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Everything posted by newshane

  1. I certainly think that's the safest way to run things, but I'm okay with allowing flexibility. Some people want to make deals in private.
  2. If I've left anything off, by all means, feel free to add, subtract, combine, or make suggestions. This is simply a brainstorming session. That's why I wanted to have so many eyes on the idea.
  3. I'd be happy to do so, but I am afraid that coding is beyond my skill-set. Seems like it would be a breeze for someone who halfway knew what they were doing. I'd say a series of simple boxes for the required fields: 1. Title 2. Method of payment 3. Special payment terms 4. Method of shipment 5. Returns accepted? 6. Terms of item return 7. Special sales thread rules (first "I'll Take It" wins, PM sales accepted, etc.) 8. Asking price 9. Item description ATTACH PICTURE FILE HERE Once someone enters information in each field, they will be required to check a box affirming they have read the board rules. LINK TO BOARD RULES CHECK HERE TO CONFIRM YOU HAVE READ THE BOARD RULES
  4. I don't think it's an issue with the board police. It's more about making things crystal clear to potential buyers. What if someone throws up the and tries to pay with PayPal, then the buyer says "my bad, I don't take PayPal." If it wasn't clarified in the initial post, then it opens up a slippery slope and room for all sorts of confusion and ill-will. I expect no more than what the boards currently require - method of payment, method of shipment, and returns. Don't post items for sale on multiple venues. Provide pics and a description. You wouldn't think that would be too much to ask, but apparently it is.
  5. I think a better solution is a template that forces fields to be completed before posting.Kind of like eBay, but far simpler. No need to waste a moderator's time.
  6. I've also posted this in the sales forum. Thanks for the suggestion Pontoon.
  7. There are over half a dozen threads in the Modern Sales Forum that have been removed because people can't be bothered to read or follow the usage guidelines and rules. This has made a terrible mess by cluttering everything up. Is there a way to force people to read the rules? Perhaps set up a "check the box if you've read the policy" page for people who want to start a thread in that forum. Force people to read the rules and check the box before they can post a sales thread? I know this isn't foolproof. 30% of the noobs would likely break the rules anyway. But at least it's a start? I don't want to direct all of my vengeance towards the noobs. There are a handful of stalwart veterans who continually violate smaller rules, like posting acceptable methods of payment. And words like "standard rules apply" aren't helpful at all. What does that mean, exactly? Another solution might be to provide some sort of common template for people to use when they set up a sales thread. The system would kick them out if they didn't fill in all of the required areas. This would pretty much force people to follow the rules. It's a shame that adults can't read or police themselves, but nothing surprises me in 2018. Thoughts?
  8. I realize this, but far more people read this thread than the ones you mentioned.
  9. There are over half a dozen threads in the Modern Sales Forum that have been removed because people can't be bothered to read or follow the usage guidelines and rules. This has made a terrible mess by cluttering everything up. Is there a way to force people to read the rules? Perhaps set up a "check the box if you've read the policy" page for people who want to start a thread in that forum. Force people to read the rules and check the box before they can post a sales thread? I know this isn't foolproof. 30% of the noobs would likely break the rules anyway. But at least it's a start? I don't want to direct all of my vengeance towards the noobs. There are a handful of stalwart veterans who continually violate smaller rules, like posting acceptable methods of payment. And words like "standard rules apply" aren't helpful at all. What does that mean, exactly? Another solution might be to provide some sort of common template for people to use when they set up a sales thread. The system would kick them out if they didn't fill in all of the required areas. This would pretty much force people to follow the rules. It's a shame that adults can't read or police themselves, but nothing surprises me in 2018. Thoughts?
  10. Well, you're going to have to avoid half the market then. Good luck.
  11. I can tell you for a fact that almost all of the online big boys press almost everything. I won't call anyone out, but it's just the way of things in the hobby now.
  12. I'm not sure that I would believe him, but if you do... EDIT - your collector may be able to spot badly pressed books 100% of the time, but the work of a professional isn't always that simple to spot.
  13. I just don't think the inconsistency is doing anyone any favors. The whole premise upon which the CGC was founded was to provide consistent, third-party grading. But that's a topic that's been debated ad nauseum. As much as I hate the cliche, "It is what it is."
  14. I'm not sure what mythical formula CGC uses to determine 9.9s, but it's important for people to understand that the Overstreet Grading Guidelines still allows tiny bindery tears from the manufacturer. That being said, your point is true! A 9.8 is still a flawed book, at least it used to be. The ranks of perfection are honored with 9.9s and 10s. I'm still baffled at the CGC's grading as of late. In fact, I started a thread called "Yesterday's 9.8 is today's 9.6" and I think that rings true.
  15. Some thoughts: 1. Wouldn't be a 9.8 under today's ridiculously tight grading standards, but it's likely a slam-dunk 9.8 in reality. Joosh was spot on with his assessment of the bindery tear as a manufacturing defect. If the rest of the book is flat and perfect, the tear wouldn't have any inpact on the grade. Those flaws (small bindery defects on moderns) tend look far worse in pics as it does in person. 2. Yes. 2012 was a "loose period" for grading. However, considering today's standards, so was 2013, 2014, 2015, and on and on until the batch of new hires were turned loose. 3. NO WAY they will regrade that if a reholder is submitted. I'd bet my paycheck on that. Looks like a great candidate for a new slab, in fact. In short: 1. Don't worry about the grade. It's on mark. 2. Don't worry about sending it in for a reholder. Based on my experiences, you will be just fine.