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Posts posted by GM8

  1. 3 hours ago, jeranimal said:

    I'm surprised this is still under $30,000.  There must be a bias for Heritage Auctions that makes people  believe their items are more valuable, and I don't mean the buyers/seller's premiums.  Ebay is a do-it-yourself platform that doesn't translate to high-priced items, it appears.  Maybe because HA has the items in-hand and they certify them.


    That said, I think this ends at $33-35K. 

  2. 13 hours ago, Artboy99 said:

    I want the hero in the film. Who is the hero in this film? It is not easily answered, you really can't call Luke the hero, he is so "anti hero" for most of it. Rey? She doesn't do much. Other than those 2 there is no one. It just isn't much of a Star Wars movie without a defined hero within the story. We don't really see a hero until 2 hours have passed.

    I want the hero. I want to see the hero use his rope and grab the princess and swing across the open chasm to get to the other side while the bad guys shoot at them.

    The problem with this film is the story: it should have started with Luke being the hero, The Last Jedi.

    How much more awesome would this have been for an opening scene:

    Luke looks at Rey with the lightsaber in her hand. He looks at the lightsaber, then her. Then he says "I knew you would come. Lets begin your training" and as soon as he completes that sentence he uses the force and wills the lightsaber into his hand, and raises it with its light crackling. The great Star Wars music swells to a crescendo. YES! Luke is a Jedi still. The audience would cheer.

    Instead he casually throws the lightsaber away, and then milks some alien for a drink. Yeah whatever, what terrible writing.

    How would you like that cheese. with wine and a baguette?

    Come on. That's trying way too hard to hold on to the past.  Yoda was living alone on a deserted planet and a practical joker.  Yet he was the most powerful jedi of all.  Oh and he was a puppet.  Was that enough to complain about.

    What this whole thing has shown is the power of the mob.  A loud mob of nostalgic, aging people want the world THEIR way or else.  Or else we'll use our vote (pun intended) to lash out.  Meanwhile the majority just take it until it gets too painful for our tunnel vision to tolerate.  I'm there.

  3. 51 minutes ago, I like pie said:

    Giddy would be, "The RT score dropped to 54%!:banana:"

    I find it very interesting, with such a high profile film, the the critic score is so high. How many of these critics have something to gain by posting a positive score or, more importantly,  lose by giving a bad review.

    Or those were genuine reviews and the ones downvoting it were just responding to nostalgic groupthink?

  4. 48 minutes ago, comix4fun said:

    They didn't owe me anything. They owed their own source material, and their own established characters and universe a story consistent with what was already shown and demonstrated. 

    They didn't do that and, as consumers, I don't owe them anything either...such as turning my head and ignoring the glaring holes they blew through the established universe and characters therein. 

    Twisting a well established character in order to set up a beaten-to-death plot device of "getting your groove back" to where he gets to where he should have always been in the first place is a schlock movie ploy. 

    One of the reasons Rogue 1 worked so well is that those making the movie had fresh clay to mold their work within. They had a set moment in time, and had to get from A to B within the established continuity, but the characters were new to the viewer and could be molded in any way they saw fit. And it worked. Film makers cannot do the same thing with characters that already have an established pattern of actions, behavior, priorities and reactions to stimuli. 

    If Rian Johnson didn't want to be encumbered by the Star Wars universe as it is then perhaps he should have done another movie, or taken on a Star Wars project outside the core universe and characters. He didn't, however, and I believe it's also completely acceptable to take him to task for abusing certain established characters for no other reason than tot get his story where he wants it to go....also for his horrible and overbearing sense of humor that destroyed the tone of the film and removed most of the tension that was aptly built before he intentionally wrecked it, repeatedly. 

    (spoilers) I grew up with the original films and don't think there was anything blown up.  Luke died.  Han died in the last film, and even showed a little sappiness, did you flip out over that?  He was never sappy before. 

    I just don't get it.  It would have been great if Luke was restored to greatness and ran a new Jedi academy and whatever.  But he died saving the resistance just like Obi-Wan.  No glaring hole.  No universe blown up.  No character blown up.  Just different than you and some other holdouts expect.

  5. 2 minutes ago, comix4fun said:

    There's nothing false in expecting established characters with an established ethos to follow that ethos. 

    My complaint isn't in Luke doing or not doing as I desire, it's in him doing or not doing as his established character dictates to forward a desired plot line. 

    An unwinnable argument.  You think the studio owed you a Luke you remembered.  I think they gave us a Luke that is completely acceptable.

    But clearly there are those that feel the way you do and have made your voice heard on Rotten Tomatoes.

  6. 1 hour ago, comix4fun said:

    People don't change to their core. They get a little older, a little fatter, a little more cynical but their core driving beliefs...the things that drive their entire ethos (like protecting those closest to them and throwing themselves into harms way without hesitation to do so) wouldn't, not for someone who had seen and done the things Luke did to that point.

    The looks may change, but motivations don't. Luke wasn't a child in ROTJ and if facing off in mortal combat against your own father in a battle for your soul and his in the balance doesn't steel who you are as a person and what your moral compass is then I doubt anything that follows would cause it to be altered.

    Johnson did ALL of that as a set up. Making Luke act like a complete emo-anus, even though it's ENTIRELY against his character, just so Johnson could give him a grand finale. The problem with the finale he gave him is what he had to strip away from Luke to get there. It all rang false. 

    (spoilers) I understand where you are coming from.  But I loved Luke's character in the old films and as much in this one.  He's a human and in my eyes none of his core beliefs changed.   He made the ultimate sacrifice just like Obi-Wan.  There is nothing more selfless than that and the only falseness that I see is from consumers who expect a fictional character to do as they desire.

  7. 2 hours ago, comix4fun said:

    Ooooh...I can't agree with that. 

    The one consistent thing in Luke's character from the first film to now has been his utter and complete consistency in his moral compass and his dedication to saving others, both strangers and family/loved ones.

    Luke in Star Wars?...whiny kid who takes off and joins a bunch of strangers to save the galaxy.

    Luke in ESB?....impetuous and rash and who takes off to save his friends and loved ones even though it puts him in mortal personal danger with incomplete skills and training.

    Luke in ROTJ?....overconfident in the beginning but again willing to put himself directly in harm's way against overwhelming odds to save his friends and loved ones, and later in the film, utterly willing to sacrifice his own life in order to redeem a character shown only to be a mass-murdering-entirely-evil character. 

    Luke in TLJ?...(click below)

      Hide contents


    (chronologically) seriously considers murdering Han and Leia's son, his nephew, in his sleep because he sees darkness in him (guess he forgot about redeeming Vader), Flees civilization and the force even though the battle rages on for freedom, is informed that not only has Han been murdered by Luke's Nephew/Han's Son, and that his sister is in mortal danger and being hunted by the first order, not only flat out refuses to attempt and redeem his nephew (who he helped push towards the dark in the first place...probably costing Han his life) he also refuses to come to the aid of his sister who he consistently faced down all odds to come to the rescue of in all three original films. He's handed his father's Jedi lightsaber, the artifact that kicked off the entire saga, the symbol of Anakin's light side, the symbol of Luke's self-sacrificing faith in the light side that was shown to be correct in the redemption of, perhaps, the most evil character in the entire universe...and he tosses it away like it's meaningless?  

    That doesn't even touch upon the fact that Luke's refusal to come to Leia's aid in her darkest hour is not even partially reversed until he's guilted into it by a child with a weekend-bootcamp's worth of Jedi training. 


    This Luke is not the Luke we've seen. Nothing about his actions for the first 95% of the film in any way rings true to what he's demonstrated himself to be. 

    I don't see anything in TLJ as unlike what a normal human being's life is like.  No one is the carbon copy of themselves as they were a child.  If so, what's the point?  We grow, change and have the world affect us.  If it makes us better people then so be it.  Sometimes it does the opposite.  I don't see anything Luke did in TLJ as being morally objectionable.  To the contrary he showed great heroism and sacrifice.  

  8. 14 hours ago, godzilla43 said:

    My small Turtles collection. Turtles 2 has signatures from Michael Dooney and A.C.Farley. I am now contemplating that should I buy Turtles 1 second print or third :/

    Second print it came out before Turtles 2 and it has "small" print run. Books 2-4 are second print. Then again it is at least 200-300 dollar book which is kinda the same thing than third print and not anything like the first print :/ 



    Go for the second printing if you can.  It has the same dark red coloring on the cover as the 1st print and as you mention a small print run.

  9. Oh I really feel like a geek now. 

    Ok so there's a 9.8 WP for sale on ebay now by a repeated seller nick_bridger.  He's *only* asking $30,000.  Since a 9.6 just went for $26,000 and change I have got to think this is a steal in light of recent sales.  Just my $0.02!



  10. 1 hour ago, rsouxlja7 said:

    Honestly not too sure yet. Seems like TMNT1 has seen a recent increase in price so I might hold onto it for a bit into 2018 to see how it goes. I will end up eventually selling it but just not right now. I only collected Batman books in the past but I've started collecting Spider-Man so that'll knock a lot of keys out on that end.

    Probably a smart move.  Hold on to your winners.  They ain't making any more of these!

  11. 10 hours ago, szavisca said:

    $7,600!...that seems almost impossibly low.  Wonder if internet lag messed up peoples snipes....or if the book has come crashing back down.  Man...this result makes about as much sense as the 26k 9.6 did to me...

    Previous one on Ebay sold for $7566 on 10/16.  The HA 9.4 for $10,000 was offer received so until that is closed then this is the right price range for the 9.4's.

    Back-of-the-napkin math for a 9.4 for me would come close to the $10K price based on the last 9.6.  Here's how I get there: 9.6 White pages price was $26+K.  Half that for the next lower grade is $12+K, then a discount of 20% for OW/W pages brings to just above $10K.  But that's just my math.  Real price is what people pay and so we're somewhere around $7600 until the HA 9.4 offer closes.

  12. 9 hours ago, szavisca said:

    Looks like yesterday someone put in a 10k offer on the 9.4 available as a BIN on HA.  Probably won't know for a few days if that sale actually goes through but I presume the CL one goes over 10k easy now... we'll find out tomorrow.

    You're right.  Well this is certainly a trend now.  We'll see if the CL one catches up.  I know HA gets extra from both sides but is it your experience that HA always commands the highest prices?  


    And I just noticed that both the HA and CL 9.4's have OW/W pages which usually command around 20% less than White pages.

