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Everything posted by PedigreeMan

  1. Whelp, someone's trying to pull me back into The Game here. My first GA book ever was an EC (Weird Science Fantasy #22), and the publisher has always held a special place in my heart. Now I learn that My Favorite Pedigree actually had a couple of copies from them?! You know how to reach me if you decide to sell. Alan
  2. Beat me to it, Dan. I had WDCS copies with the Rural Road 1 label, but never saw one with Shavano Ave. How awesome!
  3. Getting old sucks. My bad, Mick! I just checked my records and I picked up that Fighting War Stories #4 from a certain Texas attorney. The one and only @comick1 Salida in the old collection was the Combat Kelly #14. Sadly, a lot of the books I picked up in later years all kind of blur together ... probably a sign that I made the right choice to sell.
  4. Ah, yes, @comick1's old book. If I recall, that sale was facilitated by ... you! All things come full circle, I guess. Thanks for the trip down memory lane, everyone!
  5. You kept some of the great ones, Andy -- always loved that Flying Aces #1. And congrats on the prices for the GIC and NC -- if Salidas were going for anywhere near what those two sold for back when I was hoarding collecting them, I would have had A LOT less of them! Did you by any chance send the silly provenance papers I included with them to Heritage? I have zero expectation that they would have sent them along to the winners, but an old man can dream ...
  6. Glad these books have been going to a good home, Dan -- I can't think of anyone better to be their custodian ( @adamstrange has too many already ) And sorry about running the price up on that #15 -- I threw in a few bids when it was in the low hundreds .... That book was part of a no-reserve-met eBay lot of about 40 Salidas that I cherry-picked for my first Blankis taste, and I think I started feeling a bit wistful for one of those that "got away" more than 20 years ago now.
  7. Crawling out of the woodwork here ... (Thank you, @buttock, for this thread -- always appreciate any and all Salida history lessons.) So, I just came here to say that an old Heritage Wantlist search has been firing for me lately, and this has left me watching what you all have been doing to my favorite pedigree. United States Fighting Air Force 15 8.5 GI Combat 6 8.0 Navy Combat 5 6.5 More than 10x Guide?! So nice to see this (previously) underrated collection finally getting the recognition it deserves. My only hope is that whoever won the above books cracks 'em and finds an appreciation for the pages-so-white they deserve their own appellation -- SALIDA WHITE! Alan
  8. Having attended this dinner the one and only time I ventured to San Diego for Comic Con, I have to give a huge thumbs up endorsement for it. Super well-run, great and personable attendees, and just super fun. Definitely recommend hitting it if you can!
  9. I'm in, and I'm RSVPing for TheEnabler, too ... Thanks, as always, for running this, Angelo!
  10. Whole bunch of old-timers crawling out of the woodwork here ... (OG member of the comicinvestor.com boards, too ... That was a magical week. )
  11. (Yeah, yeah, I know it's not a War Book ... shoot me.) Why so many Salidas buried in a Silver Age forum thread? I get the impression you guys are hiding from me! Nobody luvs me! On a serious note ... how much of the original Salida list do you think we could reconstruct just with the books that have been posted in various threads here on the boards? Not to mention the "hidden" books that everyone is too chicken to show!
  12. (Yeah, yeah, I know it's not a War Book ... shoot me.) Why so many Salidas buried in a Silver Age forum thread? I get the impression you guys are hiding from me!
  13. There is a Church copy of #13, which is around vf condition. Odd ... the original Church catalog has NA #13 listed as a "VG." Then again, the #14 is graded as a "Fine," which would make the copy you posted one of the nicest "fine"s on the face of the planet!
  14. You sure know how to make them "disappear". Fer cryin' out loud, I've been harrassing Aman enough via PM lately ... do I have to resume sending him Salida questions now? Why'd you stop? He's like you ... won't sell 'em to me!
  15. I've heard conflicting reports on how much Bruce kept of the Salida find. The prevailing thought is that it wasn't much .... That being said, however, about five years ago a lot of 42 Salida war books popped up on eBay via an Arizona comic book store. The provenance statement I got with the ten I cherry picked from it when the auction failed to meet reserve implied that the books came from Bruce himself. It could have just been a poorly written statement, though. Someone else here may have additional insight. As for Bruce himself ... when I talked with Stephen Ritter at the Motor City Con, he said he believed that Ellsworth was currently out of the country and probably wasn't doing much dealing nowadays. Too much information, so little time to collect it .... Alan
  16. You sure know how to make them "disappear". Fer cryin' out loud, I've been harrassing Aman enough via PM lately ... do I have to resume sending him Salida questions now? Or should I just start PMing you, "Adam?"
  17. Still no Salidas yet, Shep? Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find one eventually .... And then you'll sell it to me after I make you an offer you won't be able to refuse! Alan
  18. 3.5) Sell any Salidas in the collection to me.
  19. Methinks Tim needs to stop speed posting and actually read what he writes from now on. Lowenville? That's worse than nearmint and his "O'Reilly" designation. Also, the above post implies that the Loweville collection was used as insulation. It was not; the books simply slipped behind a custom magazine rack into a wall cavity. Alan, the Pedigree Proofreader
  20. i don't exactly follow. i gather the following timeline: Advertisement 1970s --> Jack Mallette ownership --> Gary Colabuono ownership 1992 --> 2002 Mastronet Auction was Gary the person who had seller's remorse? did u own the book at some point? Moondog == Gary Colabuono
  21. Hokey smokes, Redhook! What a tremendously cool find! Have you asked the eBay seller where they got it from? Stuart D. (nochips) told me about some collection of books out of Nevada (?) that was original owner but had Mile High-like markings on them. The belief was these books were part of the same distribution network that fed Denver while old Edgar was buying his hoard. (Or something like that ... somebody get Stuart over here to clarify!) What an odd, odd hobby comic collecting is ....
  22. Gorgeous book, Andy! That canary yellow really shows through on the scan. That has to be gorgeous in person. eBay purchase or do I need to quit my job so I can follow you around to comic book stores in the area all day?