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Everything posted by Mmehdy

  1. I thing that is going to be GA Cap 1-13...something like that...but for SA...its wide open, I like Thor but of course some of the early issues were not Kirby and I feel they suffered for that...Can anyone confirm what issues of Cap and either GA or SA?
  2. In youtube there is a similar approach that you are using on a channel called World War Two in real time....looking week by week at WW2 and hosted by Indy Neidell which is fantastic. Here in this thead, you are investigating month by month the creation of the Silver Age Marvel Universe but your observation above of the "white out" of the signatures with smoking gun original art proof...is just on a other level....Thank you, this is in my opinion the best researched thead ever created on this board and while we have our disagreements, we can agree on one thing...everyone here is learning stuff that was supposed to be forgotten, hidden in history...and covered up the usual convenience of the ongoing Stan narrative by the very promoter himself. History needs to be corrected and you month by month, inch by inch are doing it. Thank You.
  3. Great, these classic books deserve that type of presentation....any thoughts of what you would suggest next for silver age marvel Tashen?
  4. The way that cover just explodes. Fantastic....remember everything seemed bigger when you were smaller ..what kid could turn that book down....it really stands out in the crowd . We are at the start of the Stan Lee hype....but again that feedback helped create a buzz among collectors.
  5. Being on a comic book collector along with a bunch of other kids in my neighborhood, AF#7 was a game changer also. Stan at his best marketing, every kid wanted that "adult" book thinking that it was somehow better and forbidden......and at a early age those short stories took hold in your mind easily. I do not think that "Adult" and respect your intelligence was ever marketed that way...EC was superior and began 10 years prior, but those books were just not available until the EC paperbacks came out, I think in 1964 which I bought them too as released. So the format of a preview page, table of contents, and the genius move of making it Steve Ditko gives me opportunity to bow to Stan the man...its rare but this book with "Adult" commanded a trade of 3 to 1 minimum among collectors. The connection between the reader and the comic book was the key here. Creating giants among the collectors was a key marking tool. Why Did AF fail after 15....and yet FF went on to become a superstar....it was the same reason why the TV networks ran their business of continuity of characters...each week, or in this instance every 60 days early on. In contrast FF 3-1 trade did not occur until after issue 6 or just about that time. Still I think this is one of the most overlooked events in marvel history...again on ground level this was game changer which I feel let to more attention to their entire comic book line and benefited FF, Hulk, Thor and of course SM.
  6. I do not buy the Human Torch before FF1 but I do see the argument on the stories themselves and it could easily have been a joint type venture, however someone would have remembered that. The synopsis in my opinion was real, but could have been altered at some time after FF1 became a hit, meaning that this exact document could have been a recreation of the original coming from Stan's head to cement his place in history, I would not put it past him to do it. One thing for sure, this is a true collaboration and not a solo Stan Lee created synopsis. My guess is 70% Jack and 30% Stan.
  7. As we are heading to FF#1 and as a person who paid 10 cents off the new stand, probably supermarket, I was at a San Diego Comic Con one year, and noticed a 50% discounted book entitled "Fantastic Four #1 Panel by Panel hardcover." I remember how great that book was But is was 4, 5,6 which really stood out in my mind, still I did a blind buy on it. To my surprise I learned a very important lesson. Going Panel by Panel in original comic book form I was simply stunned how really great this issue was. I had read probably 50 times FF1 in my lifetime which included the 25 times as a Kid. Jack Kirby put Roy Lichtenstein to shame 100 times over. I was stunned and my taken for granted appreciation hit a brick wall. This is a "pop art" 25 page masterpiece on elevated level yet to be achieved in comic book history. I highly recommend this still highly discounted book. It opened my eyes up and I was there from the beginning. I look forward to your amazing insight on the real creation of the marvel universe big bang. I do want to do a shout out to the late Greg Theakston and my conversations with him at SDCC on his very important "Pure Images magazine #1 (vol 3) and #2 on with his "birth of marvel comics"...I believe he was the first to publish the Ditko AF 15 cover and an early FF cover reject also....those articles were fantastic as they were not Stan Lee marvel propaganda. This guy interviewed Kirby, Ditko( who refused to let Greg use him word for word) and Ditko's former roommate in PERSON. There is a 33 page history in depth article. However it was my conversations with him concerning the birth of both Marvel Comics which I was really interested in, the stuff that never made either publications which simply blew me away. If anyone has those and can post those issues, I think it went about 4/5 issues, I have them but they are in storage as a supplement to this best article of all time on marvel, which someday should be consolidated in a book or website...bring them forward. I can still remember the look on his face, the smile with pride on my comment to him about How did you do this?...this is simply amazing....since this is 3d party I will qualify my comments to remind you in the future about the source....The conversations along with the great magazines changed the way I thought about the Big Bang coming up with FF1 and after. That is why this posts and your other ones are so refreshing, honest, and reflective of a past lost with the real story being brought out month by month. Keep up the great work!!
  8. Here is a thought Steve Ditko sends in story with his signature and Stan later adds his name knowing that Ditko would never check… it appears Stan’s signature was done after Ditko ……
  9. I agree on this "big change" and I do not want to get ahead of myself...but to me the biggest change came in the total story page count of FF1...earlier you had Marvel editions asking if readers liked the expanded stories from 7 to 10 to 15....but FF #1 was 25 pages.....that to me was the key, I do not know the page count of the All Winners Squad issues but do you know what was the last 25 page Timely/Marvel story before FF#1 in any format?
  10. This careful issue by issue, month by month, year by year analysis which I cannot recall every being done by anyone gives us a real perspective of what was actually done compared to what the hype has been or more accurately assumed that Stan really created it all. Again from my unique chance of seeing Stan autograph a original FF #12 page at SDCC with his showing of where is dialog that he wrote pointed out and his comment that a number of pages for some reason did not contain that...his emotional response which you could clearly see in face...showed that either he believed that his contributor as the writer had been undermined by recent opinions being expressed by the late Jack Kirby at that time he had passed away. Sometimes we ourselves can convince ourselves of a exaggeration and make it become part of our memory . Confirmation Bias have 3 types...one is based on a biased memory in which memory distortions are stored as exact replicas of reality. If I had to guess, I think Stan believed he did much more than he actually did. You evidence thus far is clearly showing this. I can hardly wait to we hit FF1 month and your commentary.
  11. Wild price fluctuations on Amazon as the price is back up to over $183 dollars and a different seller which is “book depository “ However the outstanding prices on Avengers and AMSM are unchanged. Anyone get the FF book from Amazon yet?
  12. His Tashen AMSM review was top rate also, he is an interesting fellow and has number of great review videos on Marvel Masterworks etc....but he is located in England that is about all I know
  13. Outstanding!! let us know what you think about both of them. Dollar for Dollar best comic book buy out there...
  14. Super nice …. Look forward to getting your opinion on the overall book .. congratulations on low number!
  15. Remember the old saying...you get what you pay for. Now I pre-ordered early and just received a notice that my copy will not ship until estimated Jan 13,2023...it might be shipped early or later than that date and it was a Amazon direct purchase. Here is a tip on Amazon buying: check to see who you are actually buying from. It is located right below the yellow buy button. Here is why....If it sales sold by Amazon it means they have the book in stock at their wherehouse or have it confirmed with a sub-supplier. So the AMSM#1 and Avengers #1 both are sold by Amazon. FF MCL is a whole different animal. The first shipment Amazon got of FF MCL was sold out as it was stated on the website and it was priced at $181...after that a second supplier stepped in "superbpookdeals" and if you look at their reviews one of them says that they ship "late". Also there is a number of negative reviews 5-10%...so they say very cleverly "usually ships in 2/3 days" I suspect that might not be realistic especially since they no longer take direct orders on their website. Your $ should be protected as Amazon will probably not pay them until shipment. Those who got the book from Tashen will have a super Christmas present of a great read. In the meantime waiting for a board member review!
  16. You will get yours before me....please let us know your thoughts on the job Tashen did...thanks
  17. FLASH...Amazon has put a black Sat sale price of only $155.00 on it...if you are on the fence this is your opportunity!!!!!!! PS :Spidey at only $147 the both of these are best bang for your holiday bucks.
  18. simply put another fantastic post, especially when you click on the pics and they are blown up...thank you for all you very great time and effort, especially on these smaller and in some way better shows, the magic is still alive with the feel of a "real comic book" convention.
  19. It is on at Amazon...$181 and available this and the Frank Frazetta Tashen Big book coming out in March are my most awaited comic and fantasy art book of the year...now lets get some reviews going...waiting for shipping news.
  20. It’s in stock and available now at tashen… Amazon should be tomorrow … did anyone get either the SM or Avengers deluxe edition…. Opinion at to there worth as opposed to the extra costs as I know there had a very limited print run with slipcase
  21. Stage 1 spot on, used books stores used sell 12 cent comics for only 10 cents or less early 60's FYI Stage 2--Overstreet was the "market" and everyone was looking for not only the underpriced books, but the unknown books like Earth Man on Venus, Mask of Fu C etc.... Stage 3-The market changed to only high end buyers for the cream of the crop, Action 1 in VF sold by Bruce Hamilton for 25K which was a big deal...1982 Stage 4-Infomation explosion helped pricing upwards but it was the age old factor of Demand which increased from the Rocket Blast comic collectors to the entire world via Ha, Ebay and of course CGC which gave the market confidence to increase prices to investment level.
  22. please give us a review as they might send your before Amazon ever gets it...can't wait for board member opinion...
  23. I think the fact that the book was a “giveaway “ with no price on the cover will hold it back from ever hitting one million let alone 2M. Historically I think the book is important… but it’s not Super/Bat/Cap league. There always is a possibility that two timely whale collectors could go toe to toe but would be a contest and not true actual market value upon evaluating possible resale with real collectors with real budgets would be able to bid. Is it undervalued… it certainly has been public sales wise under the radar which is sometimes a recipe for undervaluation but not 80x times prior sale. It would be interesting to set up a vote to see what would be the top 5… if any board member can do that help me out…
  24. There is a new 19 min review posted by Andrew Buckle on you tube entitled “ fantastic four marvel comics library 3 Taschen marvel book review”. I like andrew’s reviews in general and fairly balanced and he has also reviewed 1 and 2 both of the taschen’s first releases. I especially liked his review of Spider-Man voL 1 flat out the book looks fantastic! If someone can link this video to the thread it would be helpful. Again I will be posting my own review once I receive my copy from Amazon.