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Everything posted by JadeGiant

  1. Love the sound of this place - anyone have pics? The counter resonates with me as my LCS had a similar approach when I was a kid. All of the back issues were behind the counter on shelves. I don't know if this was before the white long boxes (when did those come out anyway?) or if the owner was cheap, but all the back issues were in brown boxes (whatever would work) and the owner would drop the Iron Man, Hulk, or whatever box I was looking to buy from on the counter. I was too short for the counter so they had a step up and I was barely able to peer over the top of the box and flip through the selections. I filled a lot of my Iron Man run through this method and filling a hole was priority over condition so a decent number of the issues weren't great. The best issue condition wise was the first Thanos so I was lucky there.
  2. This game pegs the nostalgic meter for me as I spent a summer mastering the moves to defeat the game (lots of trial and error) ... but it doesn't appeal to me as a collector. I hope it goes big - auction day should be fun to watch
  3. Jim has suspended the LCS fundraising activity in light of recent national events and it looks like he has pivoted a bit via an older Xmen page being auctioned for BLM. It's pretty apparent on his IG feed. Here is an excerpt from a recent post " ... Obviously, I have held up my fundraising activity for comic shops during this pandemic. That will resume when appropriate...."
  4. 100% Sometimes it is like discovering the art for the first time all over again as your eye will catch something new, etc.
  5. Thanks Bill, this makes sense along with what others shared. I will be up for the next CAF LIVE CON.
  6. Agreed. I love your irrelevant art!
  7. We will have to agree to disagree. Art in a portfolio is art. Your music analogy doesn't hold water. Do you have all your music playing in your home 24x7? Or do you have a lot of music stored? Just because art is in a portfolio, doesn't make it irrelevant. That's a silly notion.
  8. Great art, great looking home. Good luck with the sale!
  9. If true, I think this needs a look for the next CAF LIVE con IMHO. I use CAF as a collector and for my rep business and would not want to choose which I had to exclude when participating. My .02 ... YMMV
  10. Keeping art in portfolios is not hoarding. If any art that isn't on a wall is irrelevant, the vast majority of comic art would be considered irrelevant which is clearly not true. Your statement reads as if you believe this to be a universal truth ... if this is just your opinion for your own collection, great. Nice wall displays!
  11. I did not set up as a collector or as a rep. I also did not do any shopping. Not because I didn't want to ... I was getting married this weekend. Bill, I will email you about not consulting with me for the timing of this event After reading this thread, it sounds like this was a well-formed and thought out live con event. I will try to watch any videos to do additional catch up and will plan to attend in the future. I did get some updates and a few pieces that would likely have been of interest, but they were priced a bit aggressively so I don't feel like I missed anything. Question: are we able to set up as a collector and a rep/dealer? I'd like to potentially do both if possible. Collector Note: anyone looking to sell nice Hulk art gems that didn't move during the show, please feel free to reach out to me. Sounds like Hulk 227 pages did not show up at the con so if you have more(more), let me know! Rep Note: I would have done some JadeGiant Comic Art sales, commissions, etc. and I will be opening a Joe Bennett commission list soon so feel free to reach out if something from him interests you.
  12. Love the idea and execution of Brainiac!
  13. Beautiful piece - thanks for sharing!!!
  14. Would love to see the art! Congrats!
  15. Thanks ... and Dang! (not s good weekend for me). Very interested to see how this goes.
  16. Running tally kept here as well for reference: http://www.statueforum.com/showpost.php?p=5846465&postcount=4
  17. Always looking for Sal Buscema Hulk art - regular title, Defenders, or anything else that is Sal drawing the Hulk. Here are a few pages from a well-remembered arc that I would love to track down if anyone knows of their whereabouts.
  18. Saw this on FB Seems like a more prominent posting would be a good idea so that there is no confusion. He also says not likely which may mean some will be cover/some won't ... or maybe just not determined yet. In the end, the proceeds go to a good cause so I hope the bidding keeps going at the rate it has been.