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Everything posted by NewEnglandGothic

  1. I'm not sure if I would buy into that myself. I do agree TWD 2nd print issues are bank because mainly no one wanted them (and completists looking for low print runs want them), but other than #50 (cover) are they really that different? Nope. Same with these. What's cool about the Locke & Key #1 2nd print, it's the same as the first print. Before you start scratching your head on what I'm talking about... Joe and Gabriel changed a few panels of the DF and HC/TPB and further reprints to take out the Bode time traveling storyline. More 2nd prints need glitches like this to explain price increases. Not pimping L&K. Buy Saga instead. You'll be happier in the long run. This series is gonna have legs. I collect first edition kids books too (learn your numbercodes ), and further editions rarely are worth anything down the road other than quick gifts.
  2. I read #4 today. WTF, but I liked it. Best Modern out there now.
  3. Not being the best TWD fan lately after #76, my interest has practically been of life support for 24 issues.
  4. Heck, I figure I'm just not into paying $$$ for funnybooks anymore (this used to be my favorite thread in 2008). I guess, my seven year old visits to this place are about over. I do enjoy reading a random title, but other hobbies and interests have been more appealing lately. If this be my last post on here for a while, I want to say you guys are really great folks, capable of generous good deeds to one another. Please don't forget that. Don't get too mad at each other and think of your families first before investing in an expensive "hot" book. signing out for now, Jerel
  5. State v. Barham, 126 N.H. 631, 495, a.2d 1269, 1985 Lexis 363 (1985).
  6. Multiple reprints of #1 and TPBs will eventually somewhat hemmorage back-issue demand though in the long run.
  7. H0w many "landmark" TWD issues were as g00d as the 0nes that just pr0ceeded it? This #100 b00k is just g0nna plain suck. That's my perdicti0n.
  8. Your ad homs aimed at me are not persuasive. Insofar as WD 100 is the 1st appearance of the Dixon brothers there is going to be very high demand for the black and white book. My recollection was that you believed that Saga RRPs were $25 books when they were hitting the market. Accordingly, it appears that the empirical data supports my ability to predict the value of forth coming hot books and evidences your attempts to denegrate these books so that you can buy them for less than a reasonable amount. Please try and argue facts and refrain from making personal attacks against me. That being said, I've heard you talk about your children on the boards and want to take this opportunity to wish you and the other fathers on the board -Happy Father's Day! Do you know something I don't? +1 +2
  9. Hopefully, it starts being made in color after #100. I find all that black & white too moody and somber for an atmosphere of a zombie apocalypse.
  10. Me too. Sold it too. Salem Cat need the $$$ for a cat-nip fix.
  11. It reads: Manufactured with 1st four wraps, inserted twice, affects story. Incomplete. Manufacturing Error. Incomplete.
  12. Not Keith obviously - but the game is alright - its sort of like a time-crisis or resident evil without the guns -- there is 0 shooting - You kill me Keith. Yeah, I'll have to check it out. (thumbs u
  13. But sometimes, you get the wrong customer no matter how well your duties are performed in shipping. It's why I stopped.
  14. Well if you watched my other videos you would know that I am not gay. But I am in fact Muslim. Because you can not be muslim and gay. That is in the Qu'ran. @Branget I bought books off you in Milton! Like come on now! I have a pretty face, stop forgetting it! Most viewed Jimmy Linguiniii video of all time is CGC Boards Hatin' I have no need to see any others. After you've seen Citizen Kane, there is no need to seek out other Welles' films. "I've got these Cherry comics, too, yo you want to eat my , oh, oh ,oh, oh, oh!" Link for those out of the loop? That was the most racist, bigotted, intolerant, anti-semitic pile of video I've ever seen. Why did he keep looking to the side like he was afraid his mom was going to come in and not let him play on the internet anymore. I think I actually lost IQ points for having watched that. Why didn't anyone warn me about that . Good lord that was awful! Thank you dial-up! Temptation removed
  15. ... it hits you like a thousand knives stabbing you all over your body. You can't breathe. You can't think. At least, not about anything but the pain.