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Everything posted by Buzzetta

  1. Marvel Universe Live You mentioned Terminator movies... but not...
  2. What ?!?! No mention of what happens on 2015-12-18 ?
  3. What's the current consensus on the best scanner that is compatible with Mac OS 10.8.5? I am also thinking of upgrading to OSX Yosemite. Are any of the scanners that one would recommend compatible with that upgrade? I was about to pull the trigger on an HP8250 but saw that some were having problems with the Scanner and the OS.
  4. If you factor out any SS series books and just consider straight submissions, I would say that they did better than 1/10th of the volume. I whole heartedly concede that CGC has a stranglehold on artist alley and signatures in general. Desert Wind and NY Comics were submitting books to CGC as far as I know and not to the other guys. However, with the exception of Thursday, I was there for almost the whole weekend and I am comfortable in my claim that they received greater than 1/10th the number of books that CGC would have received that would have been placed in blue, green, or purple labels. Why would you factor out SS? The other company was taking in signatures as well. Because the presence of CGC concerning SS at cons dwarfs any and all competition. In fact I would venture to say, and I believe that you would back me up on this, that Signature books make up the majority of submissions at cons by the general public. As stated, it was pandemonium at the CGC booth in artist alley and rightfully so. As I have stated, I find flaws in a few things I have observed and gaping errors that I and others have witnessed. However they are and continue to be the industry standard when it comes to receiving and processing signed and sketched books. If we are talking straight submissions, I looked things over and saw that there was a sizable amount of books being turned into the other guys. So if we are talking overall.... then hands down CGC wins in all areas of the conversation. If you are talking about non SS books... I would say that 1/10th the volume is an understatement. That is all I am saying. I submitted 2 books to CGC and 5 books to the other guys. Until the other company publicly states how many books they took in no one can say what they took in, but just on observation it was nowhere close to CGC. Fair enough. But I want to make it clear that I never claimed to have hard facts, just on my observations by observing both booths and walking and talking and observing.
  5. the other guys emailed me on monday that my submission was received, in the system and in que. Granted I paid for the higher end tier but still. Same with me. Back on Monday and in safe for grading. If they can do it....why... ah forget it. Yeah but did the other guys take in 100 boxes of submissions? I don't know or have facts to back it up.... But from what I saw and heard, they had 5-6 people deep on Thursday morning subbing...and it didn't let up on Thursday. I subbed 12 books and I was told they took in record submissions. So I would think yes. If you think the other company took in 12k books during NYCC, you're smoking crack. Come on. How would I know it was 12,000 books subbed? That info was posted after my post so I didn't say they did equal it. I would guess the volume isn't the same only because the awareness and trust isn't close yet due to such a short time in business. What they are getting is impressive to say the least. The question Beachbum asked me is if they took in hundreds of boxes, I still think they did but don't think it's equal to what CGC gets. Make sense? And i'm sure if you were at the show Beachbum, you saw plenty of the other guy slabs on many dealer walls. I think acceptance is pretty good considering and since it is your business...i'd imagine you have your eyes open about how they are selling too. They didn't take in 100s of boxes either I know that you're firmly rooting for the other company to succeed, but if they managed to pull in 1/10th of the submissions CGC did at NYCC, it would be a miracle - and I very much doubt they did even that. If you factor out any SS series books and just consider straight submissions, I would say that they did better than 1/10th of the volume. I whole heartedly concede that CGC has a stranglehold on artist alley and signatures in general. Desert Wind and NY Comics were submitting books to CGC as far as I know and not to the other guys. However, with the exception of Thursday, I was there for almost the whole weekend and I am comfortable in my claim that they received greater than 1/10th the number of books that CGC would have received that would have been placed in blue, green, or purple labels. Why would you factor out SS? The other company was taking in signatures as well. Because the presence of CGC concerning SS at cons dwarfs any and all competition. In fact I would venture to say, and I believe that you would back me up on this, that Signature books make up the majority of submissions at cons by the general public. As stated, it was pandemonium at the CGC booth in artist alley and rightfully so. As I have stated, I find flaws in a few things I have observed and gaping errors that I and others have witnessed. However they are and continue to be the industry standard when it comes to receiving and processing signed and sketched books. If we are talking straight submissions, I looked things over and saw that there was a sizable amount of books being turned into the other guys. So if we are talking overall.... then hands down CGC wins in all areas of the conversation. If you are talking about non SS books... I would say that 1/10th the volume is an understatement. That is all I am saying. I submitted 2 books to CGC and 5 books to the other guys.
  6. the other guys emailed me on monday that my submission was received, in the system and in que. Granted I paid for the higher end tier but still. Same with me. Back on Monday and in safe for grading. If they can do it....why... ah forget it. Yeah but did the other guys take in 100 boxes of submissions? I don't know or have facts to back it up.... But from what I saw and heard, they had 5-6 people deep on Thursday morning subbing...and it didn't let up on Thursday. I subbed 12 books and I was told they took in record submissions. So I would think yes. If you think the other company took in 12k books during NYCC, you're smoking crack. Come on. How would I know it was 12,000 books subbed? That info was posted after my post so I didn't say they did equal it. I would guess the volume isn't the same only because the awareness and trust isn't close yet due to such a short time in business. What they are getting is impressive to say the least. The question Beachbum asked me is if they took in hundreds of boxes, I still think they did but don't think it's equal to what CGC gets. Make sense? And i'm sure if you were at the show Beachbum, you saw plenty of the other guy slabs on many dealer walls. I think acceptance is pretty good considering and since it is your business...i'd imagine you have your eyes open about how they are selling too. They didn't take in 100s of boxes either I know that you're firmly rooting for the other company to succeed, but if they managed to pull in 1/10th of the submissions CGC did at NYCC, it would be a miracle - and I very much doubt they did even that. If you factor out any SS series books and just consider straight submissions, I would say that they did better than 1/10th of the volume. I whole heartedly concede that CGC has a stranglehold on artist alley and signatures in general. Desert Wind and NY Comics were submitting books to CGC as far as I know and not to the other guys. However, with the exception of Thursday, I was there for almost the whole weekend and I am comfortable in my claim that they received greater than 1/10th the number of books that CGC would have received that would have been placed in blue, green, or purple labels.
  7. The other guys are still sorting as well. Patience my lad... patience.
  8. Picked up some pages in the last month.... Amazing Spider-man 25/466 Page 17 (Romita Jr and Hanna) Raiders of the Lost Ark 3 Page 3 (John Buscema and Klaus Jansan) Amazing Spider-man 661 Pages 11 and 12 (Reilly Brown)
  9. At this rate, by the time I get Kraven, he is coming to Opening Day 2015 in the Bronx.
  10. After the Walking Dead and Venom bubbles burst but before the Hulk 181 bubble.
  11. Can warning others about his poor grading in his FS thread be considered threadcrapping? Personally... in a case like this, I do not think so. However, they have handed out strikes on the grounds of threadcrapping / disruptive in sales threads for lesser offenses in my eyes.
  12. This is going to go over well. I just know it.
  13. (thumbs u Thought you would appreciate that... One day I want to upgrade that book. It really is a classic cover. One day... it is on its way to me as I type.
  14. Been saving but three things became available that I have been looking at for awhile. Besides, I sold a bunch of stuff to warrant a few things. ASM 13 was picked up first. I've been wanting another copy for awhile. Marvel Comics - Raiders of the Lost Ark #3 Page 3 - Classic Indy scene - Buscema's pencils were secondary... I really wanted an iconic Indy page from the first Dr. Jones adventure. Detective Comics 164 - Light Tan to OW pages were not a deal breaker right now... as I have been trying to win one of these / find one of these for awhile to no avail.
  15. You know what I think is coincidental to the point of ridiculous ? If this is yet another instance where CGC delayed reporting a book in their census as part of a request from the submitter I will be more than simply disappointed concerning the ethics of a third party grader that then pretends to offer an impartial grading service. If the high rollers get special favors from CGC, no matter what those favors are, that we 'common folk' receive then CGC is not impartial. Where do the favors end? Where did it come out that this book was held back. It easily could have been graded in Chicago. I remarked to what I perceived as an inference in regards the coincidence that the book arrives on census after the Action 1 was sold.
  16. You know what I think is coincidental to the point of ridiculous ? If this is yet another instance where CGC delayed reporting a book in their census as part of a request from the submitter I will be more than simply disappointed concerning the ethics of a third party grader that then pretends to offer an impartial grading service. If the high rollers get special favors from CGC, no matter what those favors are, that we 'common folk' receive then CGC is not impartial. Where do the favors end?
  17. But does fox own the rights to the Wesley Snipes depiction of Blade? While marvel has the rights back, they still collect royalties when blade is played on TV or a DVD is purchased. They could make a case that the continuance of Blade with Wesley Snipes infringes on their intellectual property concerning their interpretation of Marvel's character. Wasn't there some kind of hoop that had to be jumped through for Connery to play Bond in the non eon production of "Never Say Never Again?"
  18. Some people think Action #1 is the greatest comic of all time. I read it and think every single issue of Criminal is better. I mean, objectively, it's about as good as Grips was. Take out the greatest part. Now address the point of the post instead of evading it. Okay. It's not even a good comic. What was the point? That different people will say different albums were the "best" albums ever? Or that Kirby wasn't that great an illustrator? I mean, he wasn't bad. Not 90's bad. He did his job. But Crumb is better. My post had nothing to do with AC1 I mentioned that Pink Floyd, a band that falls into your criteria of artists who write their own songs and play their own instruments, still use someone outside of the band to get that distinctive sound. I mentioned Floyd in the case of Dark Side of the Moon. Alan Parson's the recording engineer / mixer had a lot to do with that album in post. The Beatles had their George Martin. The Beastie Boys had their Rick Rubin. I'd compare mainstream comic artists who never ink their own work to modern electronic pop drek where they hire an autotune producer to make whatever they sing sound like a robot gargling so nobody can tell how off key they are. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that ain't no one about to change your mind on this, so... I arrived at that conclusion last night and went to bed. There are other things to concern myself with.
  19. Some people think Action #1 is the greatest comic of all time. I read it and think every single issue of Criminal is better. I mean, objectively, it's about as good as Grips was. Take out the greatest part. Now address the point of the post instead of evading it. Okay. It's not even a good comic. What was the point? That different people will say different albums were the "best" albums ever? Or that Kirby wasn't that great an illustrator? I mean, he wasn't bad. Not 90's bad. He did his job. But Crumb is better. My post had nothing to do with AC1 I mentioned that Pink Floyd, a band that falls into your criteria of artists who write their own songs and play their own instruments, still use someone outside of the band to get that distinctive sound. I mentioned Floyd in the case of Dark Side of the Moon. Alan Parson's the recording engineer / mixer had a lot to do with that album in post. The Beatles had their George Martin. The Beastie Boys had their Rick Rubin.
  20. Some people think Action #1 is the greatest comic of all time. I read it and think every single issue of Criminal is better. I mean, objectively, it's about as good as Grips was. Take out the greatest part. Now address the point of the post instead of evading it.
  21. The Beatles, Beastie Boys, Run-DMC, Stones...they're laughin' atcha!! You saying they didn't play their own instruments and sing their own tunes? I'm talking about someone who doesn't ink his own pencils. Um George Martin had quite a bit to do with how the Beatles finished product sounded... Just saying. Did he play their instruments for them? What about when they went on tour? Marvel editors have quite a bit of influence on a finished comic too, but unless they physically dipped a pen in ink and applied it to the bristol I'm not actually counting it. And I didn't bring the Beatles up, and have never claimed they were the "King" of music. Sorry, maybe the Beatles thing was confusing. My point is, John Lennon and Paul McCartney had collaborators (each other) on much of their seminal work. Run and DMC had collaborators (each other) on much of their seminal work. I don't see how that means that they're not good at what they do. Or does your point only apply to comic artists? If one person could drum, guitar, and play bass then I'd feel differently. Also, not a fan of Run DMC. Stevie Wonder and Prince sometimes played all instruments on their recordings. So did Paul McCartney, on his early solo stuff. Wasn't there a Cure album that Robert Smith did the same thing and simply mixed it with someone? I know Moby basically made "Play" in his apartment with some instruments and a computer but invited a few guests to do some vocals on a couple of tracks.
  22. And by the way... One of the greatest albums of all time - Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon... Pretty sure that Alan Parson's (Yeah the guy that created the intro for every sports arena) had quite a bit to do with the album in post as the bands mixer. Just saying.
  23. The Beatles, Beastie Boys, Run-DMC, Stones...they're laughin' atcha!! You saying they didn't play their own instruments and sing their own tunes? I'm talking about someone who doesn't ink his own pencils. Um George Martin had quite a bit to do with how the Beatles finished product sounded... Just saying. Did he play their instruments for them? What about when they went on tour? Marvel editors have quite a bit of influence on a finished comic too, but unless they physically dipped a pen in ink and applied it to the bristol I'm not actually counting it. I really do not know what to tell you if you honestly are unfamiliar with Martin's contributions towards the Beatles' overall sound. If you are not then there is no way to really explain it to you in a post. If you are and are simply ignoring it in an effort to support your own argument, then again, there is nothing I can do for you. As far as a tour goes, that argument goes out the window since each performance is essentially a new composition. (I have gone to a few Phish shows - the 2013-07-10 Harry Hood was far better than the 2013-12-30 version) On the record though where you have certain albums which are meant to be heard in a certain order and in a certain way, he is clearly responsible.