I love pics like this one, it is so fun to see the comics in there original news stand goodness. My grandmother (god bless her) when see was a young adult worked in her fathers drug store. She started working there after she finished school in 1938. One of the items drug stores sold where of course comics. She told me (years ago) when she was working there and got bored she would read the comics. She said she remembers the first Action Comic when Superman debuted. She remembered "that issue where Batman killed with a gun" (Detective 32). It was a joy to chat with her about it. She has long since past and unfortunately she did not keep any of the comics except for one (many did not think too). But as a collector I have to laugh (to keep from crying) that my grandmother used to get boxes of mint comics that are worth so much today and read them as a young adult. If anyone is curious the comic she kept was a coverless Detective 32. When the person that delivered the new shipment of comics came every month they would take the issues that did not sell and rip off the covers and either throw them away or DC would sell them at a discounted price to stores that sold used comics at the time and the stores would sell them for 5c or less. She asked to keep a 32 that did not sell - the delivery guy ripped off the covers and gave it to her.
Here's a pic of the 32
Very cool! And I love this 32 because of it.
that is a super cool story! Thanks for telling it...
Thanks, only problem is she didn't keep any others,