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Mercury Man

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Posts posted by Mercury Man

  1. 6 hours ago, bronze johnny said:

    Did you start out collecting Bronze? The reason for my starting this thread has to do with whether there are collectors who exclusively collect Bronze Age books? In my case, Bronze led to Silver and later on to Atomic and Golden Age books. Bronze was a starting point for others as well. Bronze and Silver are inseparable for many collectors. Still, have any collectors stayed exclusively with Bronze?




    I was a reader in Bronze, a 'Collector' (ie full runs, #1 issues etc.) in Copper, then went back to get more Bronze, and tried to put together runs.   

  2. Imagine a long winded WHAT IF story, that seemingly has no end in sight.  There is an awful lot of work going into this story line, that will ultimately end in a big "Well it never really happened, it was all the Cosmic Cube".  This is not Steve Rogers, it is Steve Rogers in a fake reality (aside from the usual all comics are fake reality), but you get my point. 

    Or wait....are we talking about Sam Wilson's Captain America??  Way to confuse a simple topic MARVEL!!

  3. On 2/15/2017 at 2:35 PM, natevegas said:

    +1 For a company this successful they sure are not lining up their current movies with the current lineup at all.  You would think both would be in balance.  I think Marvel missed a opportunity to synchronize a reboot of all their major books - Thor, Hulk, Captain America, Avengers etc all prior or around the time Iron Man MCU results were in and start a new legacy numbering with it.  2c

    Exactly.  From a character driven standpoint, their Comic Book Universe is a mess, compared to their movies.  You will not get new readers by confusing them right off the bat.   

    I understand demographics, and I understand the readership is slowly changing.  I think the stat is more women are reading comics/graphic novels than men (someone correct me if I am wrong).  But guess what, there is nothing written that says they don't want Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton etc etc.  As for female and minority characters-  CREATE MORE OR FURTHER DEVELOP THE GREAT ONES YOU HAVE !! 

  4. 16 minutes ago, fastballspecial27 said:

    Mark Waid had FF right for awhile. His re-launch had it right. They are explorers not super heroes. There is touching panel with Reed talking to his daughter about how he made a mistake years ago and is trying to make up for it. Been years since I have read that book, but that panel was priceless and the last time I enjoyed FF.

    Given the disaster of the 2015 Fantastic Four movie, Marvel probably figured it would be best to shelve the title, while the public forgets that movie was ever made.   It should be about time now to bring them back.  There is no way that the FF should be gone as a flagship title for this long.  Bring in top talent, and make the Fantastic Four relevant again! 


  5. 1 hour ago, Lonzilla1 said:

    Who was the last new Marvel character to have a successful ongoing series where they were introduced in their own book. By "new" I mean original character. Not a reboot, rename, relaunch, gender swap, race swap, son of whoever, daughter of whoever, spoof of whoever, alternate universe version of whoever. I honestly can't think of one since ROM.

    The house of ideas is fresh out of fresh ideas

    Darkhawk....50 issues successful ongoing? O.o

  6. Marvel either

    A) Overestimated the younger generations willingness to buy comics, even one's with 'legacy' characters

    B) Doesn't give a about it's core comic buyers, which hasn't really changed much for the last 30 years, and just writes out established characters on a whim, serving their general agenda.   

    Numbers don't lie.  Unless it is a #1 issue, Marvel has lost a lot of ground to DC in the sales boards.  Look at Decembers sales:  Totally Awesome Hulk, nobody is buying that book.   Miles Morales is 58th compared to Peter Parker at 22nd.   Sam Wilson Captain America 114th?!?  End it already. 



  7. It is also convenient (and lazy) to have the Cosmic Cube lying around.  I'm pretty sure that is the route they will take. "Oh...our current story arcs, model, and themes suck right now?  Here let's reset it with the Cosmic Cube".  

    I would like to see a majority, but not all, of the 'Legacy' characters, get shuffled off back to another Universe, (I am looking at you Miles Morales).  That way they can continue as characters to those that find them interesting, and they can clean up all of these multiple heroes running around. 

  8. 31 minutes ago, Carl Elvis said:

    Most creatives lean a certain way so that can't really be avoided, but why write about politics at all? That's just lazy and usually boring as hell. 

    Totally agree.   Aside from being entertained,  I don't like agendas in my entertainment dollar.   These writers feel like their political and social beliefs need to be yours.  I sometimes feel many of these new Marvel writers are now just preachers.  

  9. Also- the movies.  They are hot.  They are cash cows.  People can't get enough.   Suppose a kid new to this, wants to look more into this comic book world, and walks in to a shop looking at the Marvel New Releases....Well no Tony Stark as Iron Man....Wolverine is not Logan, Bruce Banner??  Where is he??  Thor is a female, but here kid the real Thor is 'Unworthy'.   Steve Rogers, oh he's Captain America, but he is tied into one huge....long....ongoing WHAT IF Story that seems to never want to end.   You like Spiderman?  Great which one??   If I were a kid today new to Marvel Comics, I would be so confused. 

  10. Wow thanks everybody.  Yes that looks very familiar, especially the front windows, and you are correct Catman, it was red (and what a great flyer artifact).   Such a big part of my early 1980's childhood.  I used to walk down there from Church on Sundays, then walk home, about a 1 1/2 miles .    I was into GI Joe, and Moon Knight back then.   I also picked up many Iron Man Bronze age issues there, and my first Silver Age purchase ever, an X-Men #47.   Unfortunately, those books are long gone, and I have to rebuild those particular runs.   Thanks again!