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Everything posted by cpauer

  1. Hi I have a signed book with a custom label...but it's now retired. It's a journey into mystery with Tom Hiddleston's signature, but now I'd love to get Benedict Cumberbatch's on the same book...it does have a pic of Dr. Strange on the cover with an "also appearing" blurb....I guess I am going to lose the Thor custom label if I resubmit? Or do you keep a few of the retired around for this type of issue?
  2. Thank you so much! Greatly appreciated!
  3. See photos...I have an FF #15 with some tape repair...it's well done...but I am unsure. If I leave the tape, am I likely to get a restored grade? I think trying to remove it will do a good amount of damage.
  4. I posted in the newbie questions thread, but apparently the answer is "No". I have a book in process I would like to have Jim Starlin sign, but the person on the phone said I have to wait for it to come back, send it back in, and pay the shipping again, plus a case cracking fee.
  5. Another entry: "If a signature event is announced, and one of the books I want to get signed is already at CGC waiting for Grading, can I have them intercept and put into the signature "queue"? NO (Book is already at CGC waiting to be graded, Starlin announcement. Can they redirect my Marvel Special Edition 15 for the signature event? No, so hope to get it back in time, THEN spend more for shipping, THEN pay the cracking fee. Disappointing, not unexpected.)
  6. HI all, I just sold a Spider-man Annual #16, 9.4 on eBay. It went for about $66. The average for this book at 9.4 over the last 5 or so auctions has been $87. One of the differences...well, the only difference, is that my book had one of the Captain Marvel labels. Could the labels with images actually be LESS desirable? The price may of course be because of other issues, but still, what do you think?
  7. Nice stuff!
  8. Not the best idea to buy from a known thief. Even worse when he tells you where he stole the item from. Yeah....it was a whole bag of comics, but in general they were all current as of the time if I remember correctly. This was the only oddball silver age in the group if I remember correctly.
  9. I remember going to the eagles club, and then also a location just off Adams exit from 794, so I don't think it was the same show.
  10. My first return from CGC...I am pretty happy with this. I have 10 more moderns pending. The Trimming was a complete surprise. I've had that book since 1979 or so. But maybe this is a weird justice though. The kid I bought it from (among others in a stack in a shopping bag for $10) was a renowned kleptomaniac and he claimed to have stolen it at a comic show that I used to sell at in Milwaukee...
  11. I've been doing analysis of comic values for some friends who have some old issues coming into their hands from their recently deceased parents or other elderly relatives. 1) You' can't depend on Overstreet (I know a lot of you are saying "Duh!"). The guide numbers are largely supplied by dealers and they are not likely to give huge decreases to any book. Yes, in a funny way, you can determine some things....if the guide shows flat, it's probably declining. If the guide shows decreasing slightly, then the thing is in free fall over the years. 2) As people state, there are keys. The problem is, some of those are only known after the demand becomes visible and grows. I bought GSX 1 and IH 181 off the stands...I didn't think they were anything special at the time... but it became clear later when, at a comic sale, I was asked specifically about these issues. (The GSX1 I then calmly walked to my 50 cent box and grabbed out for the person who was breathlessly looking for it...that was the first I heard it was an in demand book. This would have been 1981 or slightly later, so it took 6 years). Since that time, though, they have been sought after continually. 3) IH 181 has been relatively flat in recent years...but now notice that even MVS missing issues are getting decent purchase prices.... They are definitely getting some bump from this bear comic market, but I think this shows a definite collectible demand. 4) There are past characters that can be cautionary tales. Take L'il Abner for example. This was an incredibly popular character, spawning a movie, stage play, and even the concept of Sadie Hawkins day. Where is he now? The comics had a build up a flattening and decline. Another to look at is Charlie McCarthy. Deadpool might be today's Charlie McCarthy. 5) pop culture awareness is key to the continuing value. Superman, Batman...and Wonder Woman. The only continually published characters... AF15 was always lagging FF1..Prior to 2000, you all would be listing FF1 in these recommendations...until the movies. Dells are stagnant/falling, but were once very popular and garnered increasing prices. Picture covers of John Wayne or Annette Funicello don't mean anything to anyone born after 1965. (Can anyone answer the great mystery of why Moon Knight intro still garners large prices???) 6) IF you are going to invest...try to buy something that is obviously in beautiful shape, or 9.8 if slabbed (or higher). If it goes up, that specific item will go up the most. So..now, you are going to gamble 800 on something? This is what I would do....first, mentally prepare yourself that it might be a total dump in the toilet of your money... Once that is done...find something that doesn't have huge public awareness now but you are betting will, or that will be looked on in 20 more years as super key books. How about Marvel Super-Heroes #13? How about Swamp Thing #21? A set of Dark Knight Returns? If Dark Justice League pops, if the Sandman movie and Preacher are decent, Vertigo may be looked back on as a golden age of mature comics, and Swamp Thing 21 can be argued as the start of that. P.S. Don't forget original art.
  12. My next batch will have the 2 Spidey Black Cat Intros I have....of course I bought them new...too bad I didn't buy as many as...the next issue? Which was supposed to be the death of Aunt May. I have 6 of those I think.
  13. Beautiful! Nice books, thanks for sharing!
  14. Hi, newbie here! I just put in my first submission to CGC...anxiously checking the status...the first 4 on the CGC coupon have been Verified... Today I check the contents, and first information has appeared: my TOS 11 has a Pedigree notation of TRIMMED! Aigh! I have had this book since 1982 or so. I guess, now I will not be able to inspect it closely after I get it back without popping it out of the slab... I would never consider doing such a thing. I did not notice anything really wrong with it previous to this, but since it really was not in tip-top shape as it was, never thought that any kind of restoration had been applied to it. Any comments? Does this usually result from a missing overhang, as noted in other threads? How much info can I get on why this determination was made?