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Everything posted by Astoria

  1. This board has all types of problems, but it is policed albeit some think too much and other think too little. Its a work in progress. We regulate sellers, we out con artists, we have kudos threads, we do great work for board members when they have traumatic life events.(Death, cancer, fires, floods, etc....) I've been fortunate to be a part of several. We share ideas, we send an action figure around all over the country, we help to raise money for events and so on... We had writers on here, artists and publishers. A large amount of money changes hands on this board weekly and for the most part most transactions go well. Love it or hate it its the model for most boards in the comic hobby.(Whether they admit it or not.) Well said
  2. Strange I thought you were Mr. Combo Pack
  3. I don't see Fast Track, is that no longer an option? edit, never mind it pops up after you hit the tier you want
  4. loved the show myself, wife screamed when the sand came down, daughter after the show said "wow its not really a show about killing Zombies is it? " (her first season).
  5. List of why Marvel books are loosing readership, My opin Rehashing the same old story lines. Completely changing the characters we grew up reading. Attempting to sell books based on events rather than good story. Forcing readers to buy multiple books just to follow a story line Basically ignoring what made them successful to start with, providing their customer with a well written story based on characters we love
  6. Moonshine is good, great read pick it up.
  7. yea some talk about the the actresses they are looking at Sana Solo or Aphra. Sounds like pump and dump but book is moving ?
  8. Darth Vader #3 ( First Aphra ) appears to be heating up again , based on wild rumors she may appear in the new movie coming in December. Darth Vader # 3 Sold
  9. I believe they have to return the cover to get the refund, rest goes in the trash
  10. Standing in a LC store listening to the covers being ripped off the books for these returns is depressing. Thousands of books hitting the dumpsters across the country .Seems like, in this day and age, that recycling, or maybe some form of donation after some kind of marking, should be done with these books
  11. Pretty sure Briggs land had just one cover unless you are counting the yesteryear variant that was a 500 print run I believe. I also think B land will blow up once the show gets more attention. Animosity had a 1:10 and so many store variants that it's becoming absurd. Same old story,.
  12. Any chance of anyone from the book going to be at Long Beach Comic Con for SS opportunities? Or for any of the other Shock books?
  13. not sure if anyone posted this but there is a variant from yesteryear comics limited to 500 selling well on ebay http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_sadis=15&_dmd=1&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&_ipg=100&_stpos=90247-3318&_from=R40&_sacat=0&_nkw=Briggs+land+1+comic+yesteryear&_sop=13
  14. Just read it, I am in. Godfather, Sons of Anarchy, Postal, comes to mind. Well written and has room to grow.
  15. Amazing Spider-Man 15 $3.99 Marvel 87,994 This one surprised me, two covers and had the Iron Jane hype. Thought it would be higher
  16. happy about this, was expecting more
  17. beyond the page we go!?? HMMMMMM
  18. heard that east cost got it this week and west will get next week, strange ??
  19. stores here in Los Angeles did not get
  20. I am hearing that hillbilly 2 was delayed another week, can someone confirm
  21. I heard it from a reliable source that they're unicorns. Magical unicorns. :-) I knew it...just couldn't prove it How do you know they are magical ?... could be the basic? I’m sticking with aliens , leader said we have been here “well for longer than you might suspect" Aliens ,…… maybe magical Aliens?
  22. So .... My prediction . Negan takes Alpha's head back to Rick Rick throws Negan back in Jail (maybe) Beta is now leader of the whisperers (#154 soars) Whisper war is now
  23. Just read # 4 , damn this is a good story. Not Vampires.... what???
  24. and Titans 1 now too... I just grab them all but that probably doesn't help narrow down what's hot and what's not. The Titans 1 variant by Choi appears to be sold out, that is one cool cover