I agree with you 250%!
I was kind of let down. SW movies are suppose to be fun, which makes them 100% re-watchable.
This was kind of flat and even though it had some good parts and tons of edge cutting technology it just seemed bleech overall!
They missed the title on this one it should've been "Rogue One and Done"
Here's how I rate the SW franchise (in the order they were released):
EP IV: 9.5 out of 10 (A True Classic)
EP V: 10 out of 10 (One of the best Sequels of All Time!)
EP VI: 8.5 out of 10 (Great start and finish, Ewoks took the wind out of it)
EP I: 5 out of 10 (some merit in pod race and final Maul battle)
EP II: 4 out of 10 (Barely any merit in the Jango Obi-Wan battle)
EP III: 6 out of 10 (A nice space saga that was almost killed by the wooden Anakin)
EPVII: 8 out of 10 (a nice breath of fresh air to the franchise)
SW Rogue One: 6 out of 10 (seemed like a bland cake with EP IV icing on it, this would've ranked even lower if it weren't for the performance of Jones and the Tudyk in the robot K-2SO and the break free originality from the norm). There is just so much that could've been done with this movie with this much freedom and darkness. Vader was just a cameo? No Bounty Hunters? The rebels seemed more like a terrorist group - Which is more to real life, but Star Wars was always an escape from real life and this film seemed like a real war in the stars.
The Rebels are a terrorist group. They're a group of armed resistance fighters in open rebellion against the legitimate galactic government.