonna carry this show as long as her star stays bright. My
  12. Yeah, I think it should have been 90 mins too. It would have been a great homage to Superman II if her colleague who had a crush on her, suspected she might be the Maid of Might and set up little challenges for her until the roof scene. It would have showed how intelligent he was, then showed a responsibility side as he develops her costume, helping get past his lovestruck character arc into a more important character in her universe. But, if we got more of him, I probably would have asked for more of Calista's Cat character in another Jerel universe. You weren't going to win with some of theses thinly developed secondary characters. I like that idea How about a DCJU...? If I was doing it, Mary Marvel and Batgirl would be in it for more girl power. Sounds like a terrific launch pad for them without interfering with big-budget films down the road, it's brand afterall. Right now, I think it would be a huge mistake if a superpowered guy saves her tush even once, when a female villian was revealed. This show isn't gonna win Emmy's, but it's gonna be a crucial building block for DC TV properties for a wider audience (girls) seeking a healthy dose of fun that Constan... whatever failed at for NBC. I only critique it now, because the 3rd season of Wonder Woman played opposite to it yesterday night. That excrement is pretty unwatchable now (Special guest villian Henry Gibson reciting his whole scheme while skydiving in the opening of one episode or Wolfman Jack hypnotising kids at discos). Hoping they don't give into camp and hold their theme.
  13. Well, excuuuuuuse me. I just have a somewhat benefit to occasionally write adventurous stuff.
  14. Yeah, I think it should have been 90 mins too. It would have been a great homage to Superman II if her colleague who had a crush on her, suspected she might be the Maid of Might and set up little challenges for her until the roof scene. It would have showed how intelligent he was, then showed a responsibility side as he develops her costume, helping get past his lovestruck character arc into a more important character in her universe. But, if we got more of him, I probably would have asked for more of Calista's Cat character in another Jerel universe. You weren't going to win with some of theses thinly developed secondary characters.
  15. I think it's a girl-power theme. #ziggazigahhhh
  16. The beginning was pretty cheesy and would rival George Reeves 50's series Krypton opening for schlock. Way too rushed. But, luckily Benoist shows up to "save the day" with her every-gurl narration. Calista Flockhart is playing her character too icy, her character feels like an afterthought anyway. Chyler Leigh adds a lot humanity to Kara's older sis. Hopefully, the dynamic holds throughout. Ever since Frozen, sisters who actually love each other is such a refreshing change. Benoist proved she didn't need fancy TV level effects to carry believable self doubt on her shoulders before the climax, she's just a great actress. The violence was especially stunning with each blow and kick Kara received and felt like there actually might not be a neat/tidy wrap-up for her at the end of the episode as with other weekly "Super" serials from Lois & Clark to Smallville. It's refreshing to see a woman action star get her hands dirty in a a fight actually. Meaning, I was "buying" the fight's set-up compared to The Matrixs or Charlie's Angels of celluloid. One thing's for sure, I'm tuning in next Monday.
  17. Finally, watching a re-run of the Supergirl pilot on CBS. It's pretty wonderful for the small screen. Melissa Benoist is a star. I think it's a cosmic irony that another show about a super-powered female (Wonder Woman) that played thirty-five years ago in playing on MeTV right now.
  18. .... don't feel bad, bro. I'm the guy who LOVED both Hulk movies, LOEG, and the third ASM GOD BLESS... -jimbo(a friend of jesus) I loved MOS as well. The best comic book movie for me so far followed also by the DC Batman trilogy and I have always been a Marvel fan (sorry to mirror you there jimjum12 but you summed it up perfectly for me.) Not that I am trying to dis Marvel as their movies are very well made, very entertaining and obviously very successful. But when Superman killed Zod it was one of those rare moments when a movie can transcend it's genre. Like it or not, it gave the movie a moral dimension that you have to deal with - something that killing hundreds of robots could never do. ...... at that stage in Superman's career, he had no other choice than to dust Zod............ sometimes heroes must make the tough decisions. It was fast and humane..... now if he'd ripped Zod's head out by the roots and pulled a Conan ? ...perhaps not so much..... GOD BLESS.... -jimbo(a friend of jesus) In my opinion, he should have just marched right up to Zod and ended his journey right there. We had already seen fighting in Krypton, fighting Smallville (I watched some of it tonight). We didn't really need to watch them hurl each other around the city, until Clark had to make his choice. That would have been a far better pay-off (and personal, like The Dark Knight's) after defeating Zod's army and would have saved some money in effects for the sequel. Mainstream people would have been talking about Superman being a bad-guy right up to the spin-off movie and would have been a better arc for Affleck to start with for his character. But, the fakey 5 minute beatdown exhausted you to the point of not caring about that scene as much as you should of. An edited down Man of Steel with less product placements, might even get 3 1/2 stars from me. I agree with Mr. Sneeze, Marvel's relied on way too many droid armies lately to even invest emotional interest in what's happening on screen. I mean AoU had another brainwashed Hulk rampage, another fight between Avengers, another scientist brainwashed by "Loki's Glow Stick of Destiny" and much more stuff of the same. At least Man of Steel, didn't feel like a cold product, even if you had the urge to shop at Sears afterwards.
  19. You gave it 3 stars. You're neutral in the discussion, so no one was actually responding to you. OK, I feel like I'm always slamming it because of the two hideous points I always mention, but it's actually a pretty solid movie. Carry on.
  20. Just want to clarify for posters who can't read too well what I posted. I didn't care if he killed Zod in Man of Steel, Superman II or Edward Scissorhands. Stop reaching. I felt the special effects overwhelmed the climax into another unbelievable Michael Bay-wannabe spectacle. Something this big should have ended a little more quietly, like The Dark Knight. The neck snap was so much louder than any skyscraper collapse.
  21. I don't hate it so much, as I just don't feel 100% right about it either. I liked a lot of stuff in it (Michael Shannon's Zod, Amy Adams LL and a lot of the supporting cast, the gritty feel, the score and the effects. But then there there is the noisy final fight at the end that came off too Michael Bay (but I admit it will be a central plot point for BvS), the endless product placements, it's choppy editing, etc. It's a better Superman movie (still like seasons 1-3 of Lois & Clark) compared to others in the past 30 years, but it lacks an "Up, up and away" feeling of something we have never seen before. Three stars.
  22. Finally... I might be able to buy one now Great Guns!
  23. It has an encore presentation on Saturday night at 8pm (eastern). Just a heads up. (thumbs u