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Everything posted by NewEnglandGothic

  1. Well, just remember Sarah Wayne Callies was beheaded on a show once and still came back during for another season. But, that was FOX. http://articles.latimes.com/2008/sep/01/entertainment/et-prisonbreak1
  2. The flawed nuclear family set-ups of characters making their way across the cosmos is quite gripping and very "human". This series will never let me down if it keeps firing on all cylinders of emotions and never comes across comic-booky or shallow.
  3. WTTB! There ain't nothing "normal" in this hobby.
  4. I loved the whole line of Crossgen, with the exceptions of probably only Mystic and Scion. Meridian, Ruse, Route 666, and Negation were my faves. Yup, Route 666 got me going back to the LCS every month again. (thumbs u
  5. Miso got it. Haven't seen that one in a while.
  6. Yep. cheap days are no more. gone bye-bye. fixed it for you for more of a first TWD arc feel.
  7. A great fella. Dressed in yella.. Whose favorite Twilight character is Bella?
  8. Double Midnight Comis (Manchester, NH) is my immediate LCS actually. 10 minutes from work. But, I buy enough "girly" comics already.
  9. For me, I grew up during the 80's watching cartoons. So personally, even though I never played with the toys (kinda girly), I still can't get the theme song of My Little Pony out of my head that played on the commercials at the time when I was 8. That kinda nostalgia of a time of not worrying about bills, a dead job or what's happening in the world, but only about finishing up a weekend homework assignment using construction paper, while this song is playing really makes me want to capture memories again from that era that I ignored and probably others feel that way too. My
  10. Yeah, I've been meaning to get that one on Blu. Usually, around Christmas, they put it out on the cheap.
  11. +1 (but point taken) Never read it. A lot of boardies have encouraged me too, recently. Don't have to bother now. Thanks. You still need to read it. Sorry Jeff. Any impact on it would be lost as I know how it ends. You kept telling me to catch it, but I kept putting it on the back burner. Never thought I would have saw something like that in this thread anyway seeing how I'm all caught up to #100. Figured it was safe to unlock a spoiler. I'll just work on Sandman now.
  12. +1 (but point taken) Never read it. A lot of boardies have encouraged me too, recently. Don't have to bother now. Thanks.
  13. By market correction I assume you mean short term? This is a book I see having little long term potential (as I have stated in this thread). It is a good 'flip.' That being said, has anyone ever thought of this scenerio: The television show lasts a few seasons more and then gets 'cut' (for whatever reason; budget, loss of interest, runs its course)... But then a few years later a Walking Dead movie is released. This would cause new interest in the book. Obviously, it may not be sustained as movie 'hype' only lasts for so long (as folks now buying IM #55 will learn). Just one of the many possibilities if 'Hollywood' still has an interest in 'comic book' movies at that point in time. There is no reason to assume they would not, as zombies are a universal theme. I just doubt the long term potential of this book (meaning decades; NOT just a few years). Kind Regards, 'mint' So why would a movie get made if the TV show can't do well enough to sustain interest in your scenario? Re: See Firefly Star Trek X-Files I'm sure there are more, but those come immediately to mind. The last X-Files movie which is residing in most bargain store $3 bins from remainder stock.
  14. Yup. I know. I just wasn't happy with the characters. Way too familiar and one dimensional. Now I have three unique girls I think I can care about in dangerous situations. Which after 82 years of Nancy Drew (cancelled since March ), it's pretty impossible to come up with a new spin on things, but I think I have. Dare I say commercially as well. The other stuff is more up your alley type writing we discussed before. I'm gonna start sampling pieces of the the older rejected stuff on Facebook, in time for Halloween. Stay tuned.
  15. ...but I was gonna offer to buy them back off of Jeff, since my name was in a couple of the "Thanks" credits. But, since I write more young adult type stuff (Twilight ), I decided to forget about it. If I ever become famous Jeff will have some books with my name in them to flip. Heck, there's a "Hey, Boss!" out there with a my sig on it. Jay, I found a way to make my teen sleuth's friends more intrical to the first three book's plots, so that's moving again and I am outlining another regional folklore book.