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Everything posted by oldmilwaukee6er

  1. Day 26- Oct. 12, 2018- Spawn #38- Rogues Gallery (Cy-Gor) Writer: Julia Simmons, Todd McFarlane Artist: Tony Daniel Cover: Tony Daniel, Kevin Conrad Published: December 1, 1995 While Cog explains how Spawn's former government masters tricked him, more trouble brews elsewhere. The late scientist Frederick Wilheim worked on two secret projects: fusing bionics with an ape for the government and re-animating his dead wife. Wilheim died before he could help his wife, but not before creating Cy-Gor - a hulking mass of cyber-simian fury (Image Comics, 2018). Cy-Gor was created by Todd McFarland as a character for his toy then introduced in Spawn #38 (Spawn Wikia, n.d.). Michael Konieczni was Al Simmons' friend and squad mate. When he discovered the truth about Al's murder, he attempted to blow the whistle on Jason Wynn. However, he was stopped and subjected to project Sim, the Simian experiments of neurologist Frederick Willheim meant to create an ape/super-human soldier. Michael was transformed into the beast known as Cy-Gor, short of Cybernetic Gorilla (Image Comics Wikia, n.d.). Cy-Gor wants to kill his creator, who he believes to be Al Simmons. He tracked Simmons to New York City based on his aura. Upon finding Spawn, he was bested by the creatures of the darkness and was suffocated and knocked out. Cy-Gor is eventually experimented on by another scientist, Werner Zevon, before escaping, taking over a death cult, and eventually leaving for Serbia (Image Comics Wikia, n.d.). Cy-Gor’s powers include cybernetic enhancement and gadgetry, superhuman agility, senses, sight, and speed, mechanokinesis, accelerated healing (he can repair his injuries and run self-diagnostics) and demolitions.
  2. My LCS bought a large collection of these a few weeks ago. I got a small education on them as I mistook them for Hero clix
  3. Day 25- Oct. 11, 2018- Spawn #53- Rogues Gallery (Malebolgia) Writer: Todd McFarlane Artist: Greg Capullo Cover: Todd McFarlane, Greg Capullo Published: September 1, 1996 Al Simmons is returned to his demonic birthplace where he is tormented by a demon in the likeness of Wanda. When he realizes that Malebolgia has tricked him, he destroys the demon and passes another of the Malebolgia's tests. Malebolgia then agrees to leave Wanda alone in exchange for Al's loyalty and servitude. Spawn then enters Terry's dreams where he suddenly awakens knowing that Al is "alive” (Image Comics, 2018). Malebolgia is a powerful Demon in the Spawn universe, drawing its name from the term in Dante's Inferno used to describe Malebolge, the ditches (bolge) in the Eighth Circle of Hell where the evil (male) are punished. He was Spawn's master and is responsible for the creation of Spawn. It is eventually revealed that Malebolgia is one of Hell's many rulers, a being from the Eighth Circle who has been around for approximately 70,000 years, forming an army in his war against Heaven and God. It has been noted that Malebolgia is constantly at war with the rulers of the other spheres of Hell, as well as at odds with Mammon. He is one of Spawn's arch-enemies alongside Jason Wynn and Violator. Malebolgia is slain in Spawn #100 (described in a previous posting). Spawn is offered the crown of the Eighth Circle, and though he declines, Spawn still receives enhanced powers and a command over Hell itself. Malebolgia returns in Spawn #199 and swears to kill all those who tried to prevent his return, including the Violator who had sided with Malebolgia's greatest rival, Mammon, after Malebolgia's fall. Malebolgia’s powers include Necro Energies like raising the dead, matter manipulation, super strength, recuperative abilities, and abilities to shapeshift and induce hallucinations. His standing in Hell's hierarchy gives him vast power while in the Eighth Circle. His mastery of necroplasm gives him the exclusive ability to create Hellspawn and during his rule, he creates an army larger and more powerful than anything Heaven or he himself could handle (Malebolgia, n.d.). References Malebolgia. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malebolgia.
  4. Day 24- Oct. 10, 2018- Spawn #31- Rogues Gallery (Redeemer) Writer: Todd McFarlane Artist / Cover: Todd McFarlane, Greg Capullo Published: May 1, 1995 Spawn returns to New York and reclaims his throne. Meanwhile, Heaven has selected another Redeemer. This one is pure of heart, and therefore more powerful. Spawn is easily defeated, and his ravaged armor momentarily shuts down. The Redeemer then teleports himself away with Bobby, the bum that Spawn brought back to life (Image Comics, 2018). The Redeemer is Heaven's answer to the war against the Hellspawn and all the unholy forces of darkness. The Redeemer is essentially an Anti-Spawn, made from Angel Fire, heavens version of necroplasm. By his very nature, this champion of Heaven is an enemy of the current Spawn, who has dedicated himself to battling the forces of both Heaven and Hell in defense of the mortal world, which is often endangered by their apocalyptic power-struggles. There were three people who were given the form of the Anti-Spawn. The first one appeared in Spawn #16. This one had an alter ego of Jason Wynn, and a slightly different appearance from the other Redeemers. The Redeemer was one of Spawn's most difficult enemies, in fact he was only defeated (the first time) by being distracted by alley bums, thusly giving Spawn an opportunity to defeat the Wynn Redeemer. Spawn #16- 1st appearance of the Redeemer, created by Grant Morrison and Todd McFarlane. "Meanwhile, Heaven is worried is because Spawn has defeated Angela, and they decided to create a soldier to avenge this loss. In a supreme stroke of irony, Wynn is selected, and receives the Elemental Fire of Heaven, transforming him into the Redeemer. The soldier of light returns to Earth determined to destroy Spawn once and for all" (Image Comics, 2018). This book is also Greg Capullo's first Spawn issue. The second Redeemer was a former criminal; who while in jail became highly religious. This new "Redeemed" man was named Phil Timper. Timper, released after two years for Grand Theft, was in a soup kitchen giving food to homeless before he is teleported to an angel station, where he is painfully infused with Angel Fire. The Timper Redeemer easily dispatches Spawn and this caused Spawn’s costume to change to a more intimidating, armored form. The third Redeemer (shown on the cover of Spawn #31 above) is heavily armored, carries a sword, and has two large wings. This Redeemer is the transformed soul of Eddie Frank, who murdered his father due to Spawn's actions earlier in the series. This Redeemer is quite a match for Spawn, until Spawn eventually cuts Redeemer’s wings off with his own sword. The Redeemer then transforms back into Eddie Frank. The Redeemer possesses several supernatural abilities at his disposal, including energy/fire/matter manipulation, telekinesis, teleportation, superhuman speed/strength/stamina, flight, and regeneration. As an aside, an Ancient Redeemer is seen in a spin-off of the Spawn series called Spawn: The Dark Ages and Redeemer appears in most of the Spawn’s video games and is the main antagonist / final boss of Spawn: Armageddon for PS2/Xbox/GameCube (Spawn Wikia, n.d.).
  5. Day 23- Oct. 9, 2018- Spawn #83- Rogues Gallery (Jason Wynn) Writer: Brian Holguin, Todd McFarlane Artist: Greg Capullo Cover: Todd McFarlane, Greg Capullo Published: May 1, 1999 Spawn approaches Sam & Twitch again about discovering an effective way to stop Billy Kincaid from supplying Hell's army with souls. Meanwhile, a reassigned Jason Wynn hallucinates that he is as powerful, deadly, and ruthless as the legendary Genghis Khan. As he imagines himself "Jason the Conqueror," he opens fire on innocent people in a restaurant. Later, when he returns to reality, he finds himself dirty and disoriented in Spawn's alley where Bobby befriends him (Image Comics, 2018). Jason Wynn is a crime lord and business man who killed Al Simmons (Spawn). He is one of the main antagonists of the Spawn series. He is one of Spawn's arch-enemies alongside The Violator, Malebolgia, and Mammon. Wynn made a deal with Malebolgia in which he traded the soul of Simmons in exchange for psychoplasm, a supernatural substance containing profound powers and is the very essence of what Hell is made of in the Spawn universe. After this, he would work on and off with the Clown to bring about the end of Spawn. When Mammon restored the Clown's existence on Earth and gave the Clown a pass to take a new body, he chose Wynn, went on a killing spree, and eventually committed suicide allowing the Clown to take full possession of his body. Throughout his career, Wynn has gathered incriminating information/evidence on various governments and organizations, providing him a bargaining chip to bring back his authority if lost and preventing him from being terminated. However, Spawn destroyed all the evidence Wynn had found, allowing Wynn to be vulnerable to those who want him dead. Wynn’s powers include genius-level intellect, tactics, manipulation, martial arts, and marksmanship (Spawn Wikia, n.d.).
  6. I was a few hours late with the last two posts... what with all the disc golf, driving and drinking at Apple Fest. We played the mecca, Highbridge WI (a private ranch that includes 7 world class courses). Getting back in to the swing of working, teaching, and posting... I am choosing to highlight Spawn's rogues gallery this week. Day 22- Oct. 8, 2018- Spawn #14- Rogues Gallery (Violator / Clown) Writer / Artist / Cover: Todd McFarlane Published: September 1, 1993 The Clown, a master of self-promotion, relates the story of a long-ago clash with Medieval Spawn. He portrays the ancient warrior in the worst possible light, preferring instead to feature his own fearsome actions. When a kick from Spawn's horse sends Violator flying, something snaps inside him and he unleashes a gout of mystical fire. The Violator cackles in triumph over the smoking form of his fallen foe (Image Comics, 2018). The Clown/Violator is Spawn's intended mentor on Earth and is the oldest and most powerful of five hell-born demons known as the Phlebiac Brothers. The Violator's current disguise is that of The Clown, a 5'6" overweight, balding man with menacing face-paint. His main purpose is to guide Hellspawns towards fulfilling Satan's desire: to cultivate Evil souls on Earth for Hell's Army. Spawn and the Violator often clash due to the Clown's persistent taunting of Spawn (such as #14 above). The Violator personally feels that humans are unworthy of the Hellspawn position, and often makes this point clear. He usually sees Spawn more as a rival than a threat as the two have fought on many occasions. He will often motivate Spawn or take advantage of his anger. He is shown to be very powerful force and has stated to have superhuman strength equivalent to that of 15 strong men. He can breathe fire, shape shift, possess others, and survive any form of attack with the exception of decapitation from an angel or Hellspawn. In 2009, Violator was ranked as IGN's 97th Greatest Comic Book Villain of All Time (Spawn Wikia, n.d.).
  7. Day 21- Oct. 7, 2018- Spawn Toy Comic- Spawnmobile Writer: Eldon Asp Artists: Brad Gorby (Pencils), Troy Hubbs (Inks), Tom Orzechowski (Letters) Cover: Brad Gorby Published: 1994 with Series 1 Spawnmobile boxed vehicle (SpawnWorld, 2012) In honor of hauling back from the Apostle Islands / Lake Superior area of N Wisconsin (and the lady is back from conferencing in Indianapolis). BONUS SCAN! Spawn Toy Comic- Monster rig (c. 1994)
  8. Day 20- Oct. 6, 2018- Spawn #110- wolves cover Writer: Brian Holguin, Todd McFarlane Artist: Angel Medina Cover: Todd McFarlane, Greg Capullo Published: July 1, 2001 As Sam and Twitch wait at the appointed hour, Spawn arrives with Ab and Zab in tow. They are carrying the head of Wolfram in a bag. The two detectives are more than a little startled when Wolfram, after some encouragement from Ab, begins to speak and tells them what he knows about Simon Pure and The Kingdom. While Max Jr. realizes he may be past the point of no return with Dawn and her friends, Spawn finds a warehouse that he suspects is Simon Pure's headquarters. The structure itself is indestructible, and though the young inhabitants are no match for Spawn, he comes face to face with a truly formidable enemy: Simon Pure himself (Image Comics, 2018).
  9. I use Comic Book Realm for moderns... have it bookmarked on my phone https://comicbookrealm.com/app-secure/#welcome
  10. Day 19- Oct. 5, 2018- Spawn #105- wolves cover Writer: Brian Holguin, Steve Niles, Todd McFarlane Artist: Angel Medina, Greg Capullo Cover: Todd McFarlane Published: February 20, 2001 Overtkill returns and his mission is to bring back Spawn's head. But Spawn has become even more powerful since their last meeting, and it is Overtkill who ends up decapitated. The separated head gives Spawn the information he seeks: the name of the man who has financed and sent Overtkill. Meanwhile, there's a videotape of Spawn pulling victims of a plane crash from the water. The owner of the tape hopes to sell it to the highest bidder. Instead, he trades it for a bullet to the head (Image Comics, 2018).
  11. Running with the wolves! The next three issues I’ll be posting all have wolves on the cover in honor of my run “Up North” into the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest with my disc golf crew. We’ll be playing courses in and around Highbridge and Bayfield, WI- just shy of the Apostle Islands. I’ve prepped and metered the text / images, and will attempt to post from my phone the next 3 days. Day 18- Oct. 4, 2018- Spawn #44- wolves cover Writer: Todd McFarlane Artist: Tony Daniel Cover: Tony Daniel, Kevin Conrad Published: March 1, 1996 When Angela helped Spawn escape Heaven, she lost her position as priority A-1 angel. Tiffany, a firecracker with a taste for blood, is determined to get the job; and her path to success leads straight through Spawn. Coming upon him in his weakened state, Tiffany confronts Spawn and a fierce battle ensues with Tiffany about to decapitate Spawn. Meanwhile, Sam and Twitch wonder why Banks took the fall when others were implicated in their investigation (Image Comics, 2018).
  12. Day 17- Oct. 3, 2018- Spawn #71- 1st appearance of Wolfram Writer: Brian Holguin, Todd McFarlane Artist: Greg Capullo Cover: Greg Capullo, Danny Miki Published: April 1, 1998 While seeking a break from their detective work, Sam and Twitch stumble on to a chaotic scene in a lounge that defies explanation. The bar patrons are fighting violently while appearing to be in a trance-like state. They then observe someone kidnapping one of the girls. Losing the suspect, they later find the girl with her throat ripped out. Meanwhile, as Spawn surveys the aftermath of the alley war, he is attacked by a vampire (Wolfram; Image Comics, 2018). Wolfram (first appeared in Spawn #71) is a vampire from Heaven. He left the rogue group of vampires called the Kingdom bent on destroying the world and was subsequently killed by them for becoming a traitor (Spawn Wikia, n.d.). Simon Pure was the leader of the Kingdom, a group of 777 vampires who served Heaven. They were determined to lead the world as Earth's rightful leaders. Simon appeared in New York City as a mysterious figure in a bar. He approached Heaven's warrior Wolfram. He called Wolfram by name and told him the Kingdom had come for him. Wolfram refused and told him he wouldn't play by their rules. Simon wouldn't tolerate rogues and pulled out a sword and decapitated Wolfram (Spawn #107; Image Comics Wikia, n.d.). PS. Spawn #290 hits comic shops today with 3 covers! Look like I'll be heading to the great Lost World of Wonders to grab my copies...
  13. Day 16- Oct. 2, 2018- Spawn #26- Now co-owned by Neil Gaiman(!) Writer: Neil Gaiman, Todd McFarlane Artist / Cover: Todd McFarlane, Greg Capullo Published: December 1, 1994 Deep in Hell, Malebolgia gleefully details how Al is being groomed to lead Hell's armies. Meanwhile, in Heaven, Spawn is being interrogated about his clash with Angela. Back in the alley, Spawn spurns a plea for help from a down-and-out man. The man later commits suicide, leaving Spawn to ponder his earlier refusal (Image Comics, 2018).
  14. Day 15- Oct. 1, 2018- Spawn #10- Cerebus appearance Writer: Dave Sim Artist / Cover: Todd McFarlane Published: May 1, 1993 When Spawn tries to examine Angela's abandoned lance, it transports him into a realm beyond his wildest imaginings. While in this strange world, Spawn encounters imprisoned heroes, faces a mockery of Blind Justice in the form of the Violator, and glimpses a dreamlike scenario of happiness for him, Wanda and Cyan (Image Comics, 2018). “That McFarlane and Gaiman came to such a virulent disagreement over ownership of characters in one of the most iconic Image comic books is rather ironic; Image began as a way to empower creators outside of mainstream comics, where the work-for-hire system meant they did not own anything they created. McFarlane and his partners launched Image because they felt Marvel Comics had treated their creators unfairly, and failed to give them their proper due for the talent and popularity they brought to the publisher. The idea of Image as an argument for creators' rights argument was even made explicit in the pages of Spawn itself, thanks to Dave Sim's -script for issue #10 (see below)” (Mozzocco, 2012, para. 7). References Mozzocco, J.C. (2012). Neil Gaiman and Todd McFarlane settle legal dispute over co-spawned characters. Comics Alliance. Retrieved from http://comicsalliance.com/spawn-angela-neil-gaiman-todd-mcfarlane-ownership-settlement/
  15. Day 15- Sept. 30, 2018- Angela #1 Published: December, 1994 Writer: Neil Gaiman Artist: Greg Capullo Cover: Greg Capullo, Todd Broeker In 2002, a federal jury found that Gaiman was a co-copyright holder in the characters of Medieval Spawn, the angelic bounty hunter Angela, and one-time ally Count Nicholas Cogliostro (Suen, 2010). This ruling also granted him joint ownership of two issues of Spawn (#9 and #26), the Angela spin-off miniseries, and the disputed characters. When Gaiman created Angela he signed a deal giving McFarlane rights in exchange for McFarlane's ownership over the English superhero Miracleman (nee Marvelman). But it turned out that McFarlane misrepresented his stake in Miracleman (Faraci, 2013). About 8 years’ worth of legal wrangling ensued trying to determine how much money was made off of those creations, and whether Gaiman also deserves ownership of analogue characters Dark Ages Spawn, Tiffany and Domina (Mozzocco, 2012). In 2010, a Wisconsin federal court judge ruled that Spawn creator Todd McFarlane owed royalties to the Sandman writer, over the three derivative characters, which were based on Gaiman’s own “Medieval Spawn” characters, created when he guest wrote issue #9 in 1993 (Suen, 2010). After ten years in court, the dust finally cleared and the two settled their dispute over the characters and derivatives. The exact terms of the settlement were not disclosed, but the agreement blocked further appeals from McFarlane (Mozzocco, 2012; ASIDE: some later reports include the sum of $1.1M). We can safely assume that Todd retained the rights to Medieval Spawn and Cogliostro (since he recently published a Volume 2 miniseries of Medieval Spawn & Witchblade and Cog appeared again in Spawn #225) and, of course, Gaiman got Angela and she was sold to Marvel shortly thereafter (debuting in Age of Ultron #10 and then in Guardians of the Galaxy #5). For a summary of what became of Angela once she was sold to Marvel, consider checking out this blog post from Alliterator titled “How Angela Became One of the Weirdest, Most Subversive Marvel Comics” HERE References Faraci, D. (2013). Marvel, Neil Gaiman say eff you to McFarlane, bring Spawn character into Marvel U. Retrieved from https://birthmoviesdeath.com/2013/03/21/marvel-neil-gaiman-say-eff-you-to-mcfarlane-bring-spawn-character-into-marv Mozzocco, J.C. (2012). Neil Gaiman and Todd McFarlane settle legal dispute over co-spawned characters. Comics Alliance. Retrieved from http://comicsalliance.com/spawn-angela-neil-gaiman-todd-mcfarlane-ownership-settlement/ Suen, M. (2010). Neil Gaiman defeats Todd McFarlane in legal battle over Spawn characters. The Mary Sue. Retrieved from https://www.themarysue.com/gaiman-mcfarlane-spawn/ BONUS SCAN! Plucked yesterday from the LCS 1/2 sale for $1.50 (Curse of the Spawn #11- Angela cover)
  16. Day 14- Sept. 29, 2018- Curse of the Spawn #10- Angela cover Cover: Dwayne Turner, Todd Broeker Writer: Alan McElroy Penciler: Dwayne Turner Inker : Danny Miki Published: May, 1997 Angela is ripped back into space from short journey to Earth. She realizes she must stop the pulses from reaching Earth or it will be shattered. Angela flashes back to Elysium and the Hall of Light where she recalls Katherine sending her off with her Hunting Permit and Dimensional Lance. Katherine had all the confidence in Angela and claimed she only trained the best. Angela is once again pushed to Limbo, where she finds the Capitol City-Prison in ruins. She runs into Callindra. They are suddenly attacked by Demonoids. As she is slowly beaten, she sees the bones and bodies about her, which angers her. She uses this to fuel her rage and beat the Demonoid per Katherine's training. Next they run into Angela's sister in arms, Lilith, holding an Elysian-Lock. As the battle continues, Angela teleports herself and Lilith back to Pentagas-Fraser. Angela throws Lilith into the Argus in her rage and smashes the Elysian-Lock. She then takes out her emotional anger on the Argus and chops it into bits. Filled with rage, Angela announces she's coming for Deurges (Image Comics Wikia, n.d.).
  17. Day 13- Sept. 28, 2018- Spawn #100- Wood variant (Death of Angela) Writer: Brian Holguin, Steve Niles, Todd McFarlane Artist: Angel Medina, Greg Capullo Cover: Todd McFarlane Published: November 1, 2000 While Wanda lies close to death, Spawn returns to the eighth level of Hell for a final showdown with a weakened Malebolgia. At the height of the conflict, Angela arrives to join in the battle. After mortally wounding Malebolgia and thinking him dead, Spawn and Angela prepare to escape; however, with his last breath, Malebolgia extracts Angela's lance and impales her with it. In a rage, Spawn decapitates Malebolgia with Angela's sword. Carrying Angela's lifeless body, Spawn delivers her to a host of angels who offer him forgiveness and redemption. He refuses this angelic pardon, but the angel who offers it can yet do one favor for Spawn: She appears in Wanda' hospital room and breathes new life into Wanda. Meanwhile, Spawn finally comes to terms with his place in the world (Image Comics, 2018). Spawn was a Top 5 comic book for its first 100 issues with very few exceptions (e.g. Heroes Reborn launch), which is amazing when you think about it. In a down year overall (2000), Spawn #100 had over 143,000 presales over several variant covers and that represents the LAST high water mark for the title. With Spawn #101 the title fell out of the Top 5 and presold fewer than 65,000 copies. By #108 it was out of the Top 10 and selling fewer than 60,000 copies.
  18. And now back to Angela covers! Day 12- Sept. 27, 2018- Spawn #97- Angela cover Writer: Brian Holguin, Todd McFarlane Artist: Greg Capullo Cover: Todd McFarlane, Greg Capullo Published: July 1, 2000 Angela rescues Spawn from his impaled position and gives him the lowdown on their new mission even after she received orders on to act. Other angels debate the order, saying it is thier duty, their purpose to fight while others claim it is their job to follow orders. Spawn and Angela find Cog and try to pry ancient information out of him, but he is vague and uncooperative. Later, after Spawn and Angela leave Cog, they argue and even get into a bit of a tussle. Angela is surprised to learn that Spawn still hasn’t figured out his earthly role. Meanwhile, Urizen is leading people to their deaths like a monstrous Pied Piper (Image Comics, 2018).
  19. @Get Marwood & I Are Not Dead- for what it's worth... the two postings of mine that migrated over were Journals that I posted while in the Registry side of CGC's website (one in 2012 and one in 2015). Whereas my large journal was a 'thread' that I maintained in the Jounals subforum and hence why (I think) it did not migrate over.
  20. From the LCS ($20)... went back and dug deeper after scoring an Albedo #4 with an old $10 price tag.
  21. NSFW but these two were made for eachother - Early Morning Tony x Felt
  22. Day 11- Sept. 26, 2018- Spawn #96- Angela appearance Writer: Brian Holguin, Todd McFarlane Artist: Greg Capullo Cover: Todd McFarlane, Greg Capullo Published: June 1, 2000 Why did I think #96 or #98 had an Angela cover!? This book set me spinning for a moment thinking I was missing an issue. As I begin scanning my second box, it occurs to me that I may find I need more than just #150 to complete my run. The demons' mission to attract Spawn to the area is successful when he arrives to investigate the 13 burning corpses placed in a sacrificial circle as bait for the mighty Urizen. In the ensuing battle, Spawn is badly beaten by the powerful Urizen and left impaled upon a pole where he is soon reclaimed by the Earth. Meanwhile, Wanda awakens from a nightmare about her baby to find Terry missing from their bed. Later, as the demons hasten to engage in some earthly sins before they are returned, Angela catches them and asks for an explanation of their mission (Image Comics, 2018).
  23. Went to the LCS to pick the latest issue of Usagi Yojimbo ... ... And found this for a tenner!
  24. Day 10- Sept. 25, 2018- Spawn #62- Angela appearance Writer: Todd McFarlane Artist: Greg Capullo Cover: Todd McFarlane, Greg Capullo Published: June 1, 1997 Spawn confronts Jason Wynn only to have his vengeful anger stymied once again. Wynn informs him that if he dies, Terry, Wanda & Cyan will be eliminated. Knowing that he doesn't bluff, Spawn turns it into a catch-22 situation. Later in the alley, chaos erupts when Spawn and Angela are thrown together to discuss the unraveling of the universe. An unknown force then heals Al's face. Meanwhile, Terry is informed about a neighborhood petition to force them out of the area (Image Comics, 2018). Angela is a reoccurring adversary and ally of Spawn, and so is featured often in the series. Her debut was in issue Spawn #9, but she also appears in issues #62, #89, and #96 - 100. A three-issue Angela limited series was published, written by Neil Gaiman and illustrated by Greg Capullo.