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Everything posted by prez

  1. SM 2 is such a good show! Great follow up to the 1st film.
  2. I agree... Modern collectors could not care less if George Perez is the Original Hellcat artist. They just want to see a hot looking drawn chick in a CGC slab. Not true. I want to see good art. It's that simple. I rarely see it from Perez and Campbell nowadays. Really? You'd pass on a hot JSC drawn babe in a 9.8 case?
  3. I agree... Modern collectors could not care less if George Perez is the Original Hellcat artist. They just want to see a hot looking drawn chick in a CGC slab.
  4. Everyone speculates alone? :shrug: no news is good news... now we can collect in peace. Eh, there's something to be said about enjoying seeing the trends in comics. Analyzing, predicting, and having fun with the hobby. One man's annoyance is another's amusement. It’s not about annoyance, it’s about rising prices… Ok, but that doesn't invalidate my reasons for enjoying this thread i guess seeing the books I bought cheap rise in price is kinda fun. Unfortunately, there are a lot of books that I don't own.
  5. I really love this X-men franchise! Forget the bling, cgi, etc. All the main actors can act!
  6. Everyone speculates alone? :shrug: no news is good news... now we can collect in peace.
  7. Actually, it is a reason. There was a thread started in CG awhile back that asked the question: Would CGC issue a refund if the submitter disagreed with CGC's grades? The answer was a nearly unanimous, resounding "no". Therefore, it's generally understood and accepted within the comic coloecting community that CGC refuses to accept financial responsibility for their grades and none of their customers - submitters or purchasers of slabbed books - expect them to be responsible. So the the argument could reasonably be made that when you buy a CGC graded comic you're buying into the concept that the entity who graded the book isn't responsible for the grade. And since the seller went through the expense, time and risk of having the book grade (probably for, among other reasons, to avoid debates about the grade) I can understand why the seller would be hesitant to accept a responsibility that CGC has flat-out denied, even CGC is the one who graded the book. In general, I don't get the "no return" policy. Majority of us pays via PayPal. I'm not sure if a "no-return" stipulation in a chat forum's sales thread can override PayPal's buyer protection program. My return policy in my sales threads has always been per PayPal Policy. As far as I understand grading is an opinion (professional, in case of CGC). An opinion can vary from one person to another. If the buyer is determined to return a graded book (comes up with an intellectual case, quantifies the defects, etc.), PayPal may side with the buyer. I could be wrong so I'm curious to read you guy's opinion on this....
  8. Should plummet??? Just because YOU didn't like the show does NOT mean the book should plummet. It doesn't work that way. What matters is how many people liked the show, how many people liked (and like) Luke Cage, etc. And from so much evidence in this thread, a lot of people do. His portrayal of Luke cage so far is on par with Nicholas Cage on ghost rider According to YOU. (Of course you are entitled to your own opinions and are welcome to share them here, but to say that the book will plummet because of YOUR opinion of the portrayal and/or acting, etc, is to ignore completely that the reviews of so many have been positive, including that of the portrayal of Luke Cage). Man up and just say John listen you don't know what you are talking about etc.... JohnnyBoy you start smoking crack again??? The show is absolutely brilliant, I can't stop watching and finding time to slip another episode in. Didn't have a clue about any of the source material going in, but after watching three episodes before Sunday, at the show I did I bought every copy of Alias #1 in the room. I really think this one has got legs. And PurpleMan? An incredible villain....even bought a DD #4 on Sunday because of it. The MCU has become the "it" thing for me right now, so much so that if someone came up to me and asked me if I'd like to watch Force Awakens tomorrow or Civil War, no contest Civil War hands down. Jim Funny, you said the same thing after the Ant Man movie came out. I'm not hating on Alias 1 (I have 2 raw copies). The TV show brought a much deserved interest/buzz to the title but I'm not sure if the feeling of euphoria can be sustained to encourage more suckers speculators collectors to buy copies at inflated prices.
  9. But the show sucks. Does it get better after the 1st few? Just lower your expectations by a bit - if you're expecting DD-type quality writing and acting, you'll be disappointed.
  10. Finished the series... I enjoyed the adaptation of the "Purple" storyline from the comics. They could have cast better actors though.
  11. What "debate"? Neither one is a first appearance, and I'd say they're both desirable for collectors. The "debate" that marvel point one was the book to own flip over cm 17 2nd print...that debate. Fixed....
  12. Really?? I sure hope that Seth Rogen does not drop the ball.
  13. Uh, apparently everybody . . . I think just your clientele.
  14. My response to all this is : MARVEL. They know what they're doing. If they decide to do Moon Knight, it'll be a hit. I'll be ecstatic if Moon Knight shows up in the small screen. I'm just curious to see how masses will react to the character - MK is kinda like batman and (maybe) arrow. Marvel is known for its creativity. Oh well, we just have to wait and see.....
  15. What if the $200 variant is now worth $400? Or $500? Or $1000? What if he bought TMNT 1 when it came out because everyone else wanted it? Don't know what TMNT #1 has to do with anything, but for every 1 variant that actually goes up in price after a year, I could point out 100 that go down. By in large it is not a smart game to play. I don't know what to tell you. I just mean it seems that everyone here is acting like every book is a loser and buying anything when it is hot is a stupid idea. It also seems to paint a rather bleak picture and is portraying the end user as an insufficiently_thoughtful_person that is not capable of understanding what they are doing or buying. Are variants, in broad generalities, not good investments the week of release? Probably. Do books dry up and get hotter once they are all stashed away in personal collections? Sometimes. A much smarter play is to wait 5 years (or more) and buy these collections when they are a nickel apiece . . . +1 Just wait it out. It may not be dirt cheap but at least you're not paying ebay-gouge price. If you really like the book, it should not matter if you own it a month or a year from now.
  16. So, the 2nd print will be hyped as the First "2nd Print" for a Scooby Doo Title...
  17. FB groups are pretty rough with thread crapping, no doubt. They're savages man... Borderline personal attacks too.
  18. Where are these doing well? Huh 1 sold and 1 listed It's funny when people post things to pump a book they are trying to sell. Isn't what these threads are for?
  19. 100 percent agree! I didn't realize it until I watched Avengers 2. What a difference between Ultron and Loki in Avengers 1 and 2. Loki made Ultron look lame. I`m all for giving Loki his own movie, as long as Hiddleston play him. Loki was the star of A1. Ultron helped ruin A2. Ultron was fine. It was the guys pulling his strings that ruined him. Whoever came up with the cheesy one liners ruined the film.
  20. Rupert clearly realized that Tatum is a horrible choice for Gambit, and wisely decided to flee the scene of the crime. YUUUUUUUUUUUUP True. Was Tatum the producer or something?
  21. Rupert clearly realized that Tatum is a horrible choice for Gambit, and wisely decided to flee the scene of the crime. I hope they don't botch gambit. He's such a cool character.
  22. I think this pocket book predates both the magazine and the comic book versions. However, no denying the fact that SW#42 is more desirable due to it's cover.
  23. Hey, looks like a fan favourite (I'm a fan and he's my favourite ) will be showing up in the TV series!