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Everything posted by NewEnglandGothic

  1. Wait, you made it to the end of the third Matrix movie? It... was...inevitable.
  2. Me too. Make it three! -slym Developed a new appreciation for Amy Adams after watching American Hustle and The Fighter for the first time this week. Probably pop in Man of Steel now, to even out the Amy Adams* week. I think the only other physical movie I got of hers is Enchanted (but I bought that more for Idina Menzel).
  3. I'm not sure if another one of these is my my favorite scene, but it was unforgettable to me when I first saw it was in Superman: The movie, when he caught the helicopter with one... No, I'm kidding. It was when he was racing with Pa Kent (Glenn Ford) on the farm, and Pa stops grabbing his arm or something and dies. I used to race with my father a lot and just outright stopped after that in '80 after seeing that in a re-release. It happened so random. So sad.
  4. (thumbs u It's kinda hastily drawn, but the All-Ages writing isn't too preachy for kids or adults. I was surprised how good they were actually.
  5. Are you sure about these episodes or do you have the show name wrong? Do you mean this show? Right after you mentioned this I noticed it on Netflix and watched a couple episodes with my son. The numbers didn't match up and I couldn't find a Christmas episode or one where she battles Darkseid. Oh oh cool, I know what you mean. No, I was mainly talking about her best actual funnybook appearances. Yeah, on TV she's pretty awesome. Here's a site, with some more imfo you might like about the "Maid of Might". http://supergirlmaidofmight.com/about-supergirl/kara-in-ze/ It has a cool episode list of her TV appearances. http://supergirlmaidofmight.com/about-supergirl/kara-in-ze/dc-animated-universe-episodes/ She's the only character on those programs to have her costume in shreds after a fight. It doesn't include Superman/Batman: Apocalypse or Superman Unbound though. Those are her animated movies.
  6. Robb's at the perfect age. I've followed work her after her promising start in "Spy School" (reminded me of Alba in Flipper and P.U.N.K.S.). I thought she would have made an amazing Kiki Strike at the time, if those books had been turned into movies. But, with "Soul Surfer" a few years ago, she showed a lot range too. Atkinson, is just too sexy for the role, I've always thought Supergirl should have a bit of innocence (that Helen Slater showed), that Clark/Bruce/Diana wanted to protect while their enemies wanted to corrupt as a weakness. My
  7. It's pretty good, but the book rapidly deterioates when completed. There were books like #10, where it becomes like Mean Girls in high school, that were fun. or #11, where she drawn like jailbait as she brings down pirates. But, her universe gets a bit too crazy for my tastes after #17. I swear you have to be drunk to understand #19. She's been great in other books, she teams up with Damian to investigate a series of deaths in Superman/Batman #77. The Superman: Braniac arc was pretty good, they even made cool animated movie from it "Superman Unbound". She had a cool villian role in the Superman Adventures #30-31, in an alternate universe. Not in costume though. I don't know if you have wee ones, but in Justice League Unlimited #7 she goes up against Darkseid and #16 had nifty story about a villian trying to make it home for Christmas she's trying to stop. In #20, she trains Mary Marvel. I just love the character.
  8. Same here! As a kid, I didn't put it together then that Superman had just thrown Zod into a bottomless pit, along with his supporting cast falling in afterwards. If this was the Modern Con Air era, he would have to be killed a hundred times over like Cyrus the Virus was, so the audience got it. I like the vagueness, he was defeated when he was taken off screen, whether he was smushed, frozen in ice or arrested (remember no powers), it didn't matter he was no longer a threat to the Man of Steel. Let's just wrap up the movie (oh gawd, amnesia kisses, ).
  9. I'd like to add... 4. Spider-Man 2, there a police chase going on with some crooks. A car gets sideswiped and flies into a group of people. Just about when it's about to hit them it soundlessly stops. The camera pans exposing a web, a one beautiful woman says "A web?", Spidey swings through and she screams "Go Spidey, Go!". The original two Spidey movies always captured the personalities and joy of the people he rescued better than any other funnybook movie around that time and the view felt it. 5. Guardians of the Galaxy, at the end with that song blasting with everyone smiling (Groot bogeying) at each other in that spaceship's cockpit made you just feel good about life. It was like at the end of the original series Star Trek episodes, where Kirk is grinning his way to the captain's chair after defeating certain doom, primed for the next adventure. After GotG, you want MOAR!!!
  10. I think this is from the Donner Cut, as you see Zod fall into the pit. Donner's Cut doesn't have Superman's theme as he hoists him up. I thought that was the coolest thing when I was seven.
  11. I'm probably gonna screw up the thread you started Nick, but I consider a scene as a moment also, I know a lot of people are gonna pick some fx scene, but in huge movies like these, I love the quieter moments. My top three off the top of my head: 3. Superman II (original cut), when Superman finally kneels before Zod and takes his hand. But, John Williams theme starts to swell and Superman breaks Zod's hand and then disposes him rather easily. 2.Spider-Man, when the green goblin is about to impale Peter who is trapped holding onto a cable car and MJ and all hope is gone, a group of New Yorkers throws bricks and pipes at the goblin in effort to save him. "This is NY! You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us!" It brings a grin to my face every time, especially after all the recent heroism in Boston. 1. Spider-Man 2, full of little moments here and there. I thought the subway scene was effective, but preachy and a rehash of the bridge folks from the first one. I was blown away though, when runaway bride meets up with Peter at the end, yet he has to leave to save a crisis. As she watches him swing off into the sunset, she gives this vague look the camera lingers on. Dread? Sorrow? "What did I just do?" It set up the third chapter brilliantly (which in turn jettisoned this kind of drama).
  12. The trouble with Supergirl was her origins were all over the place during her last volume. There were some decent issues mind you, but it was too uneven of a run. During Volume 3, I loved #51-80, especially "Many Happy Returns" #75-80. The Superman Adventures gave us a rip-roaring #21 introduction issue, which was a sequel to Animated Supergirl's first appearance on the Superman Adventures TV show. She battles the Phantom Zone criminals alone. The second half of her character's arc is covered in issue #39. Although, aimed for more younger readers, I thought it was her best exploits to date.
  13. I can see how some people could enjoy this movie, but for me, the franchise just went into the wrong direction for me to recommend (like when the follow-up to A Fish Called Wanda morphed into Fierce Creatures).
  14. I wish they would go "The Animated Supergirl" route and try to find a younger audience. They lose the innocence of a series with an older actress, Season 7 of Smallville for example. I want a girl-next-door trying to adjust, sexpot can come later.
  15. It's weird. I've watched it three times and loved it. Yet I never include it my best funnybook movie lists of 2014. I guess it feels to evolved to be on a list. Hopefully, "risk" movies like this continued to get made. It brings a more mature balance to the genre.
  16. Don't you do it. Don't you subliminally talk me into going back and purchasing that movie. No. Stop it. Get out of my head! Whew! I feel better already. That image talked me out of it. OMG. I just finished RIPD. Worst. Christmas. Ever. Right now to me, The Incredible Hulk is a four star movie.
  17. I'm a huge Affleck fan, but I don't think this will win him an audience like Keaton or Bale. Keaton took a risk with a talented director of two little movies and Bale was part of "something" bigger than the actual character he was playing. Unfortunately, Ben ca$hed in his much deserved screenwriting/director acclaim on a multiple picture deal with Warner Bros. I definitely don't think he will suck, but I feel it's gonna be one too many Batmen changes for the mainstream to take seriously and think "product". Will that hurt the movie, I guess we will see. I don't think a trailer will be honest enough because of the sheer awesomeness of the assembly of the trinity.
  18. This is a must read folks. It explains and hints at why Marvel movies are at a higher level. They kind of even take a shot at Spider-Man comics being dull. For me I thought the first 30-40 minutes were pretty good (sans Foxx cribbing Jim Carrey's Riddler), but boy-oh-boy "too many cooks in the kitchen" in the writing departmant. It felt like the movie was being being pulled apart in every direction. Still haven't finished it, but I heard all the spoilers.
  19. From her range of work, I'm betting she stays away from the genre, until she needs it (a couple of bad movies). Granted she was the best thing in Looper and Edge of Tomorrow, but I don't see her doing one of these kinds of movies too soon and by then she might be past a certain "age" that is so appealing to producers.
  20. There are people who love this movie, there are people who hate it. I'm in between myself. I liked Edward Norton as Banner and how it paid homage to the 70's series, but it was one you can watch a couple of times and not really own (I do though). What did it make WW, $250 million? Maybe the ghost of Bill Bixby haunted it too much for the kids of that generation. I'm looking at my comic book movie section and wondering why I own average funnybook movies like Ghost Rider, Whiteout, Cowboys & Aliens, ManThing, Blade: The series and others, myself. I started boycotting sucky movies like TMNT (2014), Sin City 2, etc to stop the flow of licensed so-so flicks entering my collection after ASM 2.
  21. Watched it for the first time last night. Would definitely bump it up to number #4, now that I think about it. Wasn't expecting a lot after watching Justice League: War, but this one opened really strong and held it's momentum until the very end.
  22. I haven't watched all the original DC animated movies yet, but these were my top ten I saw so far. 1. Superman/Batman: Apocalypse 2. Superman/Batman: Public Enemies 3. All-Star Superman 4. Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox 5. Superman Unbound 6. Wonder Woman 7. Son of Batman 8. Superman: Doomsday 9. Green Lantern: First Flight 10. Green Lantern: Emerald Nights Honorable Mention: The Lego Movie.
  23. OMG, I thought Superman got really creepy whenever he was around Wonder Woman and Shazam was really annoying. Green Lantern, Batman and the Flash were the only good things in that fiasco. I thought JLA: Trapped in Time was really ho-hum too.