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Everything posted by NewEnglandGothic

  1. I was thinking ION myself. Their network has been rerunning some edgy, yet routine crime series and continuing cancelled ones (Flashpoint, The Listener, etc).
  2. As much as I like Tom Hardy, better this happened now than later on when the film is being made. Then it would have impacted production with extended scenes having to be reshot. Or maybe not, if Hardy's concern was he was in much less of the scenes than his star power should expect. Though like his role in 'Inception' he could have been one of the core members with just enough scenes to drive home the point it was a combined team movie. Remember when Keanu politely passed on Speed 2: Cruise Control? Wait. The better question would be does anybody remember Speed 2?
  3. It was pretty obvious they gave up when they said that. This show would have worked if it was grittier and spookier (X-Files). I found it too polished and cliched from the pilot (possessed red eyes were scary in '68 with Rosemary's Baby). I think they were trying to hard to appear comic-booky instead of building a better atmosphere (which might have been more expensive, see Locke & Key). Even though I didn't care for it myself, I'm sorry for you (the fans) loss.
  4. if you had subbed a Swamp Thing #37 when the show was announced, would you have gotten it back before it was cancelled? Is that like a CGC Haiku?
  5. It definitely feels like the timeslot and day have been drastically mishandled. And that is a shame, as the creative team has been working miracles. I figure the publicist who wrote that anyway is probably already living in a corrugated box by now.
  6. Happy about a 8pm timeslot on a Friday? Unless you're Full House, circa 1991, you're smoking crack if you think you're gonna last with a show that dabbles in the Dark Arts during the family hour. Looks like they're just putting it out of it's misery. (thumbs u
  7. Might be the last episode, unless John can hold back the Nielson demons a little while longer.
  8. Haven't watched that one yet. Keep putting it off. Anne Hathaway (Catwoman) was in it too, right?
  9. Although I like both actors, Jake Gyllenhaal is a slightly better actor. 'Jar Head' and 'Brothers' really showed a side of this actor that was quite intense while drawing you into the stories. And in 'Zodiac' he also stood out. This could be a good thing. Though I do like Tom Hardy too. I agree with you. If true, I'd consider this a slight upgrade! Now I need to watch 'Zodiac' after thinking it over. I forgot the CB TV and movie actors that appeared in this. Mark Ruffalo (Avengers) Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man, Avengers) Donal Logue (Gotham, Ghost Rider, American Splendor, Comic Book Villains, Blade) Brian Cox (X-Men, Superman) Dermot Mulroney (The Batman) And now, Jake Gyllenhaal if this comes together. His more sy/fy genre ensemble movies "Donnie Darko" and "The Source Code" have really stood out as evidence he could really hold his own with a solid cast also. (thumbs u
  10. I still think Allison Pill's super happily deranged pregnant schoolteacher scene was the best comic-book moment of 2014. She was like a live-action cartoon.
  11. I watched bits and pieces of this show last night when it re-aired. I thought it was a little too by the numbers, but well produced. After the third episode airs, I'll try all three again.
  12. My favorite scene of the year would be in Snowpiercer (which had many memorible scenes). It's when Chris Evans and his group crash Allison Pill's classroom on the train. Allison (Evan's alumni from Scott Pilgrim) Pill really goes for broke as she plays a very pregnant schoolteacher behind a piano while singing the train's origin story at a manic pace as the camera pans around her. It's totally insane and unforgettable. Reminds me of the kind of nightmarish imagery in A Boy and his Dog. I've never been a fan of her work (How to Deal, ...Drama Queen), but boy she sells her comic Jim Carrey lunancy from passing out eggs to toting a machine gun. She's the best special effect of the summer, beating out anything in Transformers or Godzilla. My
  13. It is amazing to me how well the '33 flick has held up over these years. Imagine folks viewing it for the first time then. They were blown away. And Faye Wray was a looker for sure. The March 6, 1933 Variety had a kind of weird review of the KING KONG. http://variety.com/1933/film/reviews/king-kong-2-1200410783/ Interesting. They obviously didn't have spoiler tags in '33.
  14. That's why the documentary on the Wonder Woman DVD was so spectacular. I never knew, that after the war, women were just basically told go back home and clean and make babies after all their hard work while their husbands were overseas.
  15. "Look at me. I'm still kicking. I must be on Broadway" Horrifically underrated movie.
  16. My favorite... That was a terrific watch in a theater. Also, might be my favorite Jude Law performance. (thumbs u
  17. He's a terrific actor to do one of these movies. I can't remember how many movies I've watched of his and forgot he was Ethan Hawke the actor. Reminds me of Christian Bale (except Bale never did a movie called 'Mystery Date').
  18. I've seen that movie. I still got mine on VHS. Trouble is, I don't have a vcr. Actually, I have a new one in the closet (still in the box), a Sony 4-head Hi-Fi for when the zombies take over.
  19. Da truth. I think I remember that Gabriel Hardman did the Storyboards for Superman Returns and in an interview he said that that sequence basically was shot for shot in line with his storyboards. and you can tell. it's pure comic-bookery... (my word copywrite 2015) and its awesome. I also liked it when Superman rescued Air Force One from crashing in... Superman: The Movie (1978). But, it's not like the movie was just a rehash of the original anyway. There wasn't another Lex land scheme, a faultline, a city crumbling from an earthquake... Oh wait, nevermind. It's called working under a new premise. Yah, Man of Steel!
  20. ABC's Red Widow was released on Blu and that had about 8 episodes. Heck, even Last Resort got released. I have no doubt that this being a licensed property, it'll get released too.
  21. I noticed this too. ABC/Disney is really dropping the ball. Maybe they know something we don't. Maybe they're too expensive to produce, for something that would play better overseas in two hour blocks. Personally, I love this mess, but I can't see Machine Man winning a time slot against NCIS in the first place.
  22. A lot of folks on here have claimed there was a Marvel/DC competition out there. But, I've always thought people just felt too burned out from DC after a long string of bombs, misfires and lackadaisical attempts at their favorite characters since 1997. Christopher Nolan's Batman got away from the herd because it was operating in it's own universe. Smallville stayed on for so long, due to charity from the cast (taking over producer credits, etc). I figure people just didn't want to like it from get go and was looking for any reason to hate it before giving it a chance. Marvel has taken off since 2008, establishing continuity in it's funnybook universe and I assumed a lot of people were just comfortable with that. Man of Steel comes along, as the first piece of Time Warner's strategy of being DC's Iron Man multiple franchise starter, and comic fans didn't want to be forced to collect something that had burned them so recently (Superman Returns). My complaints were trivial. Too many advertisements, too much effects, noisy ending, Costner/Crowe miscast (should have picked unknowns).