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Everything posted by NewEnglandGothic

  1. I'm not really bashing his some of his roles, but this whole thing seems like a step backwards for him. Secure yourself in a billion dollar franchise series as a character five other actors (including Will Arnett ) have played for a little over twenty years. He was doing so well with the modest budgeted intimately character driven movies as a director/producer too. A lot of you will say, "So what? It will open doors for them to get greenlit now", but sadly Hollywood envy will set in and he can kiss any awards goodbye now. I doubt any vehicles he helms will get a nomination now. Hollywood politics. Chris Evans realized this and started to get cold feet earlier this year. My main point, Batman is my favorite, Affleck will probably be great, but I was hoping for a different direction for Affleck's career after Argo exploded with acclaim. I guess it's just the fact he took the "paycheck" (he did get mentioned before about helming a Justice League movie), when he was finally learning the "art" of cinema. My
  2. With the appearances of DC characters in it, where would The Lego Movie "stack" up on this list? It also gets released on Blu Ray Tuesday.
  3. Marvel synergy with it's movies as everything seems to tie together. (thumbs u Now, I feel like chaging my tune. I think Guardians of the Galaxy might miss*. This summer seems a bit too crowded with funnybook event movies. It sounded great at first, but moviegoers might voice concerns about a better variety of films from Hollywood, with second weekend grosses. *I'm not saying it will be a bad movie, I just don't think the mainstream will be ready for another larger than life comic movie they never heard of before. For all the people that are ready to mention Blade being unfamiliar, Blade had a smaller budget, it wasn't that big of a risk.
  4. Think he would have been posting on here to crow about it if he did. He probably doesn't feel too liked on here. He might have wised up after his last post.
  5. ASM 2 is getting close to 700 million worldwide box office and close to passing Captain America: Winter Soldier to become the 2014 world wide leader at the box office. So much for all the talk about ASM 2 not performing big at the box office. ASM 2 cleaned up in the international market. Is it possible returning actors were paid for services not yet rendered for installments down the road that aren't properly recorded in the budget? I remember Robert Wuhl was paid $750,000 to "possibly" play Knox again in the proposed Bat sequel in '89. Basinger too, she was in the original Batman Returns -script. Nicolas Cage got big $$$ for a pay or play deal for Superman Lives deal in '98 too. Possibly some of the actors settled for a portion of the gross though.
  6. Agreed! I guess you guys don't work where I do. Bad enough, there are FIVE Mondays in this month.
  7. Another change within the Warner Bros. Entertainment organization targeting expansion of comic book readership and related entertainment. It would appear the Warner CEO is taking action to ensure they are getting better positioned for the future. Loved "Necessary Evil: Super-Villains of DC Comics"! It's currently residing in the $5 DVD bins at Walmart. It's a steal at that price for your home DVD comicbook library.
  8. As good as X_Men: First Class was, this one had no momentum to capitalize on (like the first two did), other than the return of Bryan Singer (whose recent "filmography" onscreen and allegedly off has been less than desirable). You knew it was gonna frontload on it's opening weekend. Hopefully, this one creates some positive buzz to breathe a little new life in the franchise to better fix the creaky areas for any follow-ups.
  9. What happened? X-Men: Days of Future Past had good word of mouth, but yet took a bigger drop then ASM 2 did in its second week? ASM 2 did $35.5 million in its second week, while X-Men: Days of Future Past is estimated to do $32 million. ASM gets critical reviews, while X-Men: Days of Future Past got universal praise. I am stumped then why X-Men: Days of Future Past had such a drop? DOFP had some big competition in week 2, ASM2 didn't. I think you also have to take into account high school graduations and nice weather. Mainly, I think you have to factor in that DOFP wasn`t brainless enough to appeal to the Transformers crowd. New Exmen movie preveiw make hed hurt. Me like TraNsform3rs. think optiminus pRime shud win oskar in new movie. Marky marK best supportment emmy. transfermors moviesmakes money, so I kno there good. Part 3 was based on true life wit moon stuff in the 1840's. Your 'Transformers Lifetime Membership' is so revoked after the founding members read this. OK, I won't burn my bridges with the Illuminati of Gobot Fans next. (thumbs u
  10. What happened? X-Men: Days of Future Past had good word of mouth, but yet took a bigger drop then ASM 2 did in its second week? ASM 2 did $35.5 million in its second week, while X-Men: Days of Future Past is estimated to do $32 million. ASM gets critical reviews, while X-Men: Days of Future Past got universal praise. I am stumped then why X-Men: Days of Future Past had such a drop? DOFP had some big competition in week 2, ASM2 didn't. I think you also have to take into account high school graduations and nice weather. Mainly, I think you have to factor in that DOFP wasn`t brainless enough to appeal to the Transformers crowd. New Exmen movie preveiw make hed hurt. Me like TraNsform3rs. think optiminus pRime shud win oskar in new movie. Marky marK best supportment emmy. transfermors moviesmakes money, so I kno there good. Part 3 was based on true life wit moon stuff in the 1840's.
  11. After Frozen's continued success, young audiences are hungry for more princess movies no matter how dark. After Tangled, this wheels were set in motion for this genre to eventually rise back to the top of the heap of the box-office. I don't think this will kill the funnybook movies, but these two genres will be probably duking it out from now on. Luckily, Disney has ties to Marvel. So, we won't be seeing openings on the same weekend of each other. Also technically, this is the seventh X-Men-type movie. Signs of franchise fatique set in after the opening numbers of First Class and the final domestic numbers of the two Wolverine movies. Add on the hype that made mainstream people who really didn't want to see a team movie with only one hero they recognized (Wolverine) and it's a recipe for frontloading. It'll clean up overseas though, to warrant a sequel.
  12. Plus she has the Hunger game franchise. No one on these boards is too old for that. Since, she was pretty good in the ho-hum "House at the End of the Street" (nice twist ending though), I'll probably watch her "Beaver" film sometime soon too.
  13. That's what surprised me when someone pointed this out with the launch of ASM 2, as I had never heard this before. Disney Acquires Sony's Merchandising Participation For The Amazing Spider-Man Sony got itself in a financial bind, and needed the cash fast. Enter - DISNEY! Disney got the better end of this deal. From what I read, Sony gets a larger return of the Spider-Man movie money and Disney gets the merchandise money. Since the movies are costing more and the returns are dropping, Disney saw more potential with the merchandise money than the movie money. That's what I was thinking. Kids will buy Spider-Man toys from Disney whether a movie succeeds or not. Disney made out like a bandit due to Sony's poor financials. Oddly enough, isn't that why Marvel has all these movie rights issues in the first place is how they had to sell off such rights to deal with bankruptcy? Reading that summary from Iger is interesting. He must have wanted to scream out 'INSTANT MONEY' with this news. Then in July, Sony Pictures will release The Amazing Spiderman. We're excited about the film and expect it will drive significant benefits for Spiderman consumer products. To that end, we recently completed a transaction with Sony Pictures to simplify our relationship. And then in the deal, we purchased Sony Pictures' participation in Spiderman merchandising, while at the same time, Sony Pictures purchased from us our participation in Spiderman films. This transaction will allow us to control and fully benefit from all Spiderman merchandising activity, while Sony will continue to produce and distribute Spiderman films. We won't be specific about the economics of this 2-way transaction, but we expect it will drive attractive returns for Disney. All those birthday party kits, Halloween costumes, bed sheets, toys, branded radios/clocks/lamps, etc. - all Disney. And no movie budget risk for them. This Disney you speak of sounds like they got it goin' on! Not always. I'm thinking pre-Little Mermaid in the eighties. I'm also talking financially (not creatively). I think they were surviving on their live action movie division at Touchstone (maybe Hollywood Pictures too). Even Disney's live action TV movies I-Man and Mr. Boogedy.
  14. I get somewhat of what you are saying. I was Spidey (age 3) for Halloween in '78. But, they do make excellent funnybook children's movies that can grow up with you, Superman: The Movie, The Incredibles...
  15. You love her. He wants to have a million of her babies.
  16. I wonder what Frozen's production budget was? BOM states $150 million. http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=frozen2013.htm ...and Disney had been supposedly trying to make this movie for 75 years.
  17. This is probably why SONY is a panic selling off it's assets recently.
  18. A third reboot is gonna be a tough sell even if Marvel does get it back. My Imagine a Spidey vs. Hulk flick, or a Team-Up flick with Vision. No need to reboot, just introduce new actor without an origin story and have them team up for an adventure. Not the best way for the mainstream audience to bond with a dude in spandex/latex or whatever. At this point (if a reboot should happen), Spidey's origin would probably best told through flashbacks, like Clark/Superman's in Man of Steel or the audience is gonna get bored. If they actually get a great filmmaker next time, I might even be open to a different origin. I'm talking a Cameron-kind of filmmaker.
  19. Like I pointed earlier, DC/Warner tried the "family" approach with Batman & Robin and made a billion in merchandise and stuff too. Planned another Schumacher installment before it opened ("Batman Triumphant") even. Look what happened there. The character was shelved for eight years.