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Everything posted by NewEnglandGothic

  1. A little off-topic, but yesterday was the anniversary (March 31, 1993) of Brandon Lee (28) being accidentally shot in Wilmington, North Carolina with a bullet fragment that had been lodged in a prop gun.
  2. I saw that book, and how gorgeous it was. But I knew you guys needed it to complete a set. It was a fun run to collect graded. We met a lot of super folks on here during all of this too. But, being a super Crow fan that she was, Halloween 2005 ...she was perfectly happy with her readers and Crow DVDs.
  3. You need to get these books back. I still remember getting that NM+ raw Dead World in the mail and saying "Thanks Nick"*. *for passing it up
  4. Do you want graded or raw copies, and in what kind of shape? I guess I would want to have the first Gem Mint Crow set. I'm actually working on "realizing" a book up to it's full potential right now. LET ME SHOW YOU SOMETHING!!!
  5. Depends on the book. And these are estimates, though Michael/Mschmidt had a very good reference on the Crow 1-4, and I trust his information. Caliber Presents 1 = 10,000 Crow 1 = 10,000 Crow 2 = 7,000 Crow 3 = 5,000 Crow 4 = 12,000 Wow! I never realized how low a print run Caliber Presents 1 was, for some reason I was thinking 50,000, this book just got a whole lot more attractive to me. Someone asked about the print run of these books. Someday, I'll put together a run of these. Hey, I might get lucky and seduce them away from some rabid collecting fangirl too.
  6. I'm not sure but something gives me the impression you're not really a fan of Superboy Season 1... Yeah, I bought it the other day at Best Buy. Totally unwatchable drek. It made The Quest for Peace look like Man of Steel.
  7. You know... I'm the biggest sceptic I know but I think you might be right... This show cannot be as remotely awful as Superboy Season 1 anyway.
  8. The only way that would work is if they hire an actor who could act through his body movements, like a dancer. Somebody who could convey emotions through a mask or costume, think Ron Perlman "Hellboy", Nick Castle "Halloween", Ray Park "The Phantom Menace", Peter Weller "Robocop" or Doug Jones "Hellboy". They couldn't just put a stunt man in the costume for the whole movie and have him rip off the mask at the end to reveal it was a not very physical Ansel Elgort the whole time. Marvel has prided themselves in showing the actors without their costumes for long periods of screentime in many movies to better "humanize" them in the past (Iron Man 3, Thor, Witer Soldier, etc), so I see an unmasked Parker in these things as well, for better or worse.
  9. I liked this actor in Whiplash, but then recently saw him (again) in the latest Divergent series flick. I don't think he's cut out for anything where he tries to be tough -- in any sense of the word. I thought the same thing about Keanu Reeves before I saw the first trailer to Point Break. Fair enough, but he already tried to be a tough guy in INSURGENT (and the earlier DIVERGENT) and it didn't take. Guess we'll have to wait and see. I agree with that he really didn't come off as a worthy rival to Shailene Woodley in Divergent (haven't seen the new one yet), which is odd because they had so much chemistry as boyfriend/girlfriend in The Spectacular Now. You would think they would know each other by then to take some risks as enemies. But, then again Ansel Egort played her conflicted brother rather unconvincingly in the Divergent movies as well, after he so winningly played her lover in The Fault in Our Stars. Maybe these young crop of men are better lovers than fighters? But, there's no denying how much he fought back as his soul was being ripped apart in Whiplash. He contributed to JK Simmons performance just as much as Simmons did and was definitely worthy of an Oscar nod (despite having two major franchises in the works).
  10. It might be just me, but I kinda got sick Utopian feel of the original 60's vision in later incarnations. Sometimes, a familiar formula can get shaken up a little (the current movies), for a different perspective for another generation. With this, I'm actually excited that this series might boldly go where the franchise has never gone before. (thumbs u
  11. Ooooo, that sounds like an interesting direction for this series to go (no really, it does).
  12. Both of you please try to understand with the post I made above yours, ^ "It just wasn't me". Please take no offense. I only meant when I grew up watching a lot of war movies because they were my dad's favorite and I've seen a lot of the formulas used in this for the umpteenth time. I found myself fast forwarding a lot of the "dramatic" scenes even, because they were so cliche. Even when I was 11, I was kinda bored with Top Gun. You might ask what kind of sy-fy movie that I liked with monsters that would work with this kind of storytelling and visual effects? Well, Let's go back to 1986 again. Jim Cameron really turned war movie cliches on their ear with Aliens. But, I can't think of any giant monster movies that I could compare to Pacific Rims plot (cocky pilot trying to find his nerve again in the face of a conflict), that I could compare to. I liked the visual effects, the sound and some of the supporting characters (Perlman and Day), but can't reccommend this movie.
  13. I liked this actor in Whiplash, but then recently saw him (again) in the latest Divergent series flick. I don't think he's cut out for anything where he tries to be tough -- in any sense of the word. I thought the same thing about Keanu Reeves before I saw the first trailer to Point Break.
  14. Turn over your DVD to me - right now, mister! I actually just got rid of it last week to a Godzilla fan. It was the two-disc edition (Black Friday deal $4), so I don't feel so ripped off. It just wasn't me. Try to think of somemore movies tonight.
  15. I found it corny in a 'Top Gun' way. Cocky pilot losing his edge and has to overcome massive obstacles to succeed. The effects and sound were great and Ron Perlman ate enough scenery for some entertainment, but it just felt like a "seen that before too many times" movie with an enormous price-tag. Two stars.
  16. I'm tempted to shut off the color to this show. I think it would enhance the atmosphere which is already pretty moody. I just tried this with Blade Runner last weekend. WOW. A totally different movie and I was picking up on details better.
  17. The movies were horrible compared to the best episodes of the TV shows. Where some felt the alien episodes were some of the best, I think what you will realize after watching Season One is the standalone episodes are fantastic productions. Season 1, Episode 1 (Pilot): Cigarette Smoking Man cometh! Season 1, Episode 3 (Squeeze): A creature feeds on human organs. Season 1, Episode 8 (Ice): If you like John Carpenter's 'The Thing'... Season 1, Episode 13 (Beyond the Sea): We learn about Scully's background. Yup, just finished the pilot. Love the mystery aspect of it. Just thought it was just about chassing monsters and aliens. They have a lot of chemistry together. Let's see Episode #2: Deep Throat for tomorrow night,
  18. Never watched an episode. Just both the movies. But, I just bought Season One, So, I'll give it a try.
  19. This is the first song I listen too, when I pop the soundtrack in. Track #4 is perfect for an open highway in between cities.