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Everything posted by NewEnglandGothic

  1. I strongly disagree. The current WD back issues market is all speculators and investors - it's not driven by casual collectors, new readers, or people who were introduced to the comic book through the TV show because none of those people would be willing to pay, say, $2,000 for a WD #1 in 9.8 when they can grab a TPB collection for $15 instead. Imho, what we're currently seeing is an almost perfect storm - it's investors selling to speculators selling back to investors because anyone but the most rabid collector is completely priced out of the back issues market by now. I'm not complaining about this - I, just like so many others on this board, have made a boat-load of money off WD ever since the prices started sky-rocketing - but, on the other hand, I think it's silly to think that this book has nowhere to go but up. At some point this bubble is going to burst - it's just a matter of time. +1
  2. He's not sure why.* Technically, the comic has already been printed. *Facebook
  3. Weird. I've been seeing more Scholastic TPB Bones at yard sales lately. I just bought a couple from one down the road from me even. The previous owner even scribbled her name behind the cover. I haven't seen that kind of owner attachment since the vintage Nancy Drew books. I really don't mind. It gives the books character. But, it's definitely something you don't see with Moderns. This could be a bigger phenomenon down the road.
  4. You know I was aimlessly wandering around these boards today and realized in Moderns, the Locke & Key Appreciation Thread has more views than this one. How is that even possible with the success of the Turtles?
  5. I always thought collectors should be saving up for or spending on the intial TWD treatment by Kirkman/Moore called "Dead Planet". It's a kinda TWD prototype set in space. Not 9.8 1's. That's the holy grail of TWD and if you don't know what it is until now, then you aren't a TWD collector. I wonder what one would go for?
  6. I remember at $600 people said it was a fad! They just don`t get it. This is this generations Incredible Hulk #181 and TMNT #1. Except those comics represent the first appearances of characters that have fan followings. Walking Dead is more about the overall story than any character. I think Walking Dead is more comparable to Cerebus than any super hero comic, and how much are you willing to pay for the first appearance of Lord Julius? The difference I see in Cerebus and Walking Dead is not many non-comic book fans will ever hear about Cerebus. So I really wouldn`t compare the two franchises. Dave Sim had many chances to merchandise his great creation,but he refused. So we won`t be seeing a Cerebus move,animated series or video game anytime soon. I understand what your saying about the Walking Dead that is more about characters than just one major one,but so is the concept of the X-men. Really the Walking Dead was the perfect storm,as Marvel and DC haven`t created any iconic characters in the last twenty years in their respective universes. People wanted a little something different than confused multipart crossovers in the DC and Marvel modern universes.Kirkman`s Walking Dead snuck in and stole the show. Nobody expected this,just like how TMNT came out of nowhere in the 1980s. IMHO. Will this kind of attention toward TWD mean the big TWO might start putting out funnybooks with ordinary human beings in extrordinary situations? The evolution of the hero archetype in the Modern Age.
  7. The site Comichron does TPB print numbers. (thumbs u Just know your release dates of the trades or you are in for a long night.
  8. Talk about the Tales of the Lantern. Talk about it's rarity. Talk about Thorn. Talk about the spin-offs. Talk of potential movie news. Talk about HTF reprints. Talk about hidden meanings to panels. Talk about Scholastic. Show off your books. All your books. Talk about Jeff Smith's other works and how they connect with Bone. Talk about how you feel about certain or all the issues. Talk about anything to do with this series. I'm listening. I rambled about Locke & Key day after day, sometimes worrying about people not caring. But, I was trying to help get potential readers. I feel as you are one of the experts on this title, I would enjoy to read a random post from you.
  9. I checked the first trade today and it's on it's thirteenth printing. I think the second TPB is on it's seventh or eighth. I remembered someone asking a while back.
  10. Yup, that sounds pretty grim for a future TWD funnybook audience in the Pirate household. I haven't went out of my way to pick up a #101 yet myself. I guess I'm just sick of being dragged through the mud with this series. Sick of the brutal violence, gory deaths and lack of hope myself. I read these things to see good triumph over evil at least arc to arc, not the way Kirkman writes. This whole book has become some kind of joyless mess that doesn't really know what to do with it's main characters anymore. It gets pretty bad when I root for a Negan to show up and get things going in the right direction, but that's like enjoying watching Jason hack into campers who cannot act and annoy you. Not being a Friday The 13th fan, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna take a break from this floppy too. Which is no big deal, it's only $3 anyway. But thats the appeal of the book. It isnt about the good guys always winning. Its about surviving. Living another day. Thats winning in this book. I get the survival thing, but... There really has been no "good guy" situations in this book since issue #48. But hey, that's just my opinion. I no longer want to purchase this product anymore. Over 50 issues later and nuthin' major to talk about other than "beloved" character's mishaps or deaths. I did enjoy the end of "The Hunters" arc. But I think the problem is that #48 was the climax of such a great story that if it were to have ended there, that would have been ok. Topping the "What the heck" moment from 48 is darn near impossible...maybe Carl turning into Nick Fury was close. It's like getting to have sex with Kate Upton. After that, sure, other sex is good, but nothing could compare to what you've already had. Makes you wonder if this thing wasn't creator owned would Bob Kirkman still be writing it. Yes, I didn't mind the winding down issues after #48, Michonne returning, meeting some more folks (Abraham, Eugene, Rosita etc), some action, but really the writing has felt that way all the way up to #100. This thread was started around issue #54 and the majority of it has been reliving the excitement of issues before it.
  11. Yup, that sounds pretty grim for a future TWD funnybook audience in the Pirate household. I haven't went out of my way to pick up a #101 yet myself. I guess I'm just sick of being dragged through the mud with this series. Sick of the brutal violence, gory deaths and lack of hope myself. I read these things to see good triumph over evil at least arc to arc, not the way Kirkman writes. This whole book has become some kind of joyless mess that doesn't really know what to do with it's main characters anymore. It gets pretty bad when I root for a Negan to show up and get things going in the right direction, but that's like enjoying watching Jason hack into campers who cannot act and annoy you. Not being a Friday The 13th fan, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna take a break from this floppy too. Which is no big deal, it's only $3 anyway. But thats the appeal of the book. It isnt about the good guys always winning. Its about surviving. Living another day. Thats winning in this book. I get the survival thing, but... There really has been no "good guy" situations in this book since issue #48. But hey, that's just my opinion. I no longer want to purchase this product anymore. Over 50 issues later and nuthin' major to talk about other than "beloved" character's mishaps or deaths.
  12. Yup, that sounds pretty grim for a future TWD funnybook audience in the Pirate household. I haven't went out of my way to pick up a #101 yet myself. I guess I'm just sick of being dragged through the mud with this series. Sick of the brutal violence, gory deaths and lack of hope myself. I read these things to see good triumph over evil at least arc to arc, not the way Kirkman writes. This whole book has become some kind of joyless mess that doesn't really know what to do with it's main characters anymore. It gets pretty bad when I root for a Negan to show up and get things going in the right direction, but that's like enjoying watching Jason hack into campers who cannot act and annoy you. Not being a Friday The 13th fan, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna take a break from this floppy too. Which is no big deal, it's only $3 anyway.
  13. Chew #28 just went to the printer. Can't wait for more Poyo!
  14. Is Ladda Land a zumba-flick or just another "Ring" wannabe. It's wierd, I was watching Young Frankenstein yesterday and realized 1932's "Frankenstein" might be the first mainstream movie sucess for re-animated zombies. It made me seek out original books from the 1850's about John Murray Spear (Mary Shelley's inspiration) actually (a little digression from all this TWD #100 talk ).
  15. Have you seen Steve Nile's Remains yet. Looked promising, for an IDW production that was actually made into something.