Where in Montreal were you located? I remember visiting one of the 1 million comics store, I think, in the area of Cote St. Luc and Jerry was behind the counter. He had a beat up Batman #148 in a display case for about $5 or so and I immediately purchased it. That was probably around 1984 or 1985.
The Montreal Gazette had an article about him and a picture where he was surrounded with Golden and Silver Age comic books. It said that he was a former nurse and how he had started collecting and selling comics w/ his partner Robert Cresthol.
Years later, I met him at a Toronto comic con around 1997, he had about 5-6 tables full of Golden, Silver and Classics Illustrated. His wife was there, along w/ his mom and Dad. I bought 3 books from him, World's Finest Comics #3 (1st Scarecrow), Weird Comics # (?) and a Detective Comics #107...all came back as restored from CGC. What a shyster.
Anybody know where he is now? Is he in hiding, has he sold his entire inventory (restored books)?
By the way, whatever happened to Nick Kronfeld?