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Everything posted by wizardseye311

  1. Mis-cut cover. Pretty cool. $38.00 sounds about right. Might go to $50.00 though. I see what you're saying about shaking it. Looks like the CGC carbon paper moved, and it's not mis-cut. There's a pretty decent color break around the Marvel box too. The 9.6 on World Wide is much nicer.
  2. Cool. I actually thought you meant modern Red Sonja. I collect the RRP covers for those too. Looking for #'s 0,1,2, and 7 Dynamite RRP Red Sonja, and a #4 Glow in the Dark cover. Post away!
  3. Cool. Let us see 'em when you get 'em! What moderns are you looking to trade or sell?
  4. All we wanted was to add the two price variants, and the second printing date for #9. The way it's listed in the census. It took a while, but it was done. Then an unnamed individual decided to throw their weight around and had it removed. Which is fine if there would have been a separate set that included the variants, which there was. Then that was changed. Now what you have is a set called Red Sonja 1977 that includes Marvel Feature Vol. 2 that started in 1975. Which already exists with variants. So your point, Cheetah, while valid, has already had it's course run. Also, Gyro and myself have conversations on this topic via PM, which you haven't seen. My post was in response to something we discussed there. It was really only meant for one person to see as rhetoric. While you and Mr. Heat Miser are welcome to post away in here, your response to my post was unnecessary. As I said, it was a rhetorical statement directed at one person. I've given up the logical approach to this issue as a futile endeavor. However the registry for Red Sonja stands is how it will stay for my part. I have nothing to do with it. So if someone else wants Vol. 2 or 3 added, good luck.
  5. Savage Sword Of Conan #1 Aug. '74 960 pts. Marvel Feature Vol. 2 #1 Nov. '75 80 pts. Red Sonja #1 Jan. '77 120 pts. Explain that rationale .
  6. Two issues. #1 and #2. The comics are actually better than the movie. Not by much though.
  7. Well they should at least change the name of the set. At the very least get rid of the 1977. That's just plain stupid if it's going to have a book from 1975 in it. There already is a full Marvel Feature Vol. 2 set complete with the 30 cent variants that matches the census perfectly. So it is redundant to have another one. That's not even the real issue here. Basically what it comes down to is that there is one person who feels they should have everything their way because they're too lazy to complete the set. It's not an issue of what the complete set is. It's an issue of one single person having the sway to say what the complete set is. So if that person suddenly becomes superstitious, and feels #13 should no longer be included, then oh, let's just remove that one too. Or they don't like the yellow covers for any number of reasons. Boing, there they go! Just on one persons say so. So you see, it is a joke because it's rigged, fixed, and based on one persons logic. I use the registry to prove that the books I own are mine so that if they ever get stolen (God forbid), and someone else tries to register them, I can say, "No, that book is mine, and it was stolen." I just want a place where I can plug in the serial # to prove ownership. I could care less about any competition. I own many CGC books that aren't even in the registry. Is it too much to ask to include them? Evidently it is. Between the politics in here and what gets included, the registry is a joke on that level. Of course if we upgrade I'll bet we could get candy wrappers and used auto parts in the Red Sonja set. I can see it now. Look, I'm all for sets that are from a certain artist or era or number 1's, etc., but there needs to be a place for collectors of full runs of each individual title as well. If for no other reason than to register their comics. You know as well as I do how hard it is to find a Red Sonja #4 or #5 35 cent cover. Until we came along there wasn't anywhere to register them. Same for the 11/78 #9. For a while at least it seemed like intelligence ruled the day. Then the I.Q's around here disappeared faster than a birthday cake for a fat chick. All on the say of one person. Yeah, some community.
  8. What do you expect? The registry for Red Sonja has been turned into a joke now.
  9. Yeah, those sold last week. There's a nice Dynamite Red Sonja #11 sketch cover on eSlay. It's the Jim Lee "Sneak Peek" sketch for #12. 9.8 Signature Series. Pretty awesome. A bit pricey, but I bet it will sell just for the signature.
  10. It's like this. The census lists the price variants for #'s 4 and 5, and both issue dates for #9. If a certain person does or doesn't collect these for whatever reason has no baring on the issue. The registry, if there is any logic to it, should reflect the census. There are no registry sets for say, only the yellow covers, or only odd number issues. That would be ludicrous. Just like saying only my set should be the one that counts. The census should be the only thing that matters, and opinion should not cloud the issue. To date there are 6 graded copies of the #4 35 cent cover, and 3 for the #5. There are 13 graded copies for the 5/78 #9, and 6 for the 11/78 #9. These are all grades combined. As any collector worth their weight in poly bags can see, these are quite rare in highest graded examples. It stands to reason that as collectors we should strive to bring forth these rarities, and display them with pride. Having someone's opinion of what the complete set comprises of conflict with the census is simply short sighted. The facts could not be any clearer.
  11. Tiresome bore? Really? Thanks, good job getting to know someone. To quote a famous man, "What do you collect sonny?" WTTB Yawn.
  12. It would seem that a tiresome bore has had it's feathers ruffled by the updates to the Red Sonja CGC Registry set. Read about the rustled Jimmies here: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Board=40&Number=6007375&Searchpage=1&Main=133232&Words=red+sonja&topic=0&Search=true#Post6007375 and here: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Board=40&Number=6008002&Searchpage=1&Main=260760&Words=red+sonja&topic=0&Search=true#Post6008002
  13. I know. I can barely afford the sketch cover for that issue right now.
  14. Man, that Stephan Segovia #24 cover is amazing. The original art for this? I wish I had the cash.
  15. Yeah, anytime you're buying copper or older raw books it's a gamble. Although I've received brand new books that were just horrible. Looked like they were used to play Hockey with. I always ask plenty of questions. Almost to the point of being annoying, but I'd rather get it out of the way than to buy something I'm not going to want, and have to return. Unless I'm looking for a reader copy, I stay away from VF (8.0), and look for NM/M listings. At least if it's over graded it should still be a pretty nice copy. Of course there are some dirtbags out there that will say anything to move their garbage. You have to consider the price. Is it too good to be true? Or is it too high for what's in the pic? Occasionally you get lucky. Like my pence Marvel Team-Up #79, but it's rare. I've talked to a few British sellers, and after describing to them what a 9.8 is they'll agree that what they have is nowhere near that quality. It's a tough grade, but I tell them to keep an eye out because that's what I'm interested in.
  16. Thank Mytra that Mr. Suydam decided it would look much better with a half naked Red Sonja instead of another tiger. Did you see the 9.8 #1 Savage Tales Feat. Red Sonja Virgin cover on eBay? Started at $49.00, and had one bid last time I looked. Love these covers. He also did some great Vampirella virgin covers right around the same time as these. I think these painted covers are some of his best work.
  17. Check this out. Some more Paul Abrams work. This is a signed print of a pin up he did for Savage Sword Of Conan #100. He still has the original, and offered to sell it to me, but I declined. Then, when I realized that I should have taken him up on it, he would not discuss the matter any further. Maybe he was offended that I didn't just take it when he offered, but who knows? Anyway, here it is.
  18. You did read the part where I wrote this didn't you? "So I'll agree that she is in issue #33, albeit briefly. Which is probably why she's left off of some list of appearances in Conan for #33" You have to agree she's not part of the story line like she is in issues 24, 43, and 44 etc. Banana dancing not withstanding. There are more pictures of Captain America and Red Skull in Marvel Feature Vol. 2 #5 than there are of Red Sonja in Conan #33. Of course it's in a Twinkie ad or something like that, but would call that a Captain America appearance? For the record, I never said she wasn't in #33. I said I didn't know if she was or not because some lists have it and some don't. OVER!
  19. So is that the only page she is on? Does the question, "Where is Red Sonja?" get answered? Or do you have to wait until issue #43? Like so many mysteries, answering one question only leads to more questions! Actually this is pretty cool because I believe this issue is from 12/73, and that's why she still has the B.W. Smith attire. It would be a couple more months before Esteban Maroto would have submitted the notorious chain mail uniform she became famous for. Which appears in Savage Sword of Conan #1 for the first time on 8/74. Two months before Conan #43 on 10/74. So I'll agree that she is in issue #33, albeit briefly. Which is probably why she's left off of some list of appearances in Conan for #33. Great detective work, but keep in mind what you're looking at is a flashback from issue #24, "The Song Of Red Sonja". Where she and Conan try to steal a tiara, and it turns into a dragon. Reprinted many times.
  20. Don't know how much trouble this will get me in, but Paul Abrams did this for me about a year ago when I was in NY. He's the artist that used to do the old Hellina and Catfight cover for Lightning Comics. He said that with all the gloss on these #25 blank covers it's really difficult to do anything on them.
  21. I like #24 because it's her first full appearance, and she's on the cover. CGC is great for preserving pristine examples, but you have to have a reader copy as well. It's the stories that really count. Collect what you like. Don't worry about what's better or worse. As long as you have fun, and enjoy what you're doing. Welcome to the fold!
  22. It's a great poster though. The movie was lame, but I still watch it when it comes on. Never bought it though. Not a bad price for an original, but considering you can get a rolled reprint without the folds for about $4.00, you have a choice. I like some of the foreign versions too. There's another eBay Red Sonja #1 9.8 White Pages up for sale. You think it will break the $255.00 set by the last one? I doubt it seeing as how our, "Man on a Mission" got the last one, and was going to get it no matter what. Since he has one now I doubt the competition will be as fierce. It's a great copy though, and I can see it hitting the $200.00 mark. There is a reserve, but it's already almost up to the one on Comic Connect. Which is not doing well at all.