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Everything posted by JadeGiant

  1. He stopped doing commissions a bit ago (unless he started back up recently)
  2. Jams are still a thing. My biggest suggestion is to think it out before you start. Know what you want in terms of characters and layout. Find an artist that will layout the entire piece and likely do the first finished piece on the jam. Decide what characters, poses, do you want artists to pencil and ink each character or just pencils and one inker finish the entire piece? Paper size is up to you. Some artists will be difficult or even impossible to get on a piece, do your homework. Jams look great when done well but all it take is one stinker to ruin a good piece. They can be fun and rewarding but can take a lot of work.
  3. What is you CAF link? Putting up a your collection (or part of it) is smart and shows you are a serious and active collector. I know I don't put much thought into inquiries that come from empty/new/barely active CAF accounts. I am always courteous and respond but it is a red flag to me. Being active on CAF (posting art, commenting, etc.) and places like here will build up your presence and be helpful in starting a dialog on art you want to buy. Another thing that Eric mentioned was not to be a tire-kicker. I agree and this is a temptation that many newer collectors fall into, even unknowingly as was the case for myself. I asked about a lot of pieces when I discovered CAF that I was probably not that serious about. It was more newb enthusiasm and curiosity but it can come across as not being serious and like mantioned above, some collectors have long memories and it could cost you a piece you are very serious about down the road. Good luck and have fun! CAF is, for the most part, a great place full of great collectors.
  4. This is a wise collecting approach, and I always do this for a nice chunk of my additions each year. I still buy from eBay, HA, CL, and dealers/reps as well .... as the one thing I have learned is that you have to always be watching anywhere art is sold because you never know what and where good art will surface. I like the grind of the hobby and I like meeting folks of a like mind with many friendships made this way that extends past just a shared interest.
  5. Great story, thanks for sharing. I am intrigued by this art as well! Good stuff!
  6. Do you know the backstory on this? Editor's call or Dale's?
  7. I love looking at this page and seeing Dale's process. Great piece!
  8. Crazy stuff. Where are these 2 ads? Curiosity is killing me ...
  9. I agree that unpublished pages are worth less than published by a good margin (there are exceptions to every general rule as provided above) so be sure to do your homework if you are considering a purchase. I love a lot of unpublished art that I come across. I don't have a lot as they are sometimes sold as almost as expensive as published. If the art is finished enough (depends on how far the artist got on the art before the decision not to publish was made), appeals to me, and is priced right - I am a potential buyer. Another huge factor is the backstory; what was the art supposed to be used for? Why was it abandoned? Etc. I have a great cover and a couple interior pages from a Paul Pelletier Hulk vs Toad men story that was shelved. I was able to pick it up from Paul and he shared the details - I love the art and story behind it. The link below is a page I bought that was misrepresented as a published page. As I was looking to find out more about the page upon receiving it, I was able to determine that is wasn't published and had a fun backstory that was enjoyable to learn about. https://thejadegiant.wordpress.com/2016/07/01/the-lost-hulk-annual-and-the-abel-brigade/
  10. This is probably the best advice for a newer collector (which I know isn't the exact point of this thread but there is something to be taken from this notion) and can be applied along your collecting journey. "Begin with the end in mind" is a precept I wish I had figured out earlier but is something I like to think about when making collecting decisions like this one. I now try to keep this in mind to a degree with my purchase habits and what it has resulted in is the war chest mandate for myself so that the "grail" (using the term loosely) is always possible should it come along.
  11. I don't think there is a hard line in the sand on this approach, at least for me personally. I tend to keep my ability to get a "can't let it go" piece (call it a war chest) intact but will grab pieces along the way as well. If your grail list is short and highly unlikely to surface and you don't buy anything else, it is hard to really feel like you are collecting art (at least in my experience). A lot of this really depends on what your grail is and how likely it is to show up. If it is early SA art that has never surfaced (and good chance didn't survive), you might want to keep collecting other things (but keep the ability to pivot toward a purchase if it does come up). If you are a more modern art collector and have a reasonable expectation that the art is out there in the wild, you probably have a more realistic chance at it showing up or you being able to flush it out of a private collection.
  12. https://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=1651406
  13. Eisner awards are tonight. Immortal Hulk nominated for the second consecutive year! Lots of new Immortal Hulk pages coming soon - see link to learn how to be the first to learn when the art drops! http://www.jadegiantcomicart.com/news.asp SDCC may have closed the show for 2020 but the Eisner Awards will happen tonight as scheduled! Among the Eisner Award nominations is The IMMORTAL HULK by Al Ewing, Joe Bennett, and Ruy José et al. (Marvel) for BEST CONTINUING SERIES. It is a testament to how great this series is by being nominated for best continuing series for TWO CONSECUTIVE YEARS. So, if you are looking for some new Immortal Hulk art by Joe Bennett, stay tuned for an announcement. We will be dropping a large amount of Immortal Hulk art next week so if you have been waiting for some great Joe Bennett Hulk art, get ready for some amazing pages. Trust me, you will not be disappointed with the art being made available so save a stash of cash for next week. Want to know when the art will drop exactly? You’ll need to be signed up for the JadeGiant Comic Art newsletter to get that information. The announcement will be made shortly before the drop and only those on the newsletter will get the exact announced time of the drop. Stay tuned! Stay safe! Happy collecting! - Dave and the JG crew
  14. Couple new pieces - Batman, Wolverine, and Hulk. Links and pics below: https://www.comicartfans.com/gallerypiece.asp?Piece=1651406&GSub=0&GCat=14768&UCat=14768 https://www.comicartfans.com/gallerypiece.asp?piece=1651401
  15. Absolutely. Between the anticipation of holding the art in your hands, the anxiety of the delivery (how was it packed, how was it handled), and the wait ... new art day can be like Christmas in July!
  16. Continuing the Hulk theme, a page by my favorite artist from my favorite comic. Samson exploring Hulk's psyche while he slumbers had so many great scenes. Actively seeking pages from this issue, Hulk 227.
  17. Interesting factoid on your screen name! Pronounced like Strangé (the perfume from the movie Boomerang)?
  18. Great piece! Good luck with the sale!
  19. I have managed to snag some nice DPS due to the aversion to oversized art. You aren't the only collector who avoids them.