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Posts posted by Bio-Rupp

  1. Just completed a quick and painless transaction with Brandon. The man pays fast and has great taste in books.


    I always enjoy dealing with boardies like him.


    Many thanks again Brandon... PM me anytime buddy :)


    xxx ooo



  2. This little note at the end of that article is just amazing. 'Frozen' just tore the market up. Disney is hitting home runs out of the park like mad.


    Frozen held on to first place in Japan for the 11th weekend in a row. The movie now ranks fourth all-time there with $193.7 million. On a worldwide basis, it passed Iron Man 3 to become the top movie from 2013 and the fifth-biggest all-time. To date, the animated sensation has earned $1.22 billion .

    I wonder what Frozen's production budget was? hm



    BOM states $150 million.



  3. Who ever gave that phone number to help you clear your name certainly is a stand up guy.


    Indeed he is and many thanks to him but, still no reply. Can somebody make the definitive call on what I should do here? Thanks


    If you sent a pm that was already read, and tried to call and text, I honestly think you have done all that you can.



    I'd just donate $20 to charity. If rayjay ever comes back demanding restitution - it twenty bucks. Just pay him back.


    You should start a "jar thread" for scenarios like this :idea:


    Have the accused send you a check since he can't get ahold of the accuser... and you put it in the "Probation Payback Jar" to hold for the person its owed.


    Take and post a picture of it and everything... as long as you stay alive Justin... it should work hm


    xxx ooo



  4. A quick apology to Domo.


    I didn't take his seriousness about how he felt about the act of shilling into account in our previous interaction.


    We have discussed this together and I now know his feelings on this matter and why he is aggressively against any attempt of shilling and price manipulation.


    I know that he has the board's best interests at heart.


    I want him and everyone to know, that regardless of the locking of the shilling thread that I created, all information is still searchable via Google. Harvey is making sure that all aliases will be accounted for and all information readily available.


    xxx ooo



  5. So...is BBT going to be inducted into the HOS, or is the offense not Hall-worthy?



    I would like to hear from some of the veteran Boardies and get their thoughts on the situation. hm


    Does the buyer who stood to lose the most by the deceit wish to nominate the person for PL or HOS status? hm


    That would be the person to ask.

  6. First off I want to thank everyone for their opinions. And to those of you who said something nice about me :foryou:

    As of my last message with the seller, I have rescinded my :takeit: and endorsed (if that's the right word hm ) the sale of the book to the other buyer.

    Personally I'm going to chalk this up to a transaction gone wrong and I won't be nominating anyone for the PL.

    Last I heard the other parties involved had resumed talks on the sale of the book but any information beyond that is obviously up to them to share.

    I hope Rick sells you the book, Randy. :wishluck:


    I'm with Mike on this Randy ;)


    If it doesn't happen, don't worry... good things come to those who wait :)


    xxx ooo



  7. Fully agree. (thumbs u A seller's integrity to honor transactions and use common sense SHOULD be enough, but it's obviously not the case with some so it seems clearly defined rules are needed.


    SHOULD BE... but unfortunately, the majority of sellers here, much like on Ebay and Craigslist, aren't educated in the intricacies of contract law.


    Yes and no. I agree that a seller runs his sales thread and makes the rules for his sales thread. BUT if a buyer follows those rules, he needs to honor the deal. That's pretty clearly stated - you list a book for sale, someone buys it, you SELL the book. Not "I decided I'm not going to sell it" after someone buys it. This JUST happened with oceanavekid and he rightfully ended up on the Probation List.


    The oceanavekid scenario left me with mixed feelings as well. There are similarities in the two cases.


    Both buyers were in the gist of some form of discussion. In oceanavekid's case, it was over price... and in trory140's case, it was over shipping to an unknown buyer/out of country/use of 3rd party.


    In each case, when the sellers receded from the sales, both buyer's bypassed discussions and and opted for "Buy it Now" scenarios.


    Oceanavekid's buyer Jawn bypassed the "kid's" statement of "I think I will just keep it" and did a Buy It Now to force the sale. That buyer dictated that sale and I personally don't think it was right. I showed an example of an open thread with a Walking Dead # 1 from 4 years ago and how the same scenario could be used to force a sale. Without set rules in place, even here, we are going on "board etiquette".


    All I saw was the "kid" not wanting to sell for less and then stating he was going to "keep the book". Then Jawn, not satisfied with this explanation, used the :takeit: as a technicality to force the seller into a transaction with the buyer. I do not think this was right... and I personally don't feel oceanviewkid should be on the PL because of it. Maybe I would feel differently had I really wanted that book though ;)


    In this current scenario, Randy posted the :takeit: to trory140's book... that's a given. That said, without a stated set of general rules that we can all fall back on and use...Rory's lack of stating "whoever posts :takeit: wins" takes a back seat to "we can discuss payment/shipping/pickup options" which he did state. When the seller didn't agree with the options presented, the buyer, sensing the seller's reluctance, did a Buy It Now scenario offering to send a check without stipulations.


    Now I know Randy didn't do this to force the sale, but just to entice the seller to sell to him. The seller, not having set rules in place, went with his gut feeling and opted out... which is his right to do since discussions for his merchandise from his thread didn't work out to his liking.


    Keep in mind that without stated board rules, all a :takeit: sign is... is "board etiquette". Trory140 didn't have it listed in his "normal rules" that posting a :takeit: would insure the sale of the book. "Board etiquette" might state (in the cloud where "board etiquette" resides)... that Randy get that book, unfortunately based on the wording of Rory's sales thread, and Rory's gut feeling on the transaction, plus the fact that it ultimately IS his 10K comic to do with what he pleases.


    I have my own personal history with the use of the :takeit: sign. Unless the Board posts stated, uniform rules concerning that sign... its all left up to interpretation and "board etiquette".


    Don't get me wrong. I think Randy should be entitled to the book. That's because I know him and I've seen his purchases in the past and know that if he could, he would hand deliver that 10K to Rory in person. It's just that until both buyer and seller come to a mutual agreement based on the seller's given thread rules... one that's consented upon by both parties... then it's the seller's book until that happens.



    I think the call for HOS has become something out of hand lately where every single transgression leads to "Let's add him to the HOS! :preach: " But I don't think there is anything wrong with a buyer ASKING for opinions and people offering those opinions as is the case here. Randy started a thread to ask other's opinions on the matter. That's how most of these discussions arise - someone looking for advice.


    Asking opinions is fine and Randy has the full right to do this, but when opinions escalate into the snowball effect that they often do on the boards, they tend to become more "facts" than "opinions" in the eyes of the people who read them.


    Thanks for taking the time to reply. (thumbs u Unfortunately, I think we're just :blahblah: though because nothing is going to change. Sellers are responsible for their own sales threads and when they're too lazy to clearly define the rules of THEIR sales thread and essentially giving themselves cart Blanche to sell to who they want to and how they want to, not much you can really do other than add them to personal lists and move on. The book should be Randy's and it won't be so that's that. (shrug)


    " :blahblah: " is what it's all about Justin lol


    xxx ooo



  8. Fully agree. (thumbs u A seller's integrity to honor transactions and use common sense SHOULD be enough, but it's obviously not the case with some so it seems clearly defined rules are needed.


    SHOULD BE... but unfortunately, the majority of sellers here, much like on Ebay and Craigslist, aren't educated in the intricacies of contract law.


    Yes and no. I agree that a seller runs his sales thread and makes the rules for his sales thread. BUT if a buyer follows those rules, he needs to honor the deal. That's pretty clearly stated - you list a book for sale, someone buys it, you SELL the book. Not "I decided I'm not going to sell it" after someone buys it. This JUST happened with oceanavekid and he rightfully ended up on the Probation List.


    The oceanavekid scenario left me with mixed feelings as well. There are similarities in the two cases.


    Both buyers were in the gist of some form of discussion. In oceanavekid's case, it was over price... and in trory140's case, it was over shipping to an unknown buyer/out of country/use of 3rd party.


    In each case, when the sellers receded from the sales, both buyer's bypassed discussions and opted for "Buy it Now" scenarios.


    Oceanavekid's buyer Jawn bypassed the "kid's" statement of "I think I will just keep it" and did a Buy It Now to force the sale. That buyer dictated that sale and I personally don't think it was right. I showed an example of an open thread with a Walking Dead # 1 from 4 years ago and how the same scenario could be used to force a sale. Without set rules in place, even here, we are going on "board etiquette".


    All I saw was the "kid" not wanting to sell for less and then stating he was going to "keep the book". Then Jawn, not satisfied with this explanation, used the :takeit: as a technicality to force the seller into a transaction with the buyer. I do not think this was right... and I personally don't feel oceanviewkid should be on the PL because of it. Maybe I would feel differently had I really wanted that book though ;)


    In this current scenario, Randy posted the :takeit: to trory140's book... that's a given. That said, without a stated set of general rules that we can all fall back on and use...Rory's lack of stating "whoever posts :takeit: wins" takes a back seat to "we can discuss payment/shipping/pickup options" which he did state. When the seller didn't agree with the options presented, the buyer, sensing the seller's reluctance, did a Buy It Now scenario offering to send a check without stipulations.


    Now I know Randy didn't do this to force the sale, but just to entice the seller to sell to him. The seller, not having set rules in place, went with his gut feeling and opted out... which is his right to do since discussions for his merchandise from his thread didn't work out to his liking.


    Keep in mind that without stated board rules, all a :takeit: sign is... is "board etiquette". Trory140 didn't have it listed in his "normal rules" that posting a :takeit: would insure the sale of the book. "Board etiquette" might state (in the cloud where "board etiquette" resides)... that Randy get that book, unfortunately based on the wording of Rory's sales thread, and Rory's gut feeling on the transaction, plus the fact that it ultimately IS his 10K comic... it is his to do with what he pleases.


    I have my own personal history with the use of the :takeit: sign. Unless the Board posts stated, uniform rules concerning that sign... its all left up to interpretation and "board etiquette".


    Don't get me wrong. I think Randy should be entitled to the book. That's because I know him and I've seen his purchases in the past and know that if he could, he would hand deliver that 10K to Rory in person. It's just that until both buyer and seller come to a mutual agreement based on the seller's given thread rules... one that's consented upon by both parties... then it's the seller's book until that happens.



    I think the call for HOS has become something out of hand lately where every single transgression leads to "Let's add him to the HOS! :preach: " But I don't think there is anything wrong with a buyer ASKING for opinions and people offering those opinions as is the case here. Randy started a thread to ask other's opinions on the matter. That's how most of these discussions arise - someone looking for advice.


    Asking opinions is fine and Randy has the full right to do this, but when opinions escalate into the snowball effect that they often do on the boards, they tend to become more "facts" than "opinions" in the eyes of the people who read them.

  9. Until a posted, agreed upon rules list is enacted along with a set guideline to conform to (including a standardized set of selling/buying rules that could be cut and pasted to the first post of every seller's sales thread)... there is nothing that can prevent situations like this from happening (even in relation to proper "sales etiquette").


    Pending a set of sales rules being completed and enforced , the seller is, and should always be, in charge of his thread and the rules therein.


    This is not directed at Randy at all, nor to Spiderphill or Harvey above, but there is a trend developing where it appears that buyers believe that they can dictate every aspect of a sale. It also appears that whenever that trend is challenged, immediately the aspect of PL and HOS is tossed onto the table... and more often than not, by someone other than the wronged party.


    Recommendations to the PL or HOS by anyone other than the wronged person is something that should not be allowed. I say this because as of late, it has become more rampant and is detrimental to seller reputations. State your opinion, but we should leave the recommendations of nomination to those who have been damaged. 2c




    Believe it or not... RUPP's doing a COPPER / MODERN sale... who knew? (shrug)








    Some highlights...







    ... BUT WAIT!... ...there's more!




    RUPP's doing a GOLD / SILVER / BRONZE sale too... wha' ? (shrug)








    Some highlights...







    Please note that these sale items may be combined with items from BOTH Gelatinous sales. Please shop at your own risk... :cool:





  11. How would that have stopped anyone else from buying it? I believe the wording was also the seller was thinking of holding onto it.


    No idea. Just going by the sellers wording of "no".


    Is your Walking Dead #1 CGC 9.8 still available for $600 here?




    That thread is open, with no notification that it's closed... if so :takeit:;)


    That's what I mean by "a LOT of open threads".




    xxx ooo



  12. Actually, wouldn't this waive the 72 hour waiting period? hm Seller admits he's not going to honor a sale that occurred in an open sales thread?


    He posted in this thread that he would take it at your price. (shrug)


    Look again at the pm I said it was too low at the asking price and was holding on to it


    And he still goes for it


    Like I said that could be considered strike worthy since I didn't take it off the boards before I posted it somewhere else. That's my bad I told him no at that price and he still insists on going for it. I realize I was giving the book away at that price that's why I didn't take any of his offers when he PMED me.


    Is the price difference between $110 (your listed board price) & the price you'll get on Ebay worth never selling on here again?



    I think you need to ask yourself that question. :foryou:


    If you really want to put me on the probation list or hos for not taking a book down after I told him on than by all means do it


    When you tell somebody no it should be enough. All I'm guilty of is telling him no and not taking the book down right after then looking at Colombia comics eBay and selling what he had it listed for and how many offers he was getting

    So I listed my copy. Had I taken the book down I'm sure he would still say I sold it to him in that pm because I said no and he still said he would take it at $110 he knew I said no I wanted to keep it and he still went for it. Do what you have to do. Nothing else I can say


    There's a lot of open sales threads out there Justin. I mean a LOT. :whistle:


    xxx ooo




    So what do you suggest?


    Check the time stamp of the seller's PM telling the purchaser "no" based on the :takeit: placed in the thread. ;)


    xxx ooo

