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Everything posted by NewEnglandGothic

  1. ...and I'll double your (shrug) on what point you are trying to get across. Feels like to me, but I'll just say, From what I got from her original post was that they are trying social media again after they failed before (imho) and they were ignoring that fact. What's to say they won't blow it off again, due to lack of interest, being too busy or even laziness was my original point. For me, maybe not you (you might go to more conventions than me or actually have personal phone numbers), I really know absolutely nothing about the people that work there being as isolated as I am. I'm not asking for family or wedding pictures or really seriously personal stuff, but something hobby-comic related to associate with them before I would consider sharing my "CGC Happy Moments" with them too. Is that more clearer? I'll admit, I always wanted to say "It's Friday Night" on a Friday again though. It's where I felt this thread was going before my post.
  2. Sorry to burst your bubble, Brittany... But, you guys have had that page on Facebook for years. Here's m thread to draw up interest of it way back when. Do You "Like" CGC? From what I saw at the beginning, it was just a majority of posts of the "good 'ol book of the day". Instead of posting pics of you guys at cons, talking with customers, talking about your hobbies (I don't know? Making beer, collecting Nancy Drew books or being a ninja master... something!). You guys did nothing, that showed your personalities to bond with members on here and just appeared to look like a faceless corporation, just out to grade 3 million books. Facebook's for friends and family. You guys chose to be nothing but a service at the time and now you want to us to share with you... now? Welcome to the boards by the way. It's Friday Night, folks!
  3. Ariana Grande should be a lock to play Mary Marvel then (remember... she brings soundtrack possibilities too).
  4. Still taking the high road and reserving judgement until seeing the final "product". If the internet was in full throttle in 1981, would there have been a backlash about making Mel Gibson's character a samurai in a nuclear wasteland in the Mad Max sequel "The Road Warrior". :shrug: Filmmakers roll the dice. Who would have thought James Cameron would have turned the "haunted house" toned Alien movie's sequel into a war movie. Casting Mr. Mom as Batman. I say let's be surprised. For me, I want to see these funnybook movies evolve. That means... taking chances. If that means violating prior storytelling to feel fresh, oh well. If it sucks we'll just see it play on FX a thousand times.
  5. Well said. The main thing to take away is your last sentence. Looking great isn't enough anymore. The "looking great" and theatre experience is easier to capture at home as the technology is becoming more and more affordable. Capturing the imagination and hearts is what matters. To find proof of this, look no further than the domestic box office of "The Fault in Our Stars" vs " Edge of Tomorrow" Built in young adult audience. This movie based on the popular book was the tween's "comicbook movie" to catch that weekend like soppy the one that opened this weekend about the girl trying to decide to pass on or not. Add on "Edge of Tomorrow" couldn't connect past sy-fy audiences and felt like a retread of "The Source Code" and that's that.
  6. They giving these out for free, and paying people to watch it? The last time I looked it was number one best seller on Amazon and Wal-Mart. You know, I watched the first 40 minutes and it's not as awful as my expectations or Spider-Man 3. My Saving the rest for Saturday. Pats game is on tomorrow night.
  7. ...also who was Margot Kidder and Christopher Reeve before Superman (I mean Marlon Brando was in it for five minutes and got top billing ). Michael Keaton was Mr. Mom and Beetlejuice, but not a "superhero". These "unproven" stars did just fine in big-budget spectacles. Now I'm not saying Zach Snyder is Donner or Tim Burton. But, he a workhorse in the funnybook movie genre. (thumbs u I always wonder where Brosnan would have been in Hollywood if Roger Moore stepped down from Bond after Moonraker and let Brosnan do "For Your Eyes Only". I can't feel nothing but sorry for him watching him wasting his prime doing Remington Steele (reruns on MeTV-Sundays 3pm Eastern) waiting for the role to open up before The Living Daylights (which the producers of Remington Steele denied him time to film along with). To me, his career feels damned from 1981-1995. (sans Mrs. Doubtfire ).
  8. I just finished "The Greatest American Heroine", the spin-off to The Greatest American Hero. I figured I would mention it. Since the cast returned for this unaired pilot. New hero, Mary Ellen Stuart looks great in her suit fighting with her cape (wish they kept the "skirt" Ralph wore for three seasons though). I think what marred this one-shot was there was no baddies to contend with. Should have been a two hour event, like when GAH first premiered. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0592601/
  9. 30 Days of Night: Dark Days A pretty decent sequel with an all-new cast and convenient LA location.
  10. I gotta say for the Marvel stuff, nothing beats the Marvel Superhero Squad. It's geared mainly for kids, but has a sneaky wit for adults. You have to love an episode where Thor is stranded on a spacestation and goes all "Castaway" with Mjolnir as his Wilson (complete with painted face ), a Wolverine/H.E.R.B.I.E. team-up (he scrolls a long list of prior team-ups before hand to make sure it's a first ), Captain America (in white jacket and clipboard) psycho analyzing Dr. Doom or Scarlet Witch getting zapped back to the Salem Witch trials (of course she will be found guilty of being a witch). Great stuff!
  11. Definitely gonna get Superman Unbound this week. I keep putting it off for no reason. I love Supergirl. I still think Wonder Woman in DC's best animated movie (Superman/Batman: Apocalypse a close second). Bought a brand new Green Lantern: First Flight for a quarter at a yard sale, so I'm looking forward to watching that too.
  12. I believe no matter how tough her character was in The Expendables 3, she still needed to rescued in a hostage situation towards the end. Maybe she should own up to the fact, that she has helped the "weak lead heroine archtype" herself. Rocks in glass houses.
  13. ...and you guys are forgetting about the non-licensed superhero imitators that will try to capitalize on the trend from the big two. Some will be great (The Incredibles), some good (Darkman), some decent (Defendor), some will be fair (Super) and some will be downright terrible (Super Capers). My guilty pleasures this year so far have been the campy "Pizza Man" and the Spider-Man retread "Antboy".
  14. I'm not desperate for titles, but I really enjoyed this big budget Luc Besson-directed French adaptation of the Jaques Tardi graphic novels. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Extraordinary_Adventures_of_Ad%C3%A8le_Blanc-Sec I even own it in my comic movie section. Louise Bourgoin is gorgeous as the titular heroine and the last half hour is a riot! Target was the only mainstream store (I knew of) carrying these. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Extraordinary_Adventures_of_Ad%C3%A8le_Blanc-Sec_(film) Nick, if you ever get a chance to see this movie...
  15. The filmmakers say this is based on a comic, but I don't what company? I thought it was pretty mediocre myself, depite promising visuals. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2234429/
  16. The 2007 CG animated movie of the Teenage Mutal Ninja Turtles. I actually liked it. Sarah Michelle Geller voiced April.
  17. Yeah, I was thinking there goes another $1,655.2 billion in WW revenue to Marvel.
  18. I was watching the Men In Black series this weekend and saw the Marvel logo at the end of the first one. I've always known Marvel owned Malibu, but didn't remember them "branding" MIB at the time in '97. I did a little sleuthing to see Marvel had aquired Malibu Comics after Malibu grabbed Aircel (MIB's first publisher). Do you consider the MIB series Marvel movies and have you included them on your Marvel stats chart? From my perspective, MIB was Marvel's (in house creation or not) first enormous box-office homerun. Well anyway, MIB #1 is still a pretty good movie.
  19. Took to much time to get to the dam Gorilla Have you guys seen the Director's Cut? The finale takes forrrrrrrrrrreverrrrrrrrrrrrr. But, I liked it's moments. I prefer the uncut 1933 original though as a time capsule of America at the height of the Depression. Faye Wray is still the hottest on-scream queen of all-time too.
  20. Which raises the question... http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Main=253457&Number=5563913#Post5563913