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the_Thing ®

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Posts posted by the_Thing ®

  1. I’m still not sure if I’m big on the Shogun World aspect. I hope they keep the old west theme as the main setting. From seeing next weeks preview, I forget his name, but I really like the actor who they showed as a Samurai.

  2. 12 minutes ago, fantastic_four said:

    It was, but then he explicitly told the Ford-controlled version of their daughter that he wasn't being noble.  But it did seem personal there, so I'm not sure I completely believe him.  It probably wasn't to save any of them, but they reminded him of something from his past and it inspired him to take the chance to make his escape.

    I think it might have showed sympathy/empathy because MIB killed off exactly what he had been trying to find. His own army. But then again that Confederado Major was such a whack job he might have wanted to hold out for someone a bit less psycho. If you looked closely he even had a slight reaction to the kiss from Lawrence’s wife too.

  3. 11 minutes ago, fantastic_four said:

    It's certainly Arnold's body, so I've been assuming it's some variant of Arnold's consciousness, too, although clearly it isn't straight up Arnold.  It seems like some Ford-altered version of Arnold.

    I didn’t think of that. ?

  4. Oh yea, my favorite part is when the Man in Black actually sort of appeared to have some empathy for Lawrence and his wife during flashbacks of his wife’s suicide. ‘You don’t know death, you’ve been sitting across from him’. That was good.

  5. Great episode. I think the human consciousness into an android theory is right. So who’s consciousness did Bernard get? It would have to be Ford’s or William’s. I had also already figured out who the mysterious woman was.

  6. After seeing the look on Delores’s face after Teddy didn’t kill the Confederado Major, as she ordered him to, I think it’s quite clear that Teddy’s days are numbered. I don’t understand why Delores had all the Confederados killed. Hell, at least they were firepower. Lastly it was good to see Armistice back with her “dragon”.

  7. Is this the movie with Chris Pratt? I don’t know anything about the movie but I heard A LOT of people are mad about what his character did at the end of one of these superhero movies. Not mad at the movie, but actually ticked off at him because of what his character did. Even receiving threats.

  8. Not that I thought it was ever in doubt, but it was confirmed HBO signed on for a 3rd season of Westworld. Some random thoughts..... I would have never guessed that was Floki in the first episode. He’s a great actor, just like his dad. I also think there is a good chance the scene in the first episode where it shows all the drowned hosts and Bernard saying “I killed them” might end up being the final scene of this season. I also hope we end up seeing Armacist again but it isn’t looking like it. Bernard had asked Ford, after finding out he was a host, why he would burden him with having to deal with the death of a child but it now looks like Arnold did have to deal with the death of Charlie.

  9. I sure don’t care for all the time jumps this season, but it’s been interesting so far. Some things I found interesting about this episode...It looks like Ford certainly had William in mind for his final narrative and it’s good to see that William has his sidekick back. What’s his name? My mind went blank. I’m trying to figure out what this “weapon” might be and does anyone have an idea what William and Delores were looking at in the park at the end when William said ‘can you believe this splendor’ or something to that effect? It looked like some type of wreckage. 1 last question. Any idea what caused Bernard’s  critical failure?

  10. I got some bad news. I just watched a Facebook Live broadcast from the Tribeca Film Fest or what ever it’s called with a lot of the main cast doing Q&A. The bad news is there will be virtually NO NUDITY in Season 2.

  11. 17 hours ago, fantastic_four said:

    I'm not ruling out the possibility of Hopkins showing up at the end of the season and revealing an android copy was shot at the end of season 1.  Can't trust anyone to actually be human in this show!

    I'm hoping he's dead, though.  It's probably a better story if he is.

    True, I just liked the actor/character.

  12. 9 minutes ago, Rodey said:

    He's dead. Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy said Hopkins was not part of season 2. But we'll see the CGI Young Robert Ford.

    How can William be dead? He is the Man in Black. Look closely and you’ll see him in that last trailer posted.

  13. 18 minutes ago, fantastic_four said:

    Looking forward to the premiere this Sunday.  IMDB doesn't show Anthony Hopkins in the cast this season at all, so I guess he's either really dead or HBO is hiding his presence.

    Never saw that last trailer posted. Looks like young William might still be around. :wishluck:

  14. Well Mike, no one is claiming the money wasn't all sent. You are making it a point as to saying an e-mail wasn't received. It was all posted publicly, in that thread, everything. I asked people to double check what I had posted as the results and money sent to make sure I didn't' miss anything. I asked winners and donors to check and make sure their names and amounts were listed correctly. Everything donated and added up amounted to the penny the exact amount collected and sent. No one can dispute that.


    And right, I don't care about a "probation" thread in a comics forum. James' post to it was the kick in the I needed, not the threat of "probation". Could not care less about any probation or HOS list you guys have.


    As far as you thinking I never sent the coin out in the first place, well I guess thats your right. If you think I went to all that time and trouble just to rip off another forum member, of which I wouldn't get any money from anyway, well you can think that. I've been here a lot of years, I'm hoping others who know me would disagree with you. I did ship the coin, that is how I found out that you don't want to put down "COIN" as the item description on a customs slip if you are shipping to the U.K.. It caused problems that I discussed with James. But I suppose you think I'm making that up too. I have a perfect feedback record on ebay, which I gave to James, and I wouldn't ruin friendships over a coin. I've given away many coins in the WC, totallying in excess of $250.00. I spent over $200.00 on a game system for a members son who was having some medical issues and shipped it to him about the same time as Cheri's auction. And, I've learned a lesson too, I won't be organizing anything nice for forum members in need anymore. Normally things that happen on these forums don't bother me, but it does bug me that you would think that. Some others thinking it wouldn't surpise me, but I didn't expect it from you. Nothing I can do about it though and no hard feelings. You think what you want. And I'm done with this too.

  15. The problem with James was taken care of immediately after I was informed of his post to this forum by skypinkblu. Never tried to make an excuse, took full responsibilty and owned up. What is dragging this out is someone, who I'm not sure was even a member at the time of the auction, jumps in the middle of it, something they are in no way involved with, making accusations that not all of the money was sent. Bio-Burp wanted drama, ya'll gave it to him.


    I went out of the way to make everything 100% transparent, even coming up with a way anonymous donors would know their money was sent by posting it publicly in a way they would know their money was sent but not outright id'ing them. Now I have kids to feed and diapers to change. James is taken care of, every single penny was accounted for, bio-burp has been exposed for what he is, a drama queen, and I can see no other reason for me to continue to post to this thread, regardless of bio-burps need for attention.

  16. So, the letters "tj il" (I have no idea what the "il" means, by the way) that are planted in the middle of a post that I didn't read equates to receiving a confirmation email proving that the money was sent? Hooo-kay.


    And I accept your apology, half-hearted as it may be.


    As stated in the auction thread, its the system I came up with based on e-mail addys so anonymous donors and non-auction winners would know their money was sent. I guess you missed that part. Its all still there explaining how you would know that is indeed you.

  17. No one involved with that auction ever said they didn't think their money went to Cheri, and YOU, who didn't even freaking know about it want to get in the middle of it. You are a drama queen, plain and simple.

    I'm sorry - is this directed to me?


    No, sorry if it seemed that way.

  18. ad al $20.09

    ca oo $25.00

    la oo $20.00

    so oo $50.00

    st cs $ 100.00

    dr mi $25.00

    tj il $35.00

    wj oo $12.40


    You accused me of never showing your proof of you giving money. There it is above. I guess you missed that? I had checked my PM's for a message from you concering a donation or item won, didn't find it. Didn't check my paypal history, but as I said, you are mentioned above. But I will apologize to you, because you did give money, but I DID ACCOUNT for it.



  19. Hey guys, how about keeping this to discussions concerning troubled transactions?



    Exactly my point. James is happy and has moved on. Bio-Burp has nothing to do with anything (seems to be his biggest problem), but evidence would show he thrives on drama and loves getting in other's business. He can't find drama, he creates it and involves himself in it, hence accusing me of not giving all the money to Cheri, when every single penny was publicly posted and accounted for. Just a boy with no life and too much time on his hands. Move on bio-burp, find your new flavor of the week. No one involved with that auction ever said they didn't think their money went to Cheri, and YOU, who didn't even freaking know about it want to get in the middle of it. You are a drama queen, plain and simple.